HyperDic: focus

English > 12 senses of the word focus:
NOUNcognitionfocus, focusing, focussing, focal point, direction, centeringthe concentration of attention or energy on something
attributefocusmaximum clarity or distinctness of an image rendered by an optical system
attributefocusmaximum clarity or distinctness of an idea
statefocus, focal point, nidusa central point or locus of an infection in an organism
statefocus, stressspecial emphasis attached to something
phenomenonfocus, focal pointa point of convergence of light (or other radiation) or a point from which it diverges
locationfocusa fixed reference point on the concave side of a conic section
VERBcognitionfocus, concentrate, center, centre, pore, rivetdirect one's attention on something
perceptionfocuscause to converge on or toward a central point
cognitionfocus, concenter, concentre, focalize, focalisebring into focus or alignment
changefocus, focalize, focalisebecome focussed or come into focus
changefocus, focalize, focalise, sharpenput (an image) into focus
focus > pronunciation
Soundsfow'kahs; fow'kihs
Rhymesabacus ... zealous: 1164 rhymes with ahs...
abyss ... worthiness: 194 rhymes with ihs...
English > focus: 12 senses > noun 1, cognition
MeaningThe concentration of attention or energy on something.
Example"the focus of activity shifted to molecular biology"
Synonymsfocusing, focussing, focal point, direction, centering
NarrowerparticularismA focus on something particular
Broaderconcentration, engrossment, absorption, immersioncomplete attention
Verbsfocusdirect one's attention on something
focusbring into focus or alignment
English > focus: 12 senses > noun 2, attribute
Meaningmaximum clarity or distinctness of an image rendered by an optical system.
  • "in focus"
  • "out of focus"
Broaderdistinctness, sharpnessThe quality of being sharp and clear
Verbsfocusput (an image) into focus
focuscause to converge on or toward a central point
English > focus: 12 senses > noun 3, attribute
Meaningmaximum clarity or distinctness of an idea.
Example"the controversy brought clearly into focus an important difference of opinion"
Broaderclarity, lucidity, lucidness, pellucidity, clearness, limpidityFree from obscurity and easy to understand
Verbsfocusbring into focus or alignment
English > focus: 12 senses > noun 4, state
MeaningA central point or locus of an infection in an organism.
Example"the focus of infection"
Synonymsfocal point, nidus
Part offocal infectionbacterial infection limited to a specific organ or region especially one causing symptoms elsewhere
BroaderpointThe precise location of something
English > focus: 12 senses > noun 5, state
MeaningSpecial emphasis attached to something.
Broaderemphasis, accentSpecial importance or significance / significance
English > focus: 12 senses > noun 6, phenomenon
MeaningA point of convergence of light (or other radiation) or a point from which it diverges.
Synonymfocal point
BroaderpointThe precise location of something
Spanishenfoque, foco
Adjectivesfocalof or relating to a focus
Verbsfocusbecome focussed or come into focus
focuscause to converge on or toward a central point
English > focus: 12 senses > noun 7, location
MeaningA fixed reference point on the concave side of a conic section.
BroaderpointThe precise location of something
Adjectivesfocalof or relating to a focus
English > focus: 12 senses > verb 1, cognition
Meaningdirect one's attention on something.
PatternSomebody ----s on something
Example"Please focus on your studies and not on your hobbies"
Synonymsconcentrate, center, centre, pore, rivet
Narrowerlisten, hear, take heedlisten and pay attention
recallCause one's (or someone else's) thoughts or attention to return from a reverie or digression
steep, immerse, engulf, plunge, engross, absorb, soak upDevote (oneself) fully to
thinkFocus one's attention on a certain state
zoom inExamine closely
Broaderthink, cogitate, cerebrateUse or exercise the mind or one's power of reason in order to make inferences, decisions, or arrive at a solution or judgments
Similar torivethold (someone's attention)
Spanishcentrar, clavar, concentrarse, concentrar, enfocar, fijar
Catalancentrar, clavar, concentrar-se en, concentrar, enfocar, estar concentrat en, fixar
Nounsfocus, focusing, focussingthe concentration of attention or energy on something
English > focus: 12 senses > verb 2, perception
MeaningCause to converge on or toward a central point.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Something ----s something
Example"Focus the light on this image"
NarrowerrefocusFocus once again
Broadersharpenmake (images or sounds) sharp or sharper / sharper
OppositeblurTo make less distinct / distinct or clear
Nounsfocusmaximum clarity or distinctness of an image rendered by an optical system
focusa point of convergence of light (or other radiation) or a point from which it diverges
focusingthe act of bringing into focus
English > focus: 12 senses > verb 3, cognition
MeaningBring into focus or alignment; to converge or cause to converge; of ideas or emotions.
PatternSomebody ----s something
Synonymsconcenter, concentre, focalize, focalise
NarrowerrefocusFocus anew
Broaderalign, aline, line up, adjustplace in a line or arrange so as to be parallel or straight
Nounsfocusmaximum clarity or distinctness of an idea
focusthe concentration of attention or energy on something
focusingthe act of bringing into focus
English > focus: 12 senses > verb 4, change
MeaningBecome focussed or come into focus.
PatternSomething ----s; Somebody ----s PP
Example"The light focused"
Synonymsfocalize, focalise
Caused byfocus, focalize, focalise, sharpenput (an image) into focus
Broaderadjust, conform, adaptadapt or conform oneself to new or different conditions
Oppositeblur, dim, slurBecome vague or indistinct
Nounsfocusa point of convergence of light (or other radiation) or a point from which it diverges
focusingthe act of bringing into focus
English > focus: 12 senses > verb 5, change
Meaningput (an image) into focus.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Something ----s something; Somebody ----s something PP
Example"Please focus the image
Synonymsfocalize, focalise, sharpen
Cause tofocus, focalize, focaliseBecome focussed or come into focus
Narrowerrefocusput again into focus or focus more sharply
Broaderadjust, set, correctalter or regulate so as to achieve accuracy or conform to a standard
See alsofocus oncenter upon
Oppositeblur, blearmake dim or indistinct
Spanishcentrar, enfocar
Catalancentrar, enfocar
Nounsfocusmaximum clarity or distinctness of an image rendered by an optical system
focusingthe act of bringing into focus

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