HyperDic: via

Català > 3 sentits de la paraula via:
NOMbodyvia, canala bodily passage or tube lined with epithelial cells and conveying a secretion or other substance
artifactvia, camí, trajectòriaany artifact consisting of a road or path affording passage from one place to another
artifactviaa pair of parallel rails providing a runway for wheels
Català > via: 3 sentits > nom 1, body
SentitA bodily passage or tube lined with epithelial cells and conveying a secretion or other substance.
Específicaqüeducte cerebral, aqüeducte de SilviA canal connecting the third and fourth ventricles
bronquíolAny of the smallest bronchial ducts
canal de SchlemmA circular canal in the eye that drains aqueous humor from the anterior chamber of the eye into the anterior ciliary veins
canal hepàticThe duct that drains bile from the liver
canal lacrimalAny of several small ducts that carry tears from the lacrimal glands
canal pancreàticA duct connecting the pancreas with the intestine
canalicleA small canal or duct / duct as in some bones and parts of plants
canalis vertebralis, canal vertebralThe canal in successive vertebrae through which the spinal cord passes
colèdoc, via biliarA duct formed by the hepatic and cystic ducts
conducte deferentA duct that carries spermatozoa from the epididymis to the ejaculatory duct
conducte ejaculadorA part of the seminal duct formed by the duct from the seminal vesicle and the vas deferens
conducte inguinaloblique passage through the lower abdominal wall
conducte seminalThe efferent duct of the testis in man
cordó umbilical, umbilicalmembranous duct connecting the fetus with the placenta
ductule, ductulusA very small duct
epidídimA convoluted tubule in each testis
porusAny small opening in the skin or outer surface of an animal
si d'una venaA wide channel containing blood
tub cartilaginósA duct with cartilaginous walls
tub digestiutubular passage of mucous membrane and muscle extending about 8.3 meters from mouth to anus
uretraduct through which urine is discharged in most mammals and which serves as the male genital duct
urèterEither of a pair of thick-walled tubes that carry urine from the kidney to the urinary bladder
vaginaThe lower part of the female reproductive tract
vas limfàticA vascular duct that carries lymph which is eventually added to the venous blood circulation
GeneralconducteA path or channel or duct through or along which something may pass
Anglèsduct, epithelial duct, canal, channel
Espanyolcanal, conducto, vía
Verbscanalitzar, transferir, transportarSend from one person or place to another
Català > via: 3 sentits > nom 2, artifact
SentitAny artifact consisting of a road or path affording passage from one place to another.
Sinònimscamí, trajectòria
Part demitjà de transport, sistema de transport, transportA facility consisting of the means and equipment necessary for the movement of passengers or goods
PartscunetaEdge of a way or road or path
Específicaccés, entrada, pasA way of entering or leaving
camí, carretera, rutaAn open way (generally public) for travel or transportation / transportation
camí, senda, senderA way especially designed for a particular use
escala, escalinataA way of access (upward and downward) consisting of a set of steps
pas, passatgeA way through or along which someone or something may pass
GeneralartefacteA man-made object taken as a whole
Espanyolcamino, trayectoria, vía
Català > via: 3 sentits > nom 3, artifact
SentitA pair of parallel rails providing a runway for wheels.
EspecíficferrocarrilA line of track providing a runway for wheels
via de tramviaThe track on which trams or streetcars run
GeneralartefacteA man-made object taken as a whole
Espanyolrieles, vía

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