Sentit | A story about mythical or supernatural beings or events. |
Sinònim | fàbula |
Categoria de | Iseult, Isolda | (Middle Ages) the bride of the king of Cornwall who (according to legend) fell in love with the king's nephew (Tristan) after they mistakenly drank a love potion that left them eternally in love with each other |
Sísif | (Greek legend) a king in ancient Greece who offended Zeus and whose punishment was to roll a huge boulder to the top of a steep hill |
Tristan, Tristany, Tristram | (Middle Ages) the nephew of the king of Cornwall who (according to legend) fell in love with his uncle's bride (Iseult) after they mistakenly drank a love potion that left them eternally in love with each other |
graal, Sant Graal | (legend) chalice used by Christ at the Last Supper |
taula rodona, Taula Rodona | (legend) the circular table for King Arthur and his knights |
General | història, relat | A piece of fiction that narrates a chain of related events |
Anglès | legend, fable |
Espanyol | fábula, leyenda |
Adjectius | llegendari | celebrated in fable or legend |
mític, mitològic | Based on or told of in traditional stories |
Noms | fabulista, faulista | A person who tells or invents / invents fables |