HyperDic: mescla

Català > 7 sentits de la paraula mescla:
NOMsubstancemescla, barreja(chemistry) a substance consisting of two or more substances mixed together (not in fixed proportions and not with chemical bonding)
foodmescla, barreja, pasteradaany foodstuff made by combining different ingredients
eventmescla, barreja, preparatan event that combines / combines things in a mixture
actmescla, barrejathe act of mixing together
actmescla, barrejathe act of blending components together thoroughly
groupmescla, barreja, calaix de sastrea motley assortment of things
statemescla, aliatgethe state of impairing the quality or reducing the value of something
Català > mescla: 7 sentits > nom 1, substance
Sentit(chemistry) a substance consisting of two or more substances mixed together (not in fixed proportions and not with chemical bonding).
CategoriaquímicaThe science of matter
Específicaliatge, lligaA mixture containing two or more metallic elements or metallic and nonmetallic elements usually fused together or dissolving into each other when molten
argamassa, morterA mixture of lime or gypsum with sand and water
col·loide, coloideA mixture with properties between those of a solution and fine suspension
composicióA mixture of ingredients
eutècticA mixture of substances having a minimum melting point
oxiacetilè, oxiacetilenoA mixture of oxygen and acetylene
petrolàtum, vaselinaA semisolid mixture of hydrocarbons obtained from petroleum
solucióA homogeneous mixture of two or more substances
suspensióA mixture in which fine particles are suspended in a fluid where they are supported by buoyancy
GeneralsubstànciaThe real physical matter of which a person or thing consists
Verbsbarrejar, combinar, conjugar, fusionar, mesclar-se, mestallarmix together different elements
Català > mescla: 7 sentits > nom 2, food
SentitAny foodstuff made by combining different ingredients.
Sinònimsbarreja, pasterada
EspecíficarrebossatA liquid or semiliquid mixture, as of flour, eggs, and milk, used in cooking
farcitA mixture / mixture of seasoned ingredients used to stuff meats and vegetables
farcitA food mixture used to fill pastry or sandwiches etc.
massa, pastaA flour mixture / mixture stiff enough to knead or roll
preparatA commercially prepared mixture of dry ingredients
rouxA mixture / mixture of fat and flour heated and used as a basis for sauces
Generalmenjar, producte alimentariA substance that can be used or prepared for use as food
Anglèsconcoction, mixture, intermixture
Espanyolamasijo, mezcla
Verbsbarrejar, combinar, conjugar, fusionar, mesclar-se, mestallarmix together different elements
confeccionarPrepare or cook by mixing ingredients
Català > mescla: 7 sentits > nom 3, event
SentitAn event that combines / combines things in a mixture.
Sinònimsbarreja, preparat
Generalbarreja, combinacióAn occurrence that results in things being united
Anglèsmix, mixture
Espanyolmezcla, preparado
Verbsamalgamar, barrejar-se, barrejar, cohesionar, fusionar, mesclar-se, mesclar, mixturar, reunir, unificar-se, unificar, unir-seTo bring or combine together or with something else
barrejar, combinar, conjugar, fusionar, mesclar-se, mestallarmix together different elements
barrejar, mesclar, mestallar, mixturaradd as an additional element or part
barrejar, escartejar, mesclar, remenarmix so as to make a random order or arrangement
mesclarcombine (electronic signals)
Català > mescla: 7 sentits > nom 4, act
SentitThe act of mixing together.
Generalcombinació, composició, fórmula magistralThe act of combining things to form a new whole / whole
Anglèsmix, commixture, admixture, mixture, intermixture, mixing
Espanyoladerezo, amasijo, mezclado, mezcla, trasiego
Verbsamalgamar, barrejar-se, barrejar, cohesionar, fusionar, mesclar-se, mesclar, mixturar, reunir, unificar-se, unificar, unir-seTo bring or combine together or with something else
barrejar, combinar, conjugar, fusionar, mesclar-se, mestallarmix together different elements
barrejar, mesclar, mestallar, mixturaradd as an additional element or part
barrejarmix or blend
barrejar, escartejar, mesclar, remenarmix so as to make a random order or arrangement
barrejar-se, barrejar, combinar, entremesclar-se, entremesclar, mesclar-se, mesclarcombine into one
mesclarcombine (electronic signals)
Català > mescla: 7 sentits > nom 5, act
SentitThe act of blending components together thoroughly.
EspecíficconfluènciaA flowing together
homogeneïtzacióThe act of making something homogeneous or uniform in composition
Generalcombinació, composició, fórmula magistralThe act of combining things to form a new whole / whole
Anglèsblend, blending
Verbsbarrejar, combinar, conjugar, fusionar, mesclar-se, mestallarmix together different elements
barrejar-se, barrejar, combinar, entremesclar-se, entremesclar, mesclar-se, mesclarcombine into one
Català > mescla: 7 sentits > nom 6, group
SentitA motley assortment of things.
Sinònimsbarreja, calaix de sastre
Generalassortiment, miscel·lània, varietatA collection containing a variety of sorts of things
Anglèsodds and ends, oddments, melange, farrago, ragbag, mishmash, mingle-mangle, hodgepodge, hotchpotch, gallimaufry, omnium-gatherum
Espanyolcajón de sastre, fárrago, mezcla, mezcolanza
Català > mescla: 7 sentits > nom 7, state
SentitThe state of impairing the quality or reducing the value of something.
GeneralimpuresaThe condition of being impure
Anglèsadmixture, alloy
Espanyolaleación, mezcla

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