Sentido | (biology) the major taxonomic group of animals and plants; contains classes. |
Categoría | biología | The science that studies living organisms |
Miembro de | reino | The highest taxonomic group into which organisms are grouped |
Miembros | clase | (biology) a taxonomic group containing one or more orders |
subfilo | (biology) a taxonomic group ranking between a phylum and a class |
Específico | Aschelminthes, filo Aschelminthes, filo Nematoda, Nematoda, nematodos | unsegmented worms |
Brachiopoda, braquiópodos, filo Brachiopoda | marine invertebrates that resemble mollusks |
Cnidaria, Cnidarios, cnidarios, Coelenterata, filo Cnidaria, filo Coelenterata | hydras |
Ectoprocta, filo Ectoprocta | coextensive with or a subphylum of Bryozoa |
Pentastomida, pentastómidos, subfilo Pentastomido | tongue worms |
Protozoa, protozoos | In some classifications considered a superphylum or a subkingdom |
acantocéfalos | phylum or class of elongated wormlike parasites that live in the intestines of vertebrates |
anélidos, Annelida, filo Annelida | segmented worms |
artrópodos | jointed-foot invertebrates |
briozoos | marine or freshwater animals that form colonies of zooids |
cefalocordados, Cefalocordados, subfilo Cephalochordata | lancelets |
ciclióforos | tiny marine organisms each the size of a period found in great numbers on lobsters' lips |
cordados | Comprises true vertebrates and animals having a notochord |
criptofita, filo Cryptophyta | A phylum in the kingdom Protoctista |
ctenóforos | comb jellies |
equinodermos | radially symmetrical marine invertebrates including e.g. starfish and sea urchins and sea cucumbers |
filo Mollusca, Mollusca, moluscos | gastropods |
filo Nemertea, filo Nemertina, Nemertea, Nemertina, Nemertino, nemertinos | proboscis worms |
filo Platyhelminthes, platihelmintos, Platyhelminthes | flatworms |
filo Pogonophora, pogonóforos, Pogonophora | beard worms |
filo Porifera, Porifera, poríferos | coextensive with the subkingdom Parazoa |
filo Sipuncula, Sipuncula, sipuncúlidos | peanut worms |
forónidos | small phylum of wormlike marine animals |
rotíferos | A phylum including |
subfilo Tunicata, subfilo Urochorda, subfilo Urochordata, tunicados, Tunicata, Urochorda, Urochordata, urocordados | tunicates |
vertebrados | fishes |
General | taxon, taxón | animal or plant group having natural relations |
Inglés | phylum |
Catalán | filum, fílum |