Sentit | A large and densely populated urban area; may include several independent administrative districts. |
Sinònims | metròpoli, urbs |
Espècimens | Aachen, Aix-la-Chapelle, Aquisgrà | A city in western Germany near the Dutch and Belgian borders |
Aarhus | port city of Denmark in eastern Jutland |
Aberdeen | A city in northeastern Scotland on the North Sea |
Abidjan, capital de la Costa d'Ivori | city recognized by the United States as the capital of the Ivory Coast |
Abuha, capital de Nigèria, Lagos | Chief port and economic center of Nigeria |
Acapulco | A port and fashionable resort city on the Pacific coast of southern Mexico |
Aden | An important port of Yemen |
Akaba | Jordan's port |
Al-Hudaydah | An important port in Yemen on the Red Sea |
Alep, Aleppo, Halab | A city in northwestern Syria |
Alexandria | The chief port of Egypt |
Allentown | A city in eastern Pennsylvania |
Alma-Ata, Almati, Almaty, capital de Kazajstan | The largest city in Kazakhstan and the capital until 1998 |
Ann Arbor | A city in southern Michigan near Detroit |
Antofagasta | A port city on the Pacific in northern Chile |
Antwerpen, Antwerp, Anvers | A busy port and financial center in northern Belgium on the Scheldt river |
Argos | An ancient city in southeastern Greece |
Ariana | city in Tunisia |
Arnhem | A city in the central Netherlands on the lower Rhine River |
Assur | An ancient Assyrian city on the Tigris and traditional capital of Assyria |
Astrakhan | A city in southwestern Russia on the delta of the Volga River |
Aswan | An ancient city on the Nile in Egypt |
Atlantic City | A city on the Atlantic shore in southeastern New Jersey |
Auckland | The largest city and principal port of New Zealand |
Babilim | The chief city of ancient Mesopotamia and capital of the ancient kingdom of Babylonia |
Badia Montego | port and resort city in northwestern Jamaica |
Baiona, Bayonne | A city in northeastern New Jersey |
Baltimore | The largest city in Maryland |
Bandung | A city in Indonesia |
Bangalore | An industrial city in south central India (west of Chennai) |
Barcelona, Ciutat Comptal | A city in northeastern Spain on the Mediterranean |
Bari | Capital city of the Apulia region on the Adriatic coast |
Basel, Basilea | A city in northwestern Switzerland |
Basra | The second largest city in Iraq |
Belo Horizonte | city in southeastern Brazil to the north of Rio de Janeiro |
Bengasi, Benghazi | port in northern Libya on the Gulf of Sidra |
Bergen | A port city in southwestern Norway |
Beverly Hills | A city in southwestern California surrounded by Los Angeles |
Birmingham | A city in central England |
Birmingham | The largest city in Alabama |
Bizanci | An ancient city on the Bosporus founded by the Greeks |
Bologna, Bolonya | The capital of Emilia-Romagna |
Bolzano, Bozen | An Italian city in Trentino-Alto Adige near the Austrian border |
Bombai, Bombay, Mumbai | A city in western India just off the coast of the Arabian Sea |
Bordeus | A port city in southwestern France |
Braga | An ancient city in northern Portugal |
Brasov | A city in central Romania in the foothills of the Transylvanian Alps |
Bremen | A city of northwestern Germany linked by the Weser River to the port of Bremerhaven and the North Sea |
Bremerhaven | A port city in northwestern Germany at the mouth of the Weser River on the North Sea |
Brescia | An ancient Italian city in central Lombardy |
Breslau, Wroclaw | A city in southwestern Poland on the Oder |
Brighton | A city in East Sussex in southern England that is a popular resort |
Brindisi | A port city in southeastern Apulia in Italy |
Bristol | An industrial city and port in southwestern England near the mouth of the River Avon |
Brno | An industrial city in Moravia in Czech Republic to the southeast of Prague |
Brownsville | A city in southern Texas on the Rio Grande near its mouth into the Gulf of Mexico |
Bruges | A city in northwestern Belgium that is connected by canal to the North Sea |
Brusa | A city in northwestern Turkey |
Buffalo | A city on Lake Erie in western New York (near Niagara Falls) |
Calcuta, Calcutta, Kolkata | The largest city in India and one of the largest cities in the world |
Cali | city in southwestern Colombia in a rich agricultural area |
Camden | A city in southwestern New Jersey on the Delaware River near Philadelphia |
Cancun, Cancún | A popular island resort off the northeastern tip of the Yucatan peninsula |
Canes, Cannes | A port and resort city on the French Riviera |
Cantó, Canton, Guangzhou | A city on the Zhu Jiang delta in southern China |
Cape Town, Ciutat del Cap | port city in southwestern South Africa |
Casablanca | A port on the Atlantic and the largest city of Morocco |
Cascades del Niàgara | A city in western New York State at the falls of the Niagara river |
Cebú | An important seaport on the island of Cebu in the Philippines |
Cedar Rapids | A city in eastern Iowa |
Changan | A city of central China |
Charlotte, Queen City | The largest city in North Carolina |
Chennai | A city in Tamil Nadu on the Bay of Bengal |
Chernobyl, Txernòbil | A city in north central Ukraine |
Chongqing | A city in south-central China on the Chang Jiang |
Chula Vista | An industrial city in southern California (south of San Diego) near the Mexican border |
Cincinnati | A city in southern Ohio on the Ohio river |
Ciudad Bolívar | A port in eastern Venezuela on the Orinoco river |
Ciudad Victoria | A city in east central Mexico |
Ciutat Ho Chi Minh, Saigon | A city in South Vietnam |
Ciutat del Vaticà, El Vaticà, Vaticà | The capital of the State of the Vatican City |
Clarksburg | A city in northern West Virginia |
Cleveland | The largest city in Ohio |
Colorado Springs | A city in east central Colorado on the eastern edge of the Rocky Mountains |
Comtat de Tartu | A city of southeastern Estonia that was a member of the Hanseatic League |
Constantinoble, Estambul, Istambul, Istanbul | The largest city and former capital of Turkey |
Constància | A Romanian resort city on the Black Sea |
Corint | The modern Greek port near the site of the ancient city that was second only to Athens |
Corpus Christi | A city in southern Texas on an arm of the Gulf of Mexico |
Cotonou | Chief port of Benin on the Bight of Benin |
Cracovia, Cracòvia, Krakow | An industrial city in southern Poland on the Vistula |
Cremona | A city in Lombardy on the Po River |
Dairen, Dalian | A port and shipbuilding center in northeastern China on the Liaodong Peninsula |
Dallas | A large commercial and industrial city in northeastern Texas located in the heart of the northern Texas oil fields |
Danzig, Gdansk | A port city of northern Poland near the mouth of the Vistula River on a gulf of the Baltic Sea |
Daugavpils | A city of southeastern Latvia |
Dayton | A city in southwest Ohio |
Delfos | An ancient Greek city on the slopes of Mount Parnassus |
Den Haag, La Haia, L'Haia, The Hague | The site of the royal residence and the de facto capital in the western part of the Netherlands |
Detroit | The largest city in Michigan and a major Great Lakes port |
Dijon | An industrial city in eastern France to the north of Lyons |
Dodoma | A city in the center of Tanzania that has been designated as the future capital |
Donostia-San Sebastián, San Sebastian | A city in northern Spain on the Bay of Biscay near the French border |
Dortmund | An industrial city in northwestern Germany |
Douala | The largest city of Cameroon |
Dresde, Dresden | A city in southeastern Germany on the Elbe River |
Dubai | port city in the United Arab Emirates on the Persian Gulf |
Dubrovnik | A port city in southwestern Croatia on the Adriatic |
Durazzo | port city in western Albania on the Adriatic |
Durban | A port city in eastern South Africa on the Indian Ocean |
Dusseldorf, Düsseldorf | An industrial city in western Germany on the Rhine |
Edirne | A city in northwestern Turkey |
Efes | An ancient Greek city on the western shore of Asia Minor in what is now Turkey |
Eindhoven | city in southeastern Netherlands noted for electrical industry |
El Paso | A city in western Texas on the Mexican border |
Esfahan | city in central Iran |
Esmirna, Izmir | A port city in western Turkey |
Esparta | An ancient Greek city famous for military prowess |
Essen | A city in western Germany |
Estat d'Hamburg, Hamburg | A port city in northern Germany on the Elbe River that was founded by Charlemagne in the 9th century and is today the largest port in Germany |
Estat de Durango | A city in north central Mexico |
Estrasburg, Strasbourg | city on the Rhine in eastern France near the German border |
Faisalabad, Lyallpur | city in northeast Pakistan |
Fargo | largest city in North Dakota |
Fes, Fez | A city in north central Morocco |
Filadelfia, Filadèlfia | The largest city in Pennsylvania |
Firenze, Florència | A city in central Italy on the Arno |
Fort Lauderdale | A city in southeast Florida on the Atlantic coast to the north of Miami |
Fort Wayne | A city in northeastern Indiana |
Fort Worth | A city in northeastern Texas (just to the west of Dallas) |
Frankfurt | A German city |
Fresno | A city in south central California in the San Joaquin Valley |
Fukuoka | A city in southern Japan on Kyushu |
Gafsa | A city in west central Tunisia |
Gand, Gant, Gent | port city in northwestern Belgium and industrial center |
Gary | A city in northwest Indiana on Lake Michigan |
Geneva, Ginebra | A city in southwestern Switzerland at the western end of Lake Geneva |
Genova, Gènova | A seaport in northwestern Italy |
Gidda, Jeddah, Jiddah | port city in western Saudi Arabia on the Red Sea |
Giza, Gizeh | An ancient Egyptian city on the west bank of the Nile opposite Cairo |
Glasgow | largest city in Scotland |
Gloucester | A city in southwestern England in Gloucestershire on the Severn |
Gomorra | (Old Testament) an ancient city near the Dead Sea that (along with Sodom) was destroyed by God for the vice and depravity of its inhabitants |
Gorky, Nizhny Novgorod | An industrial city in the European part of Russia |
Goteborg, Göteborg, Gothenburg | A port in southwestern Sweden |
Governador Valadares | A city in eastern Brazil to the northeast of Belo Horizonte |
Grand Rapids | A city in west central Michigan |
Graz | An industrial city is southeastern Austria |
Green Bay | A city of eastern Wisconsin on an arm of Lake Michigan |
Grenoble | A city in southeastern France on the Isere River |
Guadalajara | A city in southwestern Mexico |
Guayaquil | The largest city of Ecuador |
Haifa | A major port in northwestern Israel |
Halicarnàs, Halicarnassus | An ancient Greek city on the southwestern coast of Asia Minor in what is now Turkey |
Halle | A city in the Saxony region of Germany on the Saale River |
Hamilton | A port city in southeastern Ontario at the western end of Lake Ontario |
Hamilton | The capital of Bermuda |
Hannover, Hanover | A port city in northwestern Germany |
Herat | A city in northwestern Afghanistan on the site of several ancient cities |
Herculà, Herculaneum | ancient city |
Hermosillo | A city in northwestern Mexico near the Gulf of California |
Heroica Puebla de Zaragoza, Puebla de Zaragoza, Puebla | A city in south central Mexico (southeast of Mexico City) on the edge of central Mexican plateau |
Hiroshima | A port city on the southwestern coast of Honshu in Japan |
Hong Kong, Hong | formerly a Crown Colony on the coast of southern China in Guangdong province |
Houston | The largest city in Texas |
Hyderabad | A city in southern Pakistan on the Indus River |
Hyderabad | A city in south central India in Andhra Pradesh |
Hómiel | industrial city of Belarus to the southeast of Minsk |
Ilion, Troia, Troy | An ancient city in Asia Minor that was the site of the Trojan War |
Incheon, Inchon | A port city in western South Korea on the Yellow Sea |
Jaffa | A port in western Israel on the Mediterranean |
Jerez | A city in southwestern Spain that is famous for making sherry |
Jersey City | A city in northeastern New Jersey (opposite Manhattan) |
Johannesburg | city in the northeastern part of South Africa near Pretoria |
Kansas City | A city in western Missouri situated at the confluence of the Kansas River and the Missouri River |
Kansas City | A city of northeast Kansas on the Missouri River adjacent to Kansas City, Missouri |
Karachi | The largest city in Pakistan |
Katowice | An industrial city of southern Poland |
Kharkiv | A city in northeastern Ukraine |
Kimberley | city in central South Africa |
Kingston upon Hull | A large fishing port in northeastern England |
Kitakyushu | A Japanese city on northern Kyushu |
Klaipeda, Memel | A city in western Lithuania on the Baltic Sea |
Kobe | A port city in Japan on Osaka Bay in southern Honshu |
Kursk | A city of southwestern Russia |
Kyoto | A city in central Japan on southern Honshu |
Köln | A commercial center and river port in western Germany on the Rhine River |
L'Aquila | The provincial capital of the Abruzzi region in central Italy |
La Spezia | A port city in Liguria on an arm of the Ligurian Sea |
Lahore | city in northeast Pakistan |
Laredo | A city in southern Texas on the Rio Grande |
Las Vegas | largest city in Nevada |
Lausana, Lausanne | A city in western Switzerland |
Le Havre | A port city in northern France on the English Channel at the mouth of the Seine |
Leeds | A city on the River Aire in West Yorkshire in northern England |
Leiden | A city in the western Netherlands |
Leipzig | A city in southeastern Germany famous for fairs |
Leningrad, Peterburg, Petrograd, Sant Petersburg, St. Petersburg | A city in the European part of Russia |
Leon | A city in central Mexico |
Liege | city in eastern Belgium |
Liepaja | A city of southwestern Latvia on the Baltic Sea |
Lilla, Lille | An industrial city in northern France near the Belgian border |
Liverpool | A large city in northwestern England |
Lió, Lyon | A city in east-central France on the Rhone River |
Lobito | A seaport on the Atlantic coast of Angola |
Lodz | A large city of central Poland |
Logroño | A city in northern Spain on the Ebro River |
Long Beach | A city in southern California located on 8.5 miles of Pacific beachfront |
Los Angeles, Los Ángeles | A city in southern California |
Louisville | The largest city in Kentucky |
Lubeck | A city in northwestern Germany and an important Baltic port |
Luxor | A city in central Egypt on the east bank of the Nile that is a center for visitors to the ruins of and around Thebes |
Lynchburg | A city in central Virginia |
Lüshun, Port Arthur | A major port city in northeastern China on the Liaodong Peninsula |
Malmo, Malmö | A port in southern Sweden |
Manchester | A city in northwestern England (30 miles to the east of Liverpool) |
Manchester | largest city in New Hampshire |
Mandalay | A city in central Myanmar to the north of Rangoon |
Mannheim | A city in southwestern Germany at the confluence of the Rhine and Neckar rivers |
Marrakech, Marrakesh, Marràqueix | A city in western Morocco |
Marseille, Marsella | A port city in southeastern France on the Mediterranean |
Mawlamyine | A port city of southern Myanmar on the Gulf of Martaban |
Mazar-i-Sharif | A city in northern Afghanistan |
Medellín | city in western Colombia |
Medina | A city in western Saudi Arabia |
Meixad | The holy city of Shiite Muslims |
Memphis | largest city of Tennessee |
Messina | A port city in northeastern Sicily / Sicily on the Strait of Messina |
Mexicali | A city in northwestern Mexico near the California border |
Miami | A city and resort in southeastern Florida on Biscayne Bay |
Miami Beach | A city in southeastern Florida on an island between Biscayne Bay and the Atlantic Ocean |
Milwaukee | largest city of Wisconsin |
Milà, Milano | The capital of Lombardy in northern Italy |
Minneapolis | largest city in Minnesota |
Mombasa | A port city in southern Kenya on a coral island in a bay of the Indian Ocean |
Mont-real, Montreal | A city in southern Quebec province on the Saint Lawrence River |
Monterrey | An industrial city in northeastern Mexico |
Morgantown | A city in northern West Virginia on the Monongahela river near the Pennsylvania border |
Mossul, Mosul | A city in northern Iraq on the Tigris across from the ruins of Nineveh |
Mukden, Shenyang | A city in northeastern China |
Murmansk, Província de Múrmansk | A port city in northwestern Russia on the Kola Peninsula |
Mérida, Mèrida | The capital of the Mexican state of Yucatan |
München, Munich, Munic, Múnic | The capital and largest city of Bavaria in southwestern Germany |
Nagasaki | A city in southern Japan on Kyushu |
Nagoya | An industrial city in southern Honshu |
Namur | A city in south central Belgium situated on a promontory between the Meuse River and the Sambre River |
Nancy | A city in northeastern France in Lorraine |
Nanjing, Nanking | A city in eastern China on the Yangtze River |
Nantes | A port city in western France on the Loire estuary |
Napoli, Nàpols | A port and tourist center in southwestern Italy |
Natal | A port city in northeastern Brazil |
New Haven | A city in southwestern Connecticut |
New Orleans, Nova Orleans | A port and largest city in Louisiana |
New York City, New York, Nova York | The largest city in New York State and in the United States |
Newark | The largest city in New Jersey |
Newcastle | A port city in northeastern England on the River Tyne |
Newport News | A port city in southeastern Virginia at the mouth of the James River off Hampton Roads |
Nidaros | A port in central Norway on Trondheim Fjord |
Nijmegen | An industrial city in the eastern Netherlands |
Niça | A city in southeastern France on the Mediterranean |
Novgorod | A city in northwestern Russia on the Volkhov River |
Novosibirsk, Novossibirsk | A city in the Asian part of Russia on the Ob river |
Nuremberg, Núremberg | A city in southeastern Germany |
Nàltxik | A city in southwestern Russia in a valley of the Caucasus Mountains |
Nínive | An ancient Assyrian city on the Tigris across from the modern city of Mosul in the northern part of what is now known as Iraq |
Oaxaca | A city of southeastern Mexico |
Odesa | A port city of south central Ukraine on an arm of the Black Sea |
Oporto, Porto | port city in northwest Portugal |
Orlando | A city in central Florida |
Orleans | A city on the Loire river in north central France |
Orumiyeh | A city on the western side of Lake Urmia in northwestern Iran |
Orà, Oran | A port city in northwestern Algeria and the country's 2nd largest city |
Osaka | port city on southern Honshu on Osaka Bay |
Oviedo | A city in northwestern Spain near the Cantabrian Mountains |
Padova, Padua, Pàdua, Patavium | A city in Veneto |
Palerm, Palermo | The capital of Sicily |
Papeete | The capital of French Polynesia on the northwestern coast of Tahiti |
Pasadena | A city in southwestern California to the east of Los Angeles |
Patras, Patres | A port city in western Greece in the northwestern Peloponnese on an inlet of the Ionian Sea |
Pergamum | An ancient Greek city located in the western part of what is now modern Turkey |
Persèpolis | An ancient city that was the capital of the ancient Persian Empire |
Pisa | A city in Tuscany |
Pittsburgh | A city in southwestern Pennsylvania where the confluence of the Allegheny River and Monongahela River forms the Ohio River |
Plovdiv | An ancient city in southern Bulgaria |
Pompeii | ancient city to the southeast of Naples that was buried by a volcanic eruption from Vesuvius |
Port Sudan | port city in Sudan on the Red Sea |
Portland | Freshwater port and largest city in Oregon |
Potsdam | A city in northeastern Germany |
Província de Cadis | An ancient port city in southwestern Spain |
Província de Màlaga | A port city and resort in Andalusia in southern Spain on the Mediterranean |
Província de Sevilla, Sevilla | A city in southwestern Spain |
Punta Arenas | A city in southern Chile on the Strait of Magellan |
Qandahar | A city in southern Afghanistan |
Quezon City | city on Luzon adjoining Manila |
Rasht | city in northwestern Iran near the Caspian Sea |
Reading | A city on the River Thames in Berkshire in southern England |
Recife | A port city of northeastern Brazil on the Atlantic |
Rio de Janeiro, Rio | The former capital and 2nd largest city of Brazil |
Rockford | A city in northern Illinois |
Rosario | A port city on the Parana River in eastern central Argentina |
Rostock | A city in northeastern Germany near the Baltic sea |
Rostov | A seaport on the Don River near the Sea of Azov in the European part of Russia |
Rotterdam | The 2nd largest city in the Netherlands |
Saint Augustine, St. Augustine | A resort city in northeastern Florida |
Saint John | A port in eastern Canada |
Saint Louis, San Luis, St. Louis | The largest city in Missouri |
Saint Petersburg | A city in western Florida on Tampa Bay |
Salónica, Tessalònica, Thessaloniki | A port city in northeastern Greece on an inlet of the Aegean Sea |
Samaria | An ancient city in central Palestine founded in the 9th century BC as the capital of the northern Hebrew kingdom of Israel |
Samarkanda, Samarkand | city in southern Uzbekistan |
San Antonio | A city of south central Texas |
San Bernardino | A city in southern California to the east of Los Angeles |
San Diego | A picturesque city of southern California on San Diego Bay near the Mexican border |
San Francisco | A port in western California near the Golden Gate that is one of the major industrial and transportation centers |
San Jose, San José | A city in western California located at the southern end of San Francisco Bay to the south of San Francisco |
San Juan de la Frontera, San Juan | The capital and largest city of Puerto Rico |
San Pedro Sula | industrial city in northwestern Honduras |
Santa Ana | A city in southern California to the east of Long Beach |
Santa Ana | A city in western El Salvador |
Santa Clara | A city of west central California |
Santa Cruz | A city in central Bolivia |
Santos | A port city in southwestern Brazil on an offshore island near Sao Paulo |
Sao Paulo | An ultramodern city in southeastern Brazil |
Saragossa, Zaragoza | An ancient city on the Ebro River in northeastern Spain |
Sarajevo | Capital and largest city of Bosnia |
Sardes, Sardis | An ancient Greek city located in the western part of what is now modern Turkey |
Saràtov | An industrial city in the European part of Russia |
Seattle | A major port of entry and the largest city in Washington |
Sebastopol, Sebastòpol, Sevastopol | A city in southern Ukraine on the Black Sea |
Shanghai, Xangai, Xanghai | The largest city of China |
Sidó | The main city of ancient Phoenicia |
Sioux City | A city in northeastern Iowa where the Big Sioux River joins the Missouri |
Sioux Falls | largest city in South Dakota |
Smolensk | A city in western Russia on the Dnieper River |
Sodoma | (Old Testament) an ancient city near the Dead Sea that (along with Gomorrah) was destroyed by God for the wickedness of its inhabitants |
Soledad | A city in northern Colombia |
Sousse, Susa, Sussa | A port city in eastern Tunisia on the Mediterranean |
South Bend | A city in northern Indiana |
Stalingrad, Tsaritsyn | A city in the European part of Russia on the Volga |
Stuttgart | A city in southwestern Germany famous for innovative / innovative architecture |
Sudbury | A city in south central Canada in Ontario |
Swansea | A port city in southern Wales on an inlet of the Bristol Channel |
Tabora | A city in western Tanzania |
Tebas | An ancient Greek city in Boeotia destroyed by Alexander the Great in 336 BC |
Tel Aviv-Jaffa, Tel Aviv | The largest city and financial center of Israel |
Temuco | A city in central Chile to the south of Concepcion |
Tepic | A city in west central Mexico |
Thunder Bay | A port city in Ontario on Lake Superior |
Tianjin, Tientsin | A major industrial center in northeastern China on the Grand Canal near the Yellow Sea |
Tijuana | A Mexican city just to the south of San Diego on the Lower California peninsula |
Timbuctu, Timbuktu | A city in central Mali near the Niger river |
Tir | A port in southern Lebanon on the Mediterranean Sea |
Tolosa de Llenguadoc, Tolosa, Toulouse | A city on the Garonne River in southern France to the southeast of Bordeaux |
Toló, Toulon | A port city and naval base in southeastern France on the Mediterranean coast |
Torí | Capital city of the Piemonte region of northwestern Italy |
Tours | An industrial city in western France on the Loire River |
Trent, Trento | A city in northern Italy (northwest of Venice) on the River Adige |
Trípoli | A port city and commercial center in northwestern Lebanon on the Mediterranean Sea |
Txeliàbinsk | A city in the Asian part of Russia |
Tànger | A city of northern Morocco at the west end of the Strait of Gibraltar |
Ufa, Ufà | A city in the European part of Russia |
Uppsala | A city in east central Sweden to the northwest of Stockholm |
Ur | An ancient city of Sumer located on a former channel of the Euphrates River |
Utica | An ancient city on the north coast of Africa (northwest of Carthage) |
Utrecht | A city in the central Netherlands |
Valencia | An industrial city in northern Venezuela |
Vancouver | A port city in southwestern British Columbia on an arm of the Pacific Ocean opposite Vancouver Island |
Venecia, Venècia, Venezia | The provincial capital of Veneto |
Veracruz | A major Mexican port on the Gulf of Mexico in the state of Veracruz |
Verona | A city in Veneto on the River Adige |
Villahermosa | A city in southeastern Mexico |
Vinya del Mar | A resort city on the Pacific in central Chile |
Virginia Beach | The largest city in Virginia |
Vladivostok | A seaport in the Asian part of Russia |
Weimar | A German city near Leipzig |
Wichita Falls | A city in north central Texas near the Oklahoma border |
Wiesbaden | A city in western Germany |
Wuhan | A city of central China on the Chang Jiang |
Xicago | largest city in Illinois |
Yokohama | port city on southeastern Honshu in central Japan |
Zaria | A city in north central Nigeria |
Zarqa | city in northwestern Jordan |
Zurich, Zuric | The largest city in Switzerland |
capital de Malawi, Lilongwe | A city in southern Malawi |
capital de Malàisia, Kuala Lumpur | The largest city and former capital of Malaysia until 2005 |
capital de la Índia, Delhi, Nova Delhi | A city in north central India |
Específic | capital de nació, capital nacional | The capital city of a nation |
capital de província, capital | The capital city of a province |
General | municipi | An urban district having corporate status and powers of self-government |
Anglès | city, metropolis, urban center |
Espanyol | capital, ciudad, urbe |
Adjectius | metropolità | relating to or characteristic of a metropolis |
urbà | relating to or concerned with a city or densely populated area |