Sentit | The quality of being magnificent or splendid or grand. |
Sinònims | esplendor, grandiositat |
Específic | esclat | brilliant or conspicuous success or effect |
General | elegància | A refined quality of gracefulness and good taste |
Anglès | magnificence, brilliance, splendor, splendour, grandeur, grandness |
Espanyol | brillantez, esplendor, grandeza, grandiosidad, magnificencia |
Adjectius | brutal, clamorós, espaterrant, estupend, extraordinari, fantàstic, fenomenal, formidable, genial, magnífic, meravellós, sensacional, tremend | extraordinarily good or great |
distingit | Used of a person's appearance or behavior |
elevat, noble | Of high moral or intellectual value |
grandiós, magnífic | Characterized by grandeur |