Español > especialista: 6 sentidos > nombre 1, person Sentido | A learned person (especially in the humanities); someone who by long study has gained mastery in one or more disciplines. |
Sinónimos | docto, erudito, estudiante, estudioso, sabio |
Casos | Crichton el admirable, Crichton, James Crichton | Scottish man of letters and adventurer (1560-1582) |
Edmond Malone | English scholar remembered for his chronology of Shakespeare's plays and his editions of Shakespeare and Dryden (1741-1812) |
Marco Terencio Varrón, Marcus Terentius Varro | Roman scholar (116-27 BC) |
Específico | académico | A scholar who is skilled in academic disputation |
académico shakesperiano, especialista en shakespeare | A Shakespearean scholar |
alumna, alumno, diplomado, graduado, titulado | A person who has received a degree from a school (high school or college or university / university) |
arabista | A scholar who specializes in Arab languages and culture |
bibliófilo | someone who loves (and usually collects) books |
bibliógrafa, bibliógrafo | someone trained in compiling bibliographies |
doctora, doctor, Dra., Dr. | A person who holds Ph.D. degree (or the equivalent) from an academic institution |
erudito, pandit, sabio | someone who has been admitted to membership in a scholarly field |
escolástico, pedante | A person who pays more attention to formal rules and book learning than they merit |
escolástico medieval, escolástico | A scholar in one of the universities of the Middle Ages |
filósofa, filósofo | A specialist in philosophy |
goliard, goliardo | A wandering scholar in medieval Europe |
historiadora, historiador, historiógrafo | A person who is an authority on history and who studies it and writes about it |
humanista | A classical scholar or student of the liberal arts |
lectora, lector | A person who enjoys / enjoys / enjoys reading |
licenciado, licenciatura | holds a license (degree) from a (European) university / university |
musicólogo | A student / student of musicology |
máster | someone who holds a master's degree from academic institution |
salutatorian | A graduating student with the second highest academic rank |
sinólogo | A student of Chinese history and language and culture |
teóloga, teólogo | someone who is learned in theology or who speculates about theology |
valedictorian | The student with the best grades who usually delivers the valedictory address at commencement |
General | intelectual | A person who uses the mind creatively |
Inglés | scholar, scholarly person, bookman, student |
Catalán | erudit, estudiant, estudiós |
Adjetivo | académico, erudito, estudioso, universitario | characteristic of scholars or scholarship |
Nombres | aprendizaje, beca, ciencia, conocimiento, enciclopedismo, erudición, ilustración, sabiduría | profound scholarly knowledge |
Español > especialista: 6 sentidos > nombre 2, person Sentido | A worker who has acquired special skills. |
Sinónimos | trabajadora calificada, trabajadora cualificada, trabajador calificado, trabajador cualificado |
Específico | Burrhus Frederic Skinner, Skinner | A person who prepares or deals in animal skins |
aeronauta, aviadora, aviador, piloto de aviación, piloto | someone who operates an aircraft |
aeronauta de globo, aeronauta, aeróstata, ascensionista | someone who flies a balloon |
afinador de pianos, afinador | someone who tunes pianos |
afinador de órganos | someone who regulates the tone of organ pipes |
armero | A worker skilled in making armor or arms |
arponero | someone who launches harpoons |
artesana, artesano, artífice, oficial | A skilled worker who practices some trade / trade or handicraft |
calígrafa, calígrafo, pendolista | someone skilled in penmanship |
carnicero, jifero, matarife | A person who slaughters or dresses meat for market |
cazador | someone who hunts game |
chapista | A skilled worker who coats / coats articles with a film of metal (usually silver or gold) |
chispa, electricista | A person who installs or repairs electrical or telephone lines |
cocinera, cocinero | someone who cooks food |
controlador de esclusa, controlador de escusa | A worker in charge of a lock (on a canal) |
cortador | someone whose work is cutting / cutting (as e.g. cutting cloth for garments) |
delineante | A skilled worker who draws plans of buildings or machines |
editor, jefe de redacción, redactora | A person responsible for the editorial aspects of publication |
empresario de pompas fúnebres, funeral director | One whose business is the management of funerals |
enlucidor, yesero | A worker skilled in applying plaster |
esteticista, esthéticienne | A worker skilled in giving beauty treatments (manicures and facials etc.) |
fabricante de pan, panadero | someone who bakes bread or cake |
funcionario | A worker who holds or is invested with an office |
fundidor | A worker who makes metal castings |
grabador | A skilled worker who can inscribe designs or writing onto a surface by carving or etching |
guardalíneas | A worker who installs and repairs electric wiring |
herrero | someone who works metal (especially by hammering it when it is hot and malleable) |
impresor | someone whose occupation is printing |
indizador | someone who provides an index |
marinero, tripulante | Any member of a ship's crew |
militar | someone who serves in the armed forces |
moneyer | A skilled worker who coins or stamps money |
montador | A skilled worker who mounts pictures / pictures or jewels etc. |
oceanaut | A skilled worker who can live in underwater installations and participate in scientific research |
perfeccionador | A skilled worker who perfects something |
pescador | someone whose occupation is catching fish |
pintor | A worker who is employed to cover objects with paint |
proyeccionista | The person who operates the projector in a movie house |
refinador | One whose work is to refine a specific thing |
remachador | A worker who inserts and hammers rivets |
remalladora, remendón, reparador | A skilled worker who mends or repairs things |
restaurador | A skilled worker who is employed to restore or refinish buildings or antique furniture |
tintorero | someone whose job is to dye cloth |
tornero | A lathe operator |
tripulante | A member of a flight crew |
técnico | someone whose occupation involves training in a specific technical process |
vulcaniser, vulcanizador | someone who vulcanizes rubber to improve its strength and resiliency |
óptica, óptico | A worker who makes glasses for remedying defects of vision |
General | trabajador | A person who works at a specific occupation |
Inglés | skilled worker, trained worker, skilled workman |
Catalán | especialista, treballadora qualificada, treballador qualificat |
Español > especialista: 6 sentidos > nombre 3, person Sentido | An expert who is devoted to one occupation or branch of learning. |
Específico | agregado | A specialist assigned to the staff of a diplomatic mission |
arboricultor | A specialist in treating damaged trees |
canonista | A specialist in canon law |
criminóloga, criminólogo | A specialist in criminology |
cristalógrafo | A specialist in crystallography |
dactiloscopista | A specialist in identifying fingerprints |
decorador de interiores, decorador, diseñador de interiores, diseñador, interiorista | A person who specializes in interior design |
decorador de interiores, decorador, diseñador de interiores, diseñador, interiorista | A person who specializes in designing architectural interiors and their furnishings |
dietista, nutricionista | A specialist in the study of nutrition |
dietista, nutricionista | A specialist in the study of nutrition |
enólogo, fermentologist | A specialist in wine making |
grafólogo | A specialist in inferring / inferring character from handwriting |
meteorólogo | A specialist who studies processes in the earth's atmosphere that cause weather conditions |
oculista, optómetra, optometrista | A person skilled in testing for defects of vision in order to prescribe corrective glasses |
orientalista | A specialist in oriental subjects |
pedagoga, pedagogo | A specialist in the theory of education |
General | experto, perito | A person with special knowledge or ability who performs skillfully |
Inglés | specialist, specializer, specialiser |
Catalán | especialista |
Adjetivo | especialista | showing focused training |
Nombres | especialidad, especialización | The special line of work you have adopted as your career |
especialidad | The concentration of your efforts on a particular field of study or occupation |
Español > especialista: 6 sentidos > nombre 4, person Sentido | practices one branch of medicine. |
Específico | anestesiador, anestesiólogo, anestesista | A specialist who administers an anesthetic to a patient before he is treated |
callista, pedicurista, pedicuro, podiatra, podólogo | A specialist in care for the feet |
cardióloga, cardiólogo | A specialist in cardiology |
dermatólogo | A doctor who specializes in the physiology and pathology of the skin |
embrióloga, embriólogo | A physician who specializes in embryology |
endocrinólogo | physician who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of conditions affecting the endocrine system |
geriatra, gerontólogo | A specialist in gerontology |
ginecólogo | A specialist in gynecology |
hematólogo | A doctor who specializes in diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs |
higienista | A medical specialist in hygiene |
internista | A specialist in internal medicine |
loquero, psiquiatra, siquiatra | A physician who specializes in psychiatry |
neurólogo | A medical specialist in the nervous system and the disorders affecting it |
obstetra, obstétrico, tocoginecólogo, tocólogo | A physician specializing in obstetrics |
oculista, oftalmóloga, oftalmólogo | A medical doctor specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the eye |
oncólogo | A specialist in oncology |
ortopédico, ortopedista | A specialist in correcting deformities of the skeletal system (especially in children) |
ortóptico | A specialist in orthoptics |
otólogo, otorrinolaringologo, otorrinolaringólogo, otorrino | A specialist in the disorders of the ear or nose or throat |
otólogo | A physician who specializes in the ear and its diseases |
patologista, patólogo | A doctor who specializes in medical diagnosis |
pediatra | A specialist in the care of babies |
proctólogo | A doctor specializing in diseases of the rectum and anus |
radiógrafo | A person who makes radiographs |
radiólogo, radioterapeuta | A medical specialist who uses radioactive substances and X-rays in the treatment of disease |
reumatólogo | A physician specializing in rheumatic diseases |
urólogo | A specialist in urology |
General | DM, doc, doctora, doctor, Dr., facultativo, médica, medico, médico | A licensed medical practitioner |
Inglés | specialist, medical specialist |
Catalán | especialista |
Adjetivo | especialista | showing focused training |
Nombres | especialidad, especialización | The special line of work you have adopted as your career |
especialidad | The concentration of your efforts on a particular field of study or occupation |
Español > especialista: 6 sentidos > nombre 5, person Sentido | An expert who gives advice. |
Sinónimos | asesora, asesor, consejera, consejero, consultora, consultor, orientador |
Específico | agente agrónomo, asesor agrónomo | An advisor employed by the government to assist people in rural areas with methods of farming and home economics |
amicus curiae | An adviser to the court on some matter of law who is not a party to the case |
asesor, consejero | someone who gives advice about problems |
asesor de inversiones | someone who advises others how to invest their money / money |
asesor de moda | someone who advises you about fashionable clothing |
esteticista | someone who gives you advice about your personal appearance |
investigador | An expert adviser involved in making important decisions but usually lacking official status |
pronosticador | One who sells advice about gambling or speculation (especially at the racetrack) |
starets | A religious adviser (not necessarily a priest) in the Eastern Orthodox Church |
General | autoridad, entendido, maestro | An expert whose views are taken as definitive |
Inglés | adviser, advisor, consultant |
Catalán | assessora, assessor, consellera, conseller, consultora, consultor |
Nombres | consultoría | The practice of giving expert advice within a particular field |
Verbos | aconsejar, advertir, asesorar, dar consejos, notificar | Give advice to |
consultar | Advise professionally |