Sentit | Provide treatment for. |
Sinònims | cuidar, ocupar-se de, tenir cura, tractar, tracta |
Implicat per | curar, guarir, sanar | Provide a cure for, make healthy / healthy again |
Específic | administrar, dispensar | Give or apply (medications) |
alleujar, remeiar | Provide relief for |
analitzar, psicoanalitzar | subject to psychoanalytic treatment |
atendre | Give medical treatment to |
cauteritzar, incendiar | Burn, sear, or freeze (tissue) using a hot iron or electric current or a caustic agent |
corregir | treat a defect |
cuidar-se | try to cure by special care of treatment, of an illness or injury |
embenar | apply a bandage or medication to |
encanyar | support with a splint |
flebotomitzar, sagnar | Draw blood |
intervenir, operar | Perform surgery on |
manipular | treat manually, as with massage, for therapeutic purposed |
medicar | treat medicinally, treat with medicine |
Anglès | treat, care for |
Espanyol | cuidar, ocuparse, preocuparse, tratar, trata |
Noms | intervenció, teràpia, tractament | care provided to improve a situation (especially medical procedures or applications that are intended to relieve illness or injury) |