Sentido | A young woman. |
Sinónimos | chica, chico, fille, joven, muchacha, mujercita, niña, señorita, señorito |
Específico | beldad, bella, belleza, hermosura | A young woman who is the most charming and beautiful of several rivals |
belleza, cuca, mona | A beautiful and graceful girl |
bimbo, mantenida, protegida | A young woman indulged by rich and powerful older men |
bomba, chica, gachí, moza, muchacha, muñeca, nena, polla, tía | informal terms for a (young) woman |
chavala, chica, joven, moza, muchacha, niña, rapaza, zagala | A girl or young woman who is unmarried |
chica de compañía | An attractive young woman hired to attend parties / parties and entertain men |
colleen | An Irish girl |
dependienta | A young female shop assistant |
doncella, señorita | An unmarried girl (especially a virgin) |
doncella, pimpollo | (a literary reference to) a pretty young girl |
empleada, trabajadora | A young woman who is employed |
flapper | A young woman in the 1920s who flaunted her unconventional conduct and dress |
machirulo, machona, machorra, machote, marimacha, marimacho | A girl who behaves in a boyish manner |
molinera | A girl who works in a mill |
papel de confidente | A pert or flirtatious young girl |
pija californiana | A girl who grew up in the tract housing in the San Fernando Valley |
pilluela | A girl of impish appeal |
reina de mayo | The girl chosen queen of a May Day festival |
sex bomb, sexpot | A young woman who is thought to have sex appeal |
General | hembra adulta, mujer | An adult female person (as opposed to a man) |
Inglés | girl, miss, missy, young lady, young woman, fille |
Catalán | fille, noia, senyoreta |
Nombres | doncellería, doncellez, juventud femenina, virginidad | The childhood of a girl / girl / girl |