HyperDic: waver

English > 10 senses of the word waver:
VERBstativewaver, hesitate, wafflepause or hold back in uncertainty / uncertainty or unwillingness
stativewaver, falterbe unsure or weak
motionwaver, faltermove hesitatingly, as if about to give way
motionwaver, fluctuate, vacillatemove or sway in a rising and falling or wavelike pattern
motionwaver, flicker, flitter, flutter, quivermove back and forth very rapidly
motionwaver, weavesway to and fro
communicationwaver, quavergive off unsteady sounds, alternating in amplitude or frequency
NOUNperson waversomeone who communicates by waving
actwaver, hesitation, falter, falteringthe act of pausing uncertainly
actwaver, flutter, flickerthe act of moving back and forth
waver > pronunciation
Rhymesachiever ... woodcarver: 114 rhymes with ver...
English > waver: 10 senses > noun 1, person
Meaningsomeone who communicates by waving.
BroadercommunicatorA person who communicates with others
Verbswavesignal with the hands or nod
wavemove or swing back and forth
English > waver: 10 senses > noun 2, act
MeaningThe act of pausing uncertainly.
Synonymshesitation, falter, faltering
Broaderpausetemporary inactivity
Spanishdilación, hesitación, titubeo, vacilación
Catalandilació, hesitació, titubeig, vacil·lació
Verbswaverpause or hold back in uncertainty / uncertainty or unwillingness
English > waver: 10 senses > noun 3, act
MeaningThe act of moving back and forth.
Synonymsflutter, flicker
Broadermotion, movement, move, motilityA change of position that does not entail a change of location
Spanishparpadeo, pestañeo, vacilación
Catalanaleteig, parpelleig
Verbswaversway to and fro
wavermove or sway in a rising and falling or wavelike pattern
wavermove back and forth very rapidly
wavermove hesitatingly, as if about to give way
English > waver: 10 senses > verb 1, stative
Meaningpause or hold back in uncertainty / uncertainty or unwillingness.
PatternSomebody ----s; Somebody ----s to INFINITIVE; Somebody ----s whether INFINITIVE
Synonymshesitate, waffle
Entailsdoubtlack confidence in or have doubts about
Narrowerbogglehesitate when confronted with a problem, or when in doubt or fear
dwell on, linger overdelay
falter, waverBe unsure or weak
hover, vibrate, vacillate, oscillateBe undecided about something
hover, lingerMove to and fro
Spanishdudar, titubear, vacilar
Catalandubtar, hesitar, vacil·lar
Nounswaverthe act of pausing uncertainly
wavererone who hesitates (usually out of fear)
waveringindecision in speech or action
English > waver: 10 senses > verb 2, stative
MeaningBe unsure or weak.
PatternSomething ----s; Somebody ----s
Broaderhesitate, waver, wafflepause or hold back in uncertainty / uncertainty or unwillingness
Spanishflaquear, flojear
Nounswavererone who hesitates (usually out of fear)
English > waver: 10 senses > verb 3, motion
MeaningMove hesitatingly, as if about to give way.
PatternSomething ----s; Somebody ----s
BroadermoveMove so as to change position, perform a nontranslational motion
Catalanoscil·lar, vacil·lar
Nounswaverthe act of moving back and forth
English > waver: 10 senses > verb 4, motion
MeaningMove or sway in a rising and falling or wavelike pattern.
PatternSomething ----s; Somebody ----s
Synonymsfluctuate, vacillate
BroaderswingAlternate dramatically between high and low values
Similar tofluctuateCause to fluctuate or move in a wavelike pattern
Spanishfluctuar, rondar
Catalanfluctuar, rondar
Nounswaverthe act of moving back and forth
waveringthe quality of being unsteady and subject to changes
English > waver: 10 senses > verb 5, motion
Meaningmove back and forth very rapidly.
PatternSomething is ----ing PP
Synonymsflicker, flitter, flutter, quiver
Broadermove back and forthMove in one direction and then into the opposite direction
Spanishaletear, estremecerse, ondear, oscilar, parpadear, revolotear, temblar, vacilar, vibrar
Catalanestremir-se, onejar, oscil·lar, trémer, tremolar, vacil·lar, vibrar
Nounswaverthe act of moving back and forth
English > waver: 10 senses > verb 6, motion
Meaningsway to and fro.
PatternSomething ----s; Somebody ----s
Broaderswing, swayMove or walk in a swinging or swaying manner
Spanishfluctuar, oscilar, tejer, vacilar
Catalanfluctuar, oscil·lar, vacil·lar
Nounswaverthe act of moving back and forth
English > waver: 10 senses > verb 7, communication
Meaninggive off unsteady sounds, alternating in amplitude or frequency.
PatternSomething ----s
Broadervoice, sound, vocalize, vocaliseUtter with vibrating vocal chords

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