HyperDic: imperturbable

Español > 8 sentidos de la palabra imperturbable:
ADJETIVOallimperturbable, estólido, flemático, frío, impasible, inalterablehaving or revealing little emotion or sensibility
allimperturbable, tranquilonot easily perturbed or excited or upset
allimperturbable, atrevida, atrevido, audaz, bravo, impávida, impávido, impertérrita, impertérrito, intrépida, intrépido, valeroso, valienteinvulnerable to fear or intimidation
allimperturbable, fláccido, fresco, tranquilomarked by calm self-control (especially in trying / trying circumstances)
allimperturbablenot shrinking from danger / danger
allimperturbable, impertérritofree from emotional agitation or nervous tension
allimperturbableshowing no visible emotion
allimperturbable, impasible, impertérritonot influenced or affected
Español > imperturbable: 8 sentidos > adjetivo 1
SentidoHaving or revealing little emotion or sensibility; not easily aroused or excited.
Sinónimosestólido, flemático, frío, impasible, inalterable
Generalimpasibleunsusceptible to or destitute of or showing no emotion
Inglésimpassive, stolid
Catalánfred, impertorbable, inalterable
Nombresapatía, flema, impasibilidad, impasividad, impavidez, imperturbabilidad, indiferenciaapathy demonstrated by an absence of emotional reactions
asceticismo, ascetismo, estoicismo, impertubabilidadAn indifference to pleasure or pain
Español > imperturbable: 8 sentidos > adjetivo 2
Sentidonot easily perturbed or excited or upset; marked by extreme / extreme calm and composure.
Generalserena, sereno, sosegadoserenely self-possessed and free from agitation / agitation especially in times of stress
Inglésimperturbable, unflappable
Nombrescachaza, flema, frialdad, imperturbabilidad, sangre fríacalm and unruffled self-assurance
Español > imperturbable: 8 sentidos > adjetivo 3
Sentidoinvulnerable to fear or intimidation.
Sinónimosatrevida, atrevido, audaz, bravo, impávida, impávido, impertérrita, impertérrito, intrépida, intrépido, valeroso, valiente
Generalatrevido, audaz, intrépido, osadofearless and daring
Inglésaudacious, brave, dauntless, fearless, hardy, intrepid, unfearing
Catalánaudaç, coratjós, impàvid, intrèpid, valent, valerós
Nombresaudacia, osadía, temeridadfearless daring
bravura, intrepidezThe trait of feeling no fear
bravura, coraje, valentía, valorFeeling no fear
coraje, valentía, valorA quality of spirit that enables you to face danger or pain without showing fear
impavidez, intrepidez, valentíaresolute courageousness
Adverbiosatrevidamente, audazmente, fuertemente, intrépidamente, osadamente, valientementeWithout fear
Español > imperturbable: 8 sentidos > adjetivo 4
Sentidomarked by calm self-control (especially in trying / trying circumstances); unemotional.
Sinónimosfláccido, fresco, tranquilo
Generalserena, sereno, sosegadoserenely self-possessed and free from agitation / agitation especially in times of stress
Ingléscool, coolheaded, nerveless
Nombresfrialdad, impasibilidadfearless self-possession in the face of danger
Adverbioscasualmente, despreocupadamente, frescamente, indiferentementeIn a composed and unconcerned manner
Español > imperturbable: 8 sentidos > adjetivo 5
Sentidonot shrinking from danger / danger.
Generalimpertérritooblivious of dangers or perils or calmly resolute in facing them
Inglésunblinking, unflinching, unintimidated, unshrinking
Español > imperturbable: 8 sentidos > adjetivo 6
SentidoFree from emotional agitation or nervous tension.
Generalserena, sereno, sosegadoserenely self-possessed and free from agitation / agitation especially in times of stress
Inglésunflurried, unflustered, unperturbed, unruffled
Catalánimpertèrrit, impertorable
Español > imperturbable: 8 sentidos > adjetivo 7
Sentidoshowing no visible emotion.
Generalimpasibleunsusceptible to or destitute of or showing no emotion
Español > imperturbable: 8 sentidos > adjetivo 8
Sentidonot influenced or affected.
Sinónimosimpasible, impertérrito
GeneralinafectadoUndergoing no change when acted upon
Inglésuninfluenced, unswayed, untouched
Catalánimpassible, impertèrrit, imperturbable

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