HyperDic: flock

English > 7 senses of the word flock:
NOUNgroupflocka church congregation guided by a pastor
groupflocka group of birds
quantityflock, batch, deal, good deal, great deal, hatful, heap, lot, mass, mess, mickle, mint, mountain, muckle, passel, peck, pile, plenty, pot, quite a little, raft, sight, slew, spate, stack, tidy sum, wad(often followed by 'of') a large number or amount or extent
groupflock, troopan orderly crowd
groupflock, folda group of sheep or goats
VERBmotionflockmove as a crowd or in a group
motionflock, cluster, constellate, clumpcome together as in a cluster or flock
flock > pronunciation
Rhymesaftershock ... woodcock: 87 rhymes with aak...
English > flock: 7 senses > noun 1, group
MeaningA church congregation guided by a pastor.
Broadercongregation, fold, faithfulA group of people who adhere to a common faith and habitually attend a given church
English > flock: 7 senses > noun 2, group
MeaningA group of birds.
Membersbirdwarm-blooded egg-laying vertebrates characterized by feathers and forelimbs modified as wings
NarrowerbevyA flock of birds (especially when gathered close together on the ground)
covertA flock of coots
coveyA small flock of grouse or partridge
exaltationA flock of larks (especially a flock of larks in flight overhead)
flightA flock of flying birds
gaggleA flock of geese
wispA flock of snipe
Broaderanimal groupA group of animals
Spanishbandada, banda
Catalanbandada, esbart, vol
English > flock: 7 senses > noun 3, quantity
Meaning(often followed by 'of') a large number or amount or extent.
Synonymsbatch, deal, good deal, great deal, hatful, heap, lot, mass, mess, mickle, mint, mountain, muckle, passel, peck, pile, plenty, pot, quite a little, raft, sight, slew, spate, stack, tidy sum, wad
Narrowerflood, inundation, deluge, torrentAn overwhelming number or amount
haymowA mass of hay piled up in a barn for preservation
Broaderlarge indefinite quantity, large indefinite amountAn indefinite quantity that is above the average in size or magnitude
Spanishavalancha, barbaridad, bestialidad, burrada, cantidad, cúmulo, enormidad, fajo, lote, mogollón, montaña, montón, multitud, passel, pila
Catalanapilament, apilotament, castell, cúmul, estiba, feix, lot, manyoc, muntanya, munt, passel, pila, pilot, quantitat, tou
English > flock: 7 senses > noun 4, group
MeaningAn orderly crowd.
BroadercrowdA large number of things or people considered together
Spanishbanda, tropa
Catalanbandada, colla, estol, tropa
Verbsflockcome together as in a cluster or flock
flockmove as a crowd or in a group
English > flock: 7 senses > noun 5, group
MeaningA group of sheep or goats.
Memberssheepwoolly usually horned ruminant mammal related to the goat
Broaderanimal groupA group of animals
Spanishbandada, hato, manada, rebaño
Catalanbandada, ramat
English > flock: 7 senses > verb 1, motion
MeaningMove as a crowd or in a group.
PatternSomething is ----ing PP; Somebody ----s PP
Example"Tourists flocked to the shrine where the statue was said to have shed tears"
Broadertravel, go, move, locomotechange location
Spanishandar en tropel, congregarse, ir en procesión, ir en tropel
Nounsflockan orderly crowd
English > flock: 7 senses > verb 2, motion
MeaningCome together as in a cluster or flock.
PatternSomebody ----s; Something is ----ing PP; Somebody ----s PP
ModelThe crowds flock in the streets
Synonymscluster, constellate, clump
Narrowerbunch together, bunch, bunch upform into a bunch
huddle, huddle togethercrowd or draw together
Broadermeet, gather, assemble, forgather, foregatherCollect in one place
Spanishaglomerar, agruparse, agrupar, apiñarse
Catalanagrupar-se, agrupar, apilotar-se, apinyar-se, arraïmar-se, congregar-se
Nounsflockan orderly crowd

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