Sentit | The use of speech for informal exchange of views or ideas or information etc.. |
Sinònim | conversa |
Específic | col·loqui | formal conversation |
comaratge, comareig, tafaneria, xafardeig, xafarderia | A conversation that spreads personal information about other people |
conversa telefònica | A conversation over the telephone |
enraonament | conversational speech used to communicate sociability more than information |
foc creuat | A lively or heated interchange of ideas and opinions |
intercanvi | social exchange, especially of opinions, attitudes, etc. |
parlada, xerrada | An exchange of ideas via conversation |
sobretaula | conversation during a meal |
topada | A mutual expression of views (especially an unpleasant one) |
tète-a-tète, tu-a-tu | A private conversation between two people |
xerrada | An informal conversation |
xerradissa, xerrameca | inconsequential conversation |
General | comunicació oral, llenguatge, parla | (language) communication by word of mouth |
Anglès | conversation |
Espanyol | charla, conversación |
Adjectius | col·loquial, conversacional, familiar | characteristic of informal spoken language or conversation |
Noms | conversador | someone skilled at conversation |
Verbs | conversar, departir | carry on a conversation |