Español > ángulo: 3 sentidos > nombre 1, shapeSentido | The space between two lines or planes that intersect; the inclination of one line to another; measured in degrees or radians. |
Específico | acimut, azimut | The azimuth of a celestial body is the angle between the vertical plane containing it and the plane of the meridian |
axilar | The upper angle between an axis and an offshoot such as a branch or leafstalk |
curva cerrada | angle that resembles the hind leg of a dog |
declinación magnética | The angle (at a particular location) between magnetic north and true north |
entrepierna | The angle formed by the inner sides of the legs where they join the human trunk |
inclinación | (geometry) the angle formed by the x-axis and a given line (measured counterclockwise from the positive half of the x-axis) |
inclinación, inclinación orbital | (astronomy) the angle between the plane of the orbit and the plane of the ecliptic stated in degrees |
ángulo completo, perigon | An angle of 360 degrees |
ángulo de buzamiento, buzamiento magnético, buzamiento, inclinación magnética, inclinación | (physics) the angle that a magnetic needle makes with the plane of the horizon |
ángulo de corte | The angle between the face of a cutting tool and the surface of the work |
ángulo de incidencia | The angle that a line makes with a line perpendicular to the surface at the point of incidence |
ángulo de reflexión | The angle between a reflected ray and a line perpendicular to the reflecting surface at the point of incidence |
ángulo de refracción | The angle between a refracted ray and a line perpendicular to the surface between the two media at the point of refraction |
ángulo de visión | The angle included by a photographic lens |
ángulo exterior, ángulo externo | The supplement of an interior angle of a polygon |
ángulo interior | The angle inside two adjacent sides of a polygon |
ángulo llano, ángulo plano | An angle formed by two straight lines (in the same plane) |
ángulo oblícuo | An angle that is not a right angle or a multiple of a right angle |
ángulo poliedro, ángulo sólido | The space enclosed by three or more planes that intersect in a vertex |
ángulo recto | The 90 degree angle between two perpendicular lines |
ángulo vertical | Either of two equal and opposite angles formed by the intersection of two straight lines |
General | espacio | An empty area (usually bounded in some way between things) |
Inglés | angle |
Catalán | angle |
Adjetivo | angular, anguloso | Having angles or an angular shape |
angular, anguloso | Measured by an angle or by the rate of change of an angle |
Verbos | desviar, torcer | Move or proceed at an angle |
inclinar, ladearse, ladear | To incline or bend from a vertical position |