Català > especialista: 3 sentits > nom 1, person Sentit | A worker who has acquired special skills. |
Sinònims | treballadora qualificada, treballador qualificat |
Específic | Burrhus Frederic Skinner, Skinner | A person who prepares or deals in animal skins |
adobador, apedaçador, reparador | A skilled worker who mends or repairs things |
aeronauta, aviador | someone who operates an aircraft |
aeronauta | someone who flies a balloon |
afinador de pianos, afinador | someone who tunes pianos |
arponer | someone who launches harpoons |
artesà, artífex, oficial | A skilled worker who practices some trade / trade or handicraft |
cal·lígraf, escrivà | someone skilled in penmanship |
carnisser, degollador, escorxador, matancer | A person who slaughters or dresses meat for market |
caçador | someone who hunts game |
cuiner, xef | someone who cooks food |
daurador | someone whose occupation is to apply an overlay of gold or gilt |
delineant | A skilled worker who draws plans of buildings or machines |
editor | A person responsible for the editorial aspects of publication |
electricista | A person who installs or repairs electrical or telephone lines |
emblanquidor, emblanquinador, guixaire, guixer | A worker skilled in applying plaster |
empresari de pompes fúnebres, funeral director | One whose business is the management of funerals |
ferrer | someone who works metal (especially by hammering it when it is hot and malleable) |
fonedor | A worker who makes metal castings |
forner | someone who bakes bread or cake |
funcionari | A worker who holds or is invested with an office |
gravador | A skilled worker who can inscribe designs or writing onto a surface by carving or etching |
impresor | someone whose occupation is printing |
marí, tripulant | Any member of a ship's crew |
militar | someone who serves in the armed forces |
oceanaut | A skilled worker who can live in underwater installations and participate in scientific research |
pescador | someone whose occupation is catching fish |
pintor | A worker who is employed to cover objects with paint |
projeccionista | The person who operates the projector in a movie house |
refinador | One whose work is to refine a specific thing |
restaurador | A skilled worker who is employed to restore or refinish buildings or antique furniture |
tallador | someone whose work is cutting / cutting (as e.g. cutting cloth for garments) |
tintorer | someone whose job is to dye cloth |
torner | A lathe operator |
tripulant | A member of a flight crew |
tècnic | someone whose occupation involves training in a specific technical process |
vulcaniser | someone who vulcanizes rubber to improve its strength and resiliency |
òptic | A worker who makes glasses for remedying defects of vision |
General | treballador | A person who works at a specific occupation |
Anglès | skilled worker, trained worker, skilled workman |
Espanyol | especialista, trabajadora calificada, trabajadora cualificada, trabajador calificado, trabajador cualificado |
Català > especialista: 3 sentits > nom 2, person Sentit | An expert who is devoted to one occupation or branch of learning. |
Específic | agregat | A specialist assigned to the staff of a diplomatic mission |
arboricultor | A specialist in treating damaged trees |
canonista | A specialist in canon law |
criminòleg | A specialist in criminology |
dactiloscopista | A specialist in identifying fingerprints |
decorador d'interiors, decorador, dissenyador d'interiors, dissenyador, interiorista | A person who specializes in interior design |
decorador d'interiors, decorador, dissenyador d'interiors, dissenyador, interiorista | A person who specializes in designing architectural interiors and their furnishings |
dietista, nutricionista | A specialist in the study of nutrition |
dietista, nutricionista | A specialist in the study of nutrition |
enòleg, fermentologist | A specialist in wine making |
grafòleg | A specialist in inferring / inferring character from handwriting |
meteoròleg | A specialist who studies processes in the earth's atmosphere that cause weather conditions |
oculista, optometrista | A person skilled in testing for defects of vision in order to prescribe corrective glasses |
orientalista | A specialist in oriental subjects |
pedagog | A specialist in the theory of education |
General | crac, expert, perit, pèrit | A person with special knowledge or ability who performs skillfully |
Anglès | specialist, specializer, specialiser |
Espanyol | especialista |
Noms | especialitat | The special line of work you have adopted as your career |
especialitat | The concentration of your efforts on a particular field of study or occupation |
Català > especialista: 3 sentits > nom 3, person Sentit | practices one branch of medicine. |
Específic | anestesista | A specialist who administers an anesthetic to a patient before he is treated |
callista, pedicur, podòleg | A specialist in care for the feet |
cardiòleg | A specialist in cardiology |
dermatòleg | A doctor who specializes in the physiology and pathology of the skin |
embriòleg | A physician who specializes in embryology |
endocrinòleg | physician who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of conditions affecting the endocrine system |
geriatra, geriatre, gerontòleg | A specialist in gerontology |
ginecòleg | A specialist in gynecology |
hematòleg | A doctor who specializes in diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs |
higienista | A medical specialist in hygiene |
internista | A specialist in internal medicine |
metge d'obstetrícia, obstètric, tocòleg | A physician specializing in obstetrics |
neuròleg | A medical specialist in the nervous system and the disorders affecting it |
oculista, oftalmòleg, oftalmologista | A medical doctor specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the eye |
oncòleg | A specialist in oncology |
ortopèdic, ortopedista | A specialist in correcting deformities of the skeletal system (especially in children) |
otorinolaringòleg | A specialist in the disorders of the ear or nose or throat |
otòleg | A physician who specializes in the ear and its diseases |
patòleg, patologista | A doctor who specializes in medical diagnosis |
pediatre | A specialist in the care of babies |
proctòleg | A doctor specializing in diseases of the rectum and anus |
psiquiatra, psiquiatre | A physician who specializes in psychiatry |
radiòleg, radioterapeuta | A medical specialist who uses radioactive substances and X-rays in the treatment of disease |
radiòleg | A person who makes radiographs |
uròleg | A specialist in urology |
General | doc, doctor, facultatiu, metge, metgessa | A licensed medical practitioner |
Anglès | specialist, medical specialist |
Espanyol | especialista |
Noms | especialitat | The special line of work you have adopted as your career |
especialitat | The concentration of your efforts on a particular field of study or occupation |