Català > ajudant: 5 sentits > nom 1, person Sentit | A person who contributes to the fulfillment of a need or furtherance of an effort or purpose. |
Sinònims | assistente, assistent, auxiliar, dependent |
Específic | ajudant | someone who waits on or tends to or attends to the needs of another |
apuntador, consueta | someone who assists a performer by providing the next words of a forgotten speech |
auxiliar | someone who acts as assistant |
coadjutor | An assistant to a bishop |
còmplice | A person who joins with another in carrying out some plan (especially an unethical or illegal plan) |
doula, monitrice | An assistant (often the father of the soon-to-be-born child) who provides support for a woman in labor by encouraging her to use techniques learned in childbirth-preparation classes |
factòtum, mà dreta | The most helpful assistant |
lloctinent | An assistant with power to act when his superior is absent |
maniquí, model | A person who poses for a photographer or painter or sculptor |
maniquí, model | A woman who wears clothes to display fashions |
secretari | An assistant who handles correspondence and clerical work for a boss or an organization |
subaltern, subordinat | An assistant subject to the authority or control of another |
General | treballador | A person who works at a specific occupation |
Anglès | assistant, helper, help, supporter |
Espanyol | asistente, auxiliar, ayudante |
Adjectius | adjunt, ajudant, auxiliar | Of or relating to a person who is subordinate to another |
Verbs | ajudar, assistir | Give help or assistance |
ajudar, assistir | act as an assistant in a subordinate or supportive function |
donar suport, recolzar-se, recolzar | Give moral or psychological support, aid, or courage to |
Català > ajudant: 5 sentits > nom 2, person Sentit | someone who waits on or tends to or attends to the needs of another. |
Específic | abocador, coper | The attendant (usually an officer of a nobleman's household) whose duty is to fill and serve cups of wine |
auxiliar de vol, hostessa | An attendant on an airplane |
batman, Província de Batman | An orderly assigned to serve a British military officer |
cadi | An attendant who carries the golf clubs for a player |
dama d'honor | An unmarried woman who attends the bride at a wedding |
escuder | A man who attends or escorts a woman |
escuder | young nobleman attendant on a knight |
grum | someone employed as an errand boy and luggage carrier around hotels |
linkboy, linkman | (formerly) an attendant hired to carry a torch for pedestrians in dark streets |
ordenança | A soldier who serves as an attendant to a superior officer |
persona de companyia | One paid to accompany or assist or live with another |
portalliteres | One who helps carry a stretcher |
servent, servidor | someone who performs the duties of an attendant for someone else |
socorrista | An attendant employed at a beach or pool to protect swimmers from accidents |
àulic, cortesà | An attendant at the court of a sovereign |
General | ajudant, assistente, assistent, auxiliar, dependent | A person who contributes to the fulfillment of a need or furtherance of an effort or purpose |
Anglès | attendant, attender, tender |
Espanyol | ajudant, asistente, ayudante, camarero, encargado, sirviente |
Verbs | assistir, servir | Work for or be a servant to |
assistir | Be present at (meetings, church services, university) , etc. |
Català > ajudant: 5 sentits > nom 3, person Sentit | A person who helps people or institutions (especially with financial help). |
Sinònims | ajudador, benefactor, benfactor |
Específic | alliberador, llibertador | someone who releases people from captivity / captivity or bondage |
avalador | someone who signs a bond as surety for someone else |
benefactora | A woman benefactor |
col·laborador, patrocinador | someone who supports or champions something |
dador, donador, donant | person who makes a gift of property |
donador | (medicine) someone who gives blood or tissue or an organ to be used in another person (the host) |
humanitari | someone devoted to the promotion of human welfare and to social reforms |
mentor, tio | A source of help and advice and encouragement |
oferent, ofertor | someone who presents something to another for acceptance or rejection |
salvador | A person who rescues you from harm or danger / danger |
samarità | A person who voluntarily offers help or sympathy in times of trouble |
General | bona persona | A person who is good to other people |
Anglès | benefactor, helper |
Espanyol | ayudador, ayudante, benefactor, bienhechor |
Verbs | ajudar, assistir | Give help or assistance |