Sentit | group of people willing / willing to obey orders. |
Sinònims | personal, plantilla |
Específic | agents, forces de l'ordre, forces de l'ordre públic, forces policials, policia | The force of policemen and officers |
efectiu, milícia, personal militar, soldadesca, tropa, tropes | soldiers collectively |
exèrcit, forces armades | The military forces of a nation |
forces de seguretat | A privately employed group hired to protect the security of a business or industry |
homes, mà d'obra, treballadors | The force of workers available |
organització paramilitar, paramilitar | A group of civilians organized in a military fashion (especially to operate in place of or to assist regular army troops) |
patrulla | A group that goes through a region at regular intervals for the purpose of security |
personal, staff | personnel who assist their superior in carrying out an assigned task |
personal de direcció | personnel having overall planning and direction responsibilities |
policia militar | A military corps that enforces discipline / discipline and guards prisoners |
servei militar | A force that is a branch of the armed forces |
General | organització | A group of people who work together |
Anglès | force, personnel |
Espanyol | dotación, personal, plantilla |