Sentit | The capital city of a nation. |
Sinònim | capital de nació |
Espècimens | Abu Dhabi, capital de la Unió d'Emirats Àrabs | A sheikhdom of eastern Arabia and capital of the United Arab Emirates |
Abuja | Capital of Nigeria in the center of the country |
Accra, capital de Ghana | The capital and largest city of Ghana with a deep-water port |
Addis Ababa, Addis Abeba, capital d'Etiòpia | The capital of Ethiopia and the country's largest city |
Al-Kuwait, capital de Kuwait, Kuwait | A seaport on the Persian Gulf and capital of Kuwait |
Al-Riyad, Ar-Riyad, capital de l'Aràbia Saudita, Riad, Riyadh | joint capital (with Mecca) of Saudi Arabia located in the central oasis |
Alger, capital d'Argèlia | An ancient port on the Mediterranean |
Amman, capital de Jordània | The capital and largest city of Jordan |
Amsterdam, capital dels Països Baixos | An industrial center and the nominal capital of the Netherlands |
Angora, Ankara, capital de Turquia | The capital of Turkey |
Antananarivo, capital de la República de Madagascar | The capital and largest city of Madagascar / Madagascar |
Apia, Àpia, capital de Samoa Occidental | The capital of Western Samoa |
Ashkhabad, Asjabad, capital de Turkmenistan | The capital and largest city of Turkmenistan |
Asmara | The capital of Eritrea |
Astana, Astanà | Remote city of Kazakhstan that (ostensibly for security reasons) was made the capital in 1998 |
Asunción, capital del Paraguai | The capital and chief port of Paraguay |
Atenes, Athens, capital de Grècia | The capital and largest city of Greece |
Bagdad, Baghdad, capital de l'Iraq | Capital and largest city of Iraq |
Baku, bakú, Bakú, capital d'Azerbaidjan | A port city on the Caspian Sea that is the capital of Azerbaijan and an important center for oil production |
Bamako, capital de Mali | The capital of Mali |
Bangkok, capital de Tailàndia | The capital and largest city and chief port of Thailand |
Bangui, capital de la República Centrafricana | The capital and largest city of the Central African Republic |
Banjul, capital de Gàmbia | A port city and capital of Gambia |
Basseterre | The capital of Saint Kitts and Nevis on the island of Saint Christopher |
Beijing, capital de la Xina, Pekín, Pequín | Capital of the People's Republic of China in the Hebei province in northeastern China |
Beirut, capital del Líban | Capital and largest city of Lebanon |
Belfast, capital d'Irlanda del Nord | Capital and largest city of Northern Ireland |
Belgrade, Belgrad, Beograd, capital de la Federació Iugoslava | Capital and largest city of Serbia and Montenegro |
Berlin, Berlín, capital d'Alemanya | Capital of Germany located in eastern Germany |
Bishkek, Bixkek, Frunze | The capital of Kyrgyzstan (known as Frunze 1926-1991) |
Bissau, capital de Guinea-Bissau | The capital of Guinea-Bissau |
Bogotá, Bogotà, capital de Colòmbia | Capital and largest city of Colombia |
Brasilia, Brasília, capital del Brasil | The capital of Brazil |
Bratislava | Capital and largest city of Slovakia |
Brazzaville, capital del Congo | The capital and largest city of the Republic of the Congo |
Bridgetown | Capital of Barbados |
Brussel·les, Brussels, Bruxelles, capital de Bèlgica | The capital and largest city of Belgium |
Bucarest, Bucuresti, capital de Romania | national capital and largest city of Romania in southeastern Romania |
Budapest, capital d'Hungria | Capital and largest city of Hungary |
Buenos Aires, capital de l'Argentina | Capital and largest city of Argentina |
Caire, Cairo, capital d'Egipte, El Caire | The capital of Egypt and the largest city in Africa |
Cambodja, Phnom Penh | The capital and largest city of Kampuchea |
Canberra, capital d'Austràlia | The capital of Australia |
Castries | A port on the island of Saint Lucia |
Erevan, Erivan, Yerevan | Capital of Armenia |
George Town | The capital of the Cayman Islands |
Georgetown, Stabroek | port city and the capital and largest city of Guyana |
Honiara | national capital of Solomon Islands |
Kingstown | The capital of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines |
La Paz | Capital city in western Bolivia and the administrative seat of Bolivia's government |
Ljubljana | The capital of Slovenia |
Malabo | The capital and largest city of Equatorial Guinea on the island of Bioko in the Gulf of Guinea |
Roseau | The capital and largest city of Dominica |
Saint John's | The capital and largest city of Antigua and Barbuda |
Sanaa, Sanaà, Sana, Sanà | The capital and largest city of Yemen |
Skopje | Capital of modern Macedonia |
São Tomé | Capital of Sao Tome and Principe |
Vila de Mònaco | The capital of Monaco |
Windhoek | Capital of Namibia in the center of the country |
Zagreb | The capital of Croatia |
al-Manamah, Al-Manama, capital de Bahrein, Manama | The capital of Bahrain |
berna, Berna, capital de Suïssa | The capital of Switzerland |
capital britànica, capital del Regne Unit, Gran Londres, Greater London, London, londres, Londres | The capital and largest city of England |
capital d'Albània, Tirana | The capital and largest city of Albania in the center of the country |
capital d'Angola, Luanda | port city on Atlantic coast |
capital d'El Salvador, San Salvador | The capital and largest city of El Salvador |
capital d'Escòcia, Edimburg, Edinburgh | The capital of Scotland |
capital d'Espanya, Madrid, Província de Madrid | The capital and largest city situated centrally in Spain |
capital d'Estònia, Tallin, Tallinn | A port city on the Gulf of Finland that is the capital and largest city of Estonia |
capital d'Haití, Port-au-Prince | The capital and largest city of Haiti |
capital d'Hondures, Tegucigalpa | The capital and largest city of Honduras |
capital d'Indonèsia, Djakarta, Jakarta | Capital and largest city of Indonesia |
capital d'Irlanda, Dublin, Dublín | Capital and largest city and major port of the Irish Republic |
capital d'Islàndia, Reykjavik, Reykjavík | The capital and chief port of Iceland on the southwestern coast of Iceland |
capital d'Israel, Jerusalem | Capital and largest city of the modern state of Israel (although its status as capital is disputed) |
capital d'Itàlia, capital italiana, Roma, Rome | Capital and largest city of Italy |
capital d'Oman, Masqat, Muscat | A port on the Gulf of Oman and capital of the sultanate of Oman |
capital d'Ucraïna, Kiev, Kíev, Kyyiv | Capital and largest city of the Ukraine |
capital d'Uganda, Kampala | The capital and largest city of Uganda on the north shore of Lake Victoria |
capital d'Uzbequistan, Taixkent, Tashkent | The capital of Uzbekistan |
capital d'Àustria, viena, Viena, Vienna | The capital and largest city of Austria |
capital de Bangladesh, Dhaka | The capital and largest city of Bangladesh |
capital de Benín, Porto Novo | The capital of Benin in southwestern part of country on a coastal lagoon |
capital de Bielorússia, Minsk | The capital of Belarus and of the Commonwealth of Independent States |
capital de Birmània, Rangoon, Rangun, Yangon | The capital and largest city of Myanmar |
capital de Botswana, Gaborone | Capital and largest city of Botswana in the extreme southeast |
capital de Bulgària, Sofia | Capital and largest city of Bulgaria located in western Bulgaria |
capital de Burundi, Usumbura | The capital and largest city of Burundi |
capital de Canadà, Ottawa | The capital of Canada (located in southeastern Ontario across the Ottawa river from Quebec) |
capital de Corea del Nord, Pyongyang | Capital of North Korea and an industrial center |
capital de Corea del Sud, Seoul, Seül | The capital of South Korea and the largest city of Asia |
capital de Costa Rica, San Jose, San José | The capital and largest city of Costa Rica |
capital de Cuba, Havana, La Habana, L'Havana | The capital and largest city of Cuba |
capital de Dinamarca, Copenhagen, Copenhaguen, Kobenhavn | The capital and largest city of Denmark |
capital de Djibuti, Djibouti, Djibuti | port city on the Gulf of Aden |
capital de Finlàndia, Helsinki, Hèlsinki | The capital and largest city of Finland |
capital de França, capital francesa, ciutat de la llum, París | The capital and largest city of France |
capital de Gal·les, Cardiff | The capital and largest city of Wales |
capital de Geòrgia, Tbilisi, Tbilissi, Tiflis | The capital and largest city of Georgia on the Kura river |
capital de Granada, Saint George, Saint George's | The capital and largest city of Grenada |
capital de Guatemala, Ciutat de Guatemala, Guatemala | The capital and largest city of Guatemala |
capital de Guinea, Conakry | A port and the capital of Guinea |
capital de Jamaica, Kingston | Capital and largest city of Jamaica |
capital de Kenya, Nairobi | The capital and largest city of Kenya |
capital de Laos, Vientiane | The capital and largest city of Laos |
capital de Lesotho, Maseru | The capital of Lesotho |
capital de Letònia, Riga | A port city on the Gulf of Riga that is the capital and largest city of Latvia |
capital de Libèria, Monrovia, Monròvia | The capital and chief port and largest city of Liberia |
capital de Liechtenstein, Vaduz | The capital and largest city of Liechtenstein |
capital de Lituània, Vilna, Vilnius, Vílnius, Wilno | The capital and largest city of Lithuania |
capital de Luxemburg, Luxemburg | The capital and largest city of Luxembourg |
capital de Líbia, Trípoli | The capital and chief port and largest city of Libya |
capital de Malta, La Valetta, La Valletta, Valetta, Valletta | The capital of Malta |
capital de Mauritània, Nouakchott | capital of Mauritania |
capital de Moldàvia | The capital of Moldova |
capital de Mongòlia, Ulaanbaatar, Ula Bator, Ulan Bator, Urga | The capital and largest city of Mongolia |
capital de Moçambic, Maputo | The capital and largest city of Mozambique |
capital de Mèxic, Ciutat de Mèxic, ciutat de Mèxic, Mèxic | The capital and largest city of Mexico is a political and cultural and commercial and industrial center |
capital de Nicaragua, Managua | The capital and largest city of Nicaragua |
capital de Noruega, Oslo | The capital and largest city of Norway |
capital de Nova Zelanda, Wellington | The capital of New Zealand |
capital de Panamà, Ciutat de Panamà, Panamà | The capital and largest city of Panama |
capital de Papua-Nova Guinea, Port Moresby | The administrative capital and largest city of Papua New Guinea |
capital de Polònia, Varsòvia, Warszawa | The capital and largest city of Poland |
capital de Portugal, Lisboa | Capital and largest city and economic and cultural center of Portugal |
capital de Qatar, Doha | The capital and chief port of Qatar |
capital de Ruanda, Kigali | The national capital and largest city of Rwanda |
capital de Rússia, Moscou, Moscow | A city of central European Russia |
capital de San Marino, San Marino, San | The capital and only city of San Marino |
capital de Sierra Leona, Freetown | port city and the capital and largest city of Sierra Leone |
capital de Singapur, Singapur | The capital of Singapore |
capital de Somàlia, Mogadiscio, Mogadishu, Muqdisho | The capital and largest city of Somalia |
capital de Sri Lanka, Colombo | The capital and largest city of Sri Lanka |
capital de Surinam, Paramaribo | The capital and largest city and major port of Surinam |
capital de Suècia, Estocolm, Stockholm | The capital and largest city of Sweden |
capital de Swaziland, Mbabane | Capital of Swaziland |
capital de Síria, Damasc | An ancient city (widely regarded as the world's oldest) and present capital and largest city of Syria |
capital de Tadjikistan, Dushambe | The capital of Tajikistan |
capital de Taiwan, Taipeh, Taipei | The capital of Nationalist China |
capital de Tanzània, Dar es Salaam, Dar-es-Salaam | The capital and largest port city of Tanzania on the Indian Ocean |
capital de Trinidad i Tobago, Port Espanya, Port of Spain | The capital and largest city of Trinidad and Tobago on the west coast of the island of Trinidad |
capital de Tunísia, Tunis | The capital and principal port of Tunisia |
capital de Veneçuela, Caracas | The capital and largest city of Venezuela |
capital de Vietnam, Hanoi | The capital city of Vietnam |
capital de Xile, Santiago de Chile, Santiago | The capital and largest city of Chile |
capital de Xipre, Nicosia, Nicòsia | The capital and largest city of Cyprus |
capital de Zimbabwe, Harare, Salisbury | The capital and largest city of Zimbabwe |
capital de Zàmbia, Lusaka | The capital and largest city of Zambia |
capital de l'Afganistan, Kabul | The capital and largest city of Afghanistan |
capital de l'Equador, Quito | The capital of Ecuador |
capital de l'Iran, Teheran | The capital and largest city of Iran |
capital de l'Uruguai, Montevideo | The capital and largest city of Uruguay |
capital de la República Dominicana, Santo Domingo | The capital and largest city of the Dominican Republic |
capital de la República Txeca, Praga, Praha | The capital and largest city of the Czech Republic in the western part of the country |
capital de la República de Sud-àfrica, Pretoria, Pretòria | city in the Transvaal |
capital de les Bahames, Nassau | The capital of the Bahamas |
capital de les Fidji, Suva | The capital and largest city of Fiji (on Viti Levu island) |
capital de les Filipines, Manila | The capital and largest city of the Philippines |
capital de les Maldives, Male | The capital of Maldives in the center of the islands |
capital de les Maurici, Port Louis | Capital and chief port of Mauritius |
capital de les Seychelles, Victòria | port city and the capital of Seychelles |
capital de les Vanuatu, Port Vila, Vila | Capital of Vanuatu |
capital del Camerún, Yaoundé | The capital of Cameroon |
capital del Cap Verd, Praia | The capital of Cape Verde on Sao Tiago Island |
capital del Gabon, Libreville | The capital of Gabon |
capital del Japó, Tokio, Tokyo, Toquio, Tòquio, Yeddo, Yedo | The capital and largest city of Japan |
capital del Marroc, Rabat | The capital of Morocco |
capital del Nepal, Kathmandu, Kàtmandu, Katmandú | The capital and largest city of Nepal |
capital del Níger, Niamey | The capital and largest city of Niger |
capital del Pakistan, Islamabad | The capital of Pakistan in the north on a plateau |
capital del Perú, Lima, Regió de Lima | Capital and largest city and economic center of Peru |
capital del Senegal, Dakar | The capital and chief port and largest city of Senegal |
capital del Sudan, Khartum | The capital of Sudan located at the confluence of the Blue Nile and White Nile |
capital del Togo, Lomé | capital and largest city of Togo |
capital del Txad, Fort-Lamy, Ndjamena, N'Djamena | The capital and largest city of Chad |
capital del Tíbet, Lhasa | The sacred city of Lamaism |
capital del Zaire, Kinshasa, Leopoldville | The capital of the Democratic Republic of the Congo on the Congo river opposite Brazzaville |
capital dels Estats Units, Washington D.C., Washington | The capital of the United States in the District of Columbia and a tourist mecca |
General | capital | A seat of government |
ciutat, metròpoli, urbs | A large and densely populated urban area |
Anglès | national capital |
Espanyol | capital de nación, capital, capital nacional |