HyperDic: tremend

Català > 3 sentits de la paraula tremend:
ADJECTIUalltremend, abominable, atroç, espantós, horrible, hòrrid, horripilant, horrorós, terribleexceptionally bad or displeasing
alltremend, colossal, desmesurat, enorme, gegantí, immens, vastextraordinarily large in size or extent or amount or power or degree
alltremend, brutal, clamorós, espaterrant, estupend, extraordinari, fantàstic, fenomenal, formidable, genial, magnífic, meravellós, sensacionalextraordinarily good or great
Català > tremend: 3 sentits > adjectiu 1
Sentitexceptionally bad or displeasing.
Sinònimsabominable, atroç, espantós, horrible, hòrrid, horripilant, horrorós, terrible
Generaldolent, malHaving undesirable or negative qualities
Anglèsatrocious, abominable, awful, dreadful, painful, terrible, unspeakable
Espanyolabominable, atroz, espantoso, horrendo, horrible, horripilante, horroroso, terrible, tremendo
Nomsespant, horror, terrorA quality of extreme / extreme unpleasantness
Català > tremend: 3 sentits > adjectiu 2
Sentitextraordinarily large in size or extent or amount or power or degree.
Sinònimscolossal, desmesurat, enorme, gegantí, immens, vast
Generalgran, llargAbove average in size or number or quantity or magnitude or extent
Anglèsenormous, tremendous
Espanyolcolosal, descomunal, enorme, gigantesco, inmenso, tremenda, tremendo, vasto
Nomsgrandesa, immensitat, vastitudunusual largeness in size or extent or number
Adverbisenormement, molt, tremendamentExtremely
Català > tremend: 3 sentits > adjectiu 3
Sentitextraordinarily good or great ; used especially as intensifiers.
Sinònimsbrutal, clamorós, espaterrant, estupend, extraordinari, fantàstic, fenomenal, formidable, genial, magnífic, meravellós, sensacional
GeneralextraordinariBeyond what is ordinary or usual / usual
Anglèsfantastic, grand, howling, marvelous, marvellous, rattling, terrific, tremendous, wonderful, wondrous
Espanyolbárbaro, brutal, clamoroso, estupendo, extraordinario, fabuloso, fantástico, fenomenal, formidable, genial, magnífico, maravilloso, sensacional, tremendo
Nomsesplendor, grandiositat, magneficènciaThe quality of being magnificent or splendid or grand
meravellaadmirable / admirable excellence
meravella, miracleSomething that causes feelings of wonder
Adverbisenormement, molt, tremendamentExtremely
magníficament, meravellosament(used as an intensifier) extremely well

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