HyperDic: personal

Español > 13 sentidos de la palabra personal:
ADJETIVOallpersonal, individual, particularconcerning or affecting a particular person or his or her private life and personality
pertpersonalof or arising from personality
allpersonal, individual, particularpointedly referring to or concerning a person's individual personality or intimate affairs especially offensively
allpersonalintimately concerning a person's body or physical being
pertpersonalindicating grammatical person
allpersonalparticular to a given individual
NOMBREgrouppersonal, dotación, plantillagroup of people willing / willing to obey orders
grouppersonalpersonnel who assist their superior in carrying out an assigned task
communicationpersonal, pauta, pentagrama, varas(music) the system of five horizontal lines on which the musical notes are written
actpersonal, falta personal(baseball) a ball struck with the bat so that it does not stay between the lines (the foul lines) that define the width of the playing field
grouppersonal, departamento de personal, oficina de personalthe department responsible for hiring and training and placing employees and for setting policies for personnel management
grouppersonal, hombres, mano de obra, trabajadoresthe force of workers available
grouppersonal, dotaciónnumber needed to make up a whole force
Español > personal: 13 sentidos > adjetivo 1
SentidoConcerning or affecting a particular person or his or her private life and personality.
Sinónimosindividual, particular
Específicoindividual, particular, personalpointedly referring to or concerning a person's individual personality or intimate affairs especially offensively
individualizado, personalizadomade for or directed or adjusted to a particular individual
propiobelonging to or on behalf of a specified person (especially yourself)
TambiénprivadoConfined to particular persons or groups or providing privacy
Contrarioimpersonalnot relating to or responsive to individual persons
Catalánindividual, particular, personal
Adverbiosen personain the flesh
personalmenteIn a personal way
Español > personal: 13 sentidos > adjetivo 2, pert
SentidoOf or arising from personality.
Nombresperfil, personalidadThe complex of all the attributes--behavioral, temperamental, emotional and mental--that characterize a unique individual
AdverbiospersonalmenteAs a person
Español > personal: 13 sentidos > adjetivo 3
Sentidopointedly referring to or concerning a person's individual personality or intimate affairs especially offensively.
Sinónimosindividual, particular
Generalindividual, particular, personalConcerning or affecting a particular person or his or her private life and personality
Catalánindividual, particular, personal
Español > personal: 13 sentidos > adjetivo 4
Sentidointimately concerning a person's body or physical being.
Generalfísica, físicoInvolving the body as distinguished from the mind or spirit
Español > personal: 13 sentidos > adjetivo 5, pert
SentidoIndicating grammatical person.
NombrespersonaA grammatical category used in the classification of pronouns, possessive determiners, and verb forms according to whether they indicate the speaker, the addressee, or a third party
Español > personal: 13 sentidos > adjetivo 6
SentidoParticular to a given individual.
Generalsubjectivo, subjetivotaking place within the mind and modified by individual bias
Español > personal: 13 sentidos > nombre 1, group
Sentidogroup of people willing / willing to obey orders.
Sinónimosdotación, plantilla
EspecíficoPM, policía militarA military corps that enforces discipline / discipline and guards prisoners
agentes, fuerzas del orden, fuerzas policiales, guardia, policia, policíaThe force of policemen and officers
efectivo, milicia, militares, personal militar, soldadesca, soldados, tropa, tropassoldiers collectively
ejército, FAS, fuerzas armadas, las fuerzas armadasThe military forces of a nation
fuerzas de seguridadA privately employed group hired to protect the security of a business or industry
hombres, mano de obra, personal, trabajadoresThe force of workers available
organización paramilitar, paramilitarA group of civilians organized in a military fashion (especially to operate in place of or to assist regular army troops)
patrullaA group that goes through a region at regular intervals for the purpose of security
personalpersonnel who assist their superior in carrying out an assigned task
personal de direcciónpersonnel having overall planning and direction responsibilities
servicio militarA force that is a branch of the armed forces
GeneralorganizaciónA group of people who work together
Inglésforce, personnel
Catalándotació, personal, plantilla
Español > personal: 13 sentidos > nombre 2, group
Sentidopersonnel who assist their superior in carrying out an assigned task.
Específicoestado mayor generalmilitary officers assigned to assist a senior officer in planning military policy
oficina, personal de oficinaprofessional or clerical workers in an office
personal de investigaciónA group of associated research workers in a university or library or laboratory
personal de mantenimiento, personal de servicioThose in a business responsible for maintaining the physical plant
personal de seguridadThose in an organization responsible for preventing spying or theft
personal de ventasThose in a business who are responsible for sales
Generaldotación, personal, plantillagroup of people willing / willing to obey orders
Catalánpersonal, staff
Verbosequipar, proveer de personalProvide with staff
Español > personal: 13 sentidos > nombre 3, communication
Sentido(music) the system of five horizontal lines on which the musical notes are written.
Sinónimospauta, pentagrama, varas
CategoríamúsicaAn artistic form of auditory communication incorporating instrumental or vocal tones in a structured and continuous manner
PartesespacioOne of the areas between or below or above the lines of a musical staff
Generalnotación musical(music) notation used by musicians / musicians
Inglésstaff, stave
Catalánpentagrama, staff
Español > personal: 13 sentidos > nombre 4, act
Sentido(baseball) a ball struck with the bat so that it does not stay between the lines (the foul lines) that define the width of the playing field.
Sinónimofalta personal
Categoríabaseball, beisbol, béisbolA ball game played with a bat and ball between two teams of nine players
Inglésfoul ball
Catalánfalta personal, personal
Español > personal: 13 sentidos > nombre 5, group
SentidoThe department responsible for hiring and training and placing employees and for setting policies for personnel management.
Sinónimosdepartamento de personal, oficina de personal
GeneraldepartamentoA specialized division of a large / large / large organization
Ingléspersonnel department, personnel office, personnel, staff office
Catalándepartament de personal, personal
Español > personal: 13 sentidos > nombre 6, group
SentidoThe force of workers available.
Sinónimoshombres, mano de obra, trabajadores
Miembrosbrigada, cuadrilla, partida, tripulaciónAn organized group of workmen
PartesturnoA crew of workers who work for a specific period of time
Específicodotación, personalNumber needed to make up a whole force
Generaldotación, personal, plantillagroup of people willing / willing to obey orders
Ingléswork force, workforce, manpower, hands, men
Catalánhomes, mà d'obra, treballadors
Español > personal: 13 sentidos > nombre 7, group
SentidoNumber needed to make up a whole force.
Específicotripulacioncrew / crew of a ship including the officers
Generalhombres, mano de obra, personal, trabajadoresThe force of workers available
Ingléscomplement, full complement
Adjetivocomplementario, suplementarioActing as or providing a complement (something that completes the whole)

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