HyperDic: limitació

Català > 5 sentits de la paraula limitació:
NOMartifactlimitació, fre, restriccióa device that retards something's motion / motion
actlimitació, restriccióan act of limiting or restricting (as by regulation)
statelimitació, restriccióthe state of being physically constrained
actlimitacióthe act of controlling by restraining someone or something
attributelimitació, restriccióthe quality of being limited or restricted
Català > limitació: 5 sentits > nom 1, artifact
SentitA device that retards something's motion / motion.
Sinònimsfre, restricció
EspecíficairbagA safety restraint in an automobile
amarra, correigs, corretja, eixanguer, lligam, ronsal, travarestraint consisting of a rope (or light chain) used to restrain an animal
cadenaAnything that acts as a restraint
cadenes, cordes, travesA restraint that confines or restricts freedom (especially something used to tie down or restrain a prisoner)
cinturó de seguretat, cinturó salvavidesBelt attaching you to some object as a restraint in order to prevent you from getting hurt
descarregadorA restraint that slows airplanes as they land on the flight deck of an aircraft carrier
dispositiu de seguretat, topallA restraint that checks the motion of something
freA restraint used to slow or stop a vehicle
fre aerodinàmicA small parachute or articulated flap to reduce the speed of an aircraft
mordassarestraint put into a person's mouth to prevent speaking or shouting
sabataA restraint provided when the brake linings are moved hydraulically against the brake drum to retard the wheel's rotation
tancarestraint that attaches to something or holds something in place
Generalaparell, dispositiu, mecanismeAn instrumentality invented for a particular purpose
Anglèsrestraint, constraint
Espanyolfreno, limitación, restricción
Català > limitació: 5 sentits > nom 2, act
SentitAn act of limiting or restricting (as by regulation).
Específiccontrol d'armesA limitation on the size and armament of the armed forces of a country
GeneralregulacióThe act of controlling or directing / directing according to rule
Anglèslimitation, restriction
Espanyollimitación, restricción
Verbscircumscriure, limitarrestrict or confine, "I limit you to two visits to the pub a day"
estrangular, limitar, restringirplace limits on (extent or access)
limitar, restringirplace restrictions on
limitar, restringirplace under restrictions
Català > limitació: 5 sentits > nom 3, state
SentitThe state of being physically constrained.
EspecíficgàbiaSomething that restricts freedom as a cage restricts movement
GeneralconfinamentThe state of being confined
Anglèsconstraint, restraint
Espanyolcoerción, limitación, restricción
Verbsaguantar, sostenir-se, sostenir, subjectarTo close within bounds, limit or hold back / back from movement
Català > limitació: 5 sentits > nom 4, act
SentitThe act of controlling by restraining someone or something.
Específicarrest, confinament, detencióThe act of restraining of a person's liberty by confining them
contencióThe act of containing
freThe act of restraining power or action or limiting excess
immobilitzacióThe act of limiting movement / movement or making incapable of movement / movement
restriccióThe act of keeping something within specified bounds (by force if necessary)
supressióThe act of withholding or withdrawing some book or writing from publication or circulation
GeneralcontrolThe activity of managing or exerting control over something
Català > limitació: 5 sentits > nom 5, attribute
SentitThe quality of being limited or restricted.
Generaldesavantatge, inconvenientThe quality of having an inferior or less favorable position
Espanyollimitación, restricción
Verbscircumscriure, limitarrestrict or confine, "I limit you to two visits to the pub a day"
estrangular, limitar, restringirplace limits on (extent or access)

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