Català > espaterrant: 1 sentit > adjectiu 1Sentit | extraordinarily good or great ; used especially as intensifiers. |
Sinònims | brutal, clamorós, estupend, extraordinari, fantàstic, fenomenal, formidable, genial, magnífic, meravellós, sensacional, tremend |
General | extraordinari | Beyond what is ordinary or usual / usual |
Anglès | fantastic, grand, howling, marvelous, marvellous, rattling, terrific, tremendous, wonderful, wondrous |
Espanyol | bárbaro, brutal, clamoroso, estupendo, extraordinario, fabuloso, fantástico, fenomenal, formidable, genial, magnífico, maravilloso, sensacional, tremendo |
Noms | esplendor, grandiositat, magneficència | The quality of being magnificent or splendid or grand |
meravella | admirable / admirable excellence |
meravella, miracle | Something that causes feelings of wonder |
Adverbis | enormement, molt, tremendament | Extremely |
magníficament, meravellosament | (used as an intensifier) extremely well |