HyperDic: menyspreu

Català > 9 sentits de la paraula menyspreu:
NOMcommunicationmenyspreu, desdeny, desprecia communication that belittles somebody or something
communicationmenyspreuopen disrespect for a person or thing
feelingmenyspreu, desdeny, menyspreança, vilipendilack of respect accompanied by a feeling of intense dislike
attributemenyspreu, desconsideració, desdenya manner that is generally disrespectful and contemptuous
actmenyspreu, despreci, lleig, retreta deliberate discourteous act (usually as an expression of anger / anger or disapproval)
actmenyspreu, menyspreamentthe act of speaking contemptuously of
cognitionmenyspreu, infravaloració, menysvaloració, subestimaciótoo low a value or price / price assigned to something
feelingmenyspreu, despisala feeling of scornful hatred
actmenyspreu, desairea curt or disdainful rejection
Català > menyspreu: 9 sentits > nom 1, communication
SentitA communication that belittles somebody or something.
Sinònimsdesdeny, despreci
Específiccalúmnia, difamació, maldiença, maledicència, traducementA false / false accusation of an offense or a malicious misrepresentation of someone's words or actions
GeneraldescortesiaAn expression / expression of lack of respect
ÚsJap(offensive slang) offensive term for a person of Japanese descent
Mickey, Paddy(ethnic slur) offensive term for a person of Irish descent
alemany, JerryOffensive term for a person of German descent
bastardderogatory term for a variation that is not genuine
bunco, bunko, entabanada, estafa, frau(sometimes offensive) an act of swindling or cheating
caffer, cafreAn offensive and insulting term for any Black African
culi(ethnic slur) an offensive name for an unskilled Asian laborer
dago, ginzo, wop(ethnic slur) offensive term for a person of Italian descent
defraudar, entabanar, estafar(sometimes offensive) to cheat or swindle
fada, marica, maricó, marieta, monyaOffensive term for an openly homosexual man
gallimarsot, homenot, marimacho(slang) offensive term for a lesbian who is noticeably masculine
greixador(ethnic slur) offensive term for a person of Mexican descent
honkie, honky(slang) offensive names for a White man
hymie, yid(ethnic slur) offensive term for a Jew
mestísAn offensive term for the offspring of parents of different races or cultures
naziderogatory term for a person who is fanatically dedicated to, or seeks to control, some activity, practice, etc.
negret(ethnic slur) offensive term for a Black child
nyèbit, trinxeraire(sometimes offensive) a homeless boy who has been abandoned and roams the streets / streets
papistaAn offensive term for Roman Catholics
pellroja(slang) offensive term for Native Americans
plomaThe trait of being effeminate (derogatory of a man)
spic, spik(ethnic slur) offensive term for persons of Latin American descent
wog(offensive British slang) term used by the British to refer to people of color from Africa or Asia
Anglèsdisparagement, depreciation, derogation
Espanyoldepreciación, desdén, desprecio, menoscabo, menosprecio
Verbsdemanar, suplicarbelittle
denigrar, derogar, minimitzarCause to seem less serious
menysprearExpress a negative opinion of
Català > menyspreu: 9 sentits > nom 2, communication
Sentitopen disrespect for a person or thing.
Específicsomriure de menyspreuA facial expression of contempt or scorn
GeneraldescortesiaAn expression / expression of lack of respect
Anglèscontempt, scorn
Adjectiusinsultant, menyspreadorExpressing extreme / extreme contempt / contempt
Verbsdesdenyar, menysprear, odiarLook down on with disdain
Català > menyspreu: 9 sentits > nom 3, feeling
Sentitlack of respect accompanied by a feeling of intense dislike.
Sinònimsdesdeny, menyspreança, vilipendi
Generalantipatia, desgrat, tírriaA feeling of aversion or antipathy
Anglèscontempt, disdain, scorn, despite
Espanyoldesdén, desecho, desprecio, menosprecio, vilipendio
Adjectiusinsultant, menyspreadorExpressing extreme / extreme contempt / contempt
Verbsdesdenyar, menysprear, odiarLook down on with disdain
Català > menyspreu: 9 sentits > nom 4, attribute
SentitA manner that is generally disrespectful and contemptuous.
Sinònimsdesconsideració, desdeny
GeneraldescortesiaA manner that is rude and insulting
Anglèscontempt, disrespect
Espanyoldesdén, menosprecio
Adjectiusinsultant, menyspreadorExpressing extreme / extreme contempt / contempt
Verbsfaltar al respecteHave little or no respect for
Català > menyspreu: 9 sentits > nom 5, act
SentitA deliberate discourteous act (usually as an expression of anger / anger or disapproval).
Sinònimsdespreci, lleig, retret
EspecíficdesaireA refusal to recognize someone you know
Generalatemptat, descortesia, injúria, ofensaA lack of politeness
Anglèsrebuff, slight
Espanyoldesaire, desprecio, feo, menosprecio
Verbsdesatendre, desestimarpay no attention to, disrespect
menysprear, repugnarReject outright and bluntly
Català > menyspreu: 9 sentits > nom 6, act
SentitThe act of speaking contemptuously of.
Específicdenigració, deprecacióThe act of expressing disapproval (especially of yourself)
GeneraldesaprovacióThe act of disapproving or condemning
Anglèsdisparagement, dispraise
Espanyoldesprecio, menosprecio
VerbsmenysprearExpress a negative opinion of
Català > menyspreu: 9 sentits > nom 7, cognition
SentitToo low a value or price / price assigned to something.
Sinònimsinfravaloració, menysvaloració, subestimació
Generalapreuament, avaluació, estim, qualificació, taxació, valoracióAn appraisal of the value of something
Espanyolinfravaloración, menosprecio, subestimación
Verbsinfravalorar, menysestimar, menysvalorar, subestimarAssign too low a value to
infravalorar, menystenir, subestimaresteem lightly
Català > menyspreu: 9 sentits > nom 8, feeling
SentitA feeling of scornful hatred.
Generalaversió, odiThe emotion of intense dislike
Anglèsdespisal, despising
Espanyoldespisal, desprecio
Verbsdesdenyar, menysprear, odiarLook down on with disdain
Català > menyspreu: 9 sentits > nom 9, act
SentitA curt or disdainful rejection.
GeneralrebuigThe act of rejecting something
Espanyoldesaire, desdén
Verbsdeixar de banda, descartar, destituir, exclourebar from attention or consideration

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