Català > viatge: 6 sentits > nom 1, actSentit | The act of traveling from one place to another. |
Sinònims | desplaçament, trajecte |
Parts | etapa | A section or portion of a journey or course |
Específic | anada, excursió, sortida | A journey taken for pleasure |
camí, ruta, trajecte | A journey or passage |
circuit, gira, viatge | A journey or route all the way around a particular place or area |
excursió, sortida | wandering from the main path of a journey |
expedició | A journey organized for a particular purpose |
migració | A journey by ox wagon (especially an organized migration by a group of settlers) |
nolex | A regular journey of some distance to and from your place of work |
odissea | A long / long wandering and eventful journey |
passeig, vol | A journey in a vehicle (usually an automobile) |
pelegrinatge, romeria | A journey to a sacred place |
recorregut | A journey over a long distance |
travessia | A journey usually by ship |
viatge | A journey for some purpose (usually including the return) |
viatge | A journey to some distant place |
General | desplaçament, tràveling | The act of going from one place to another |
Anglès | journey, journeying |
Espanyol | jornada, travesía, viaje |
Verbs | viatjar | undertake a journey or trip |
viatjar | Travel upon or across |