ADJETIVO | all | imperturbable, estólido, flemático, frío, impasible, inalterable | having or revealing little emotion or sensibility |
all | imperturbable, tranquilo | not easily perturbed or excited or upset | |
all | imperturbable, atrevida, atrevido, audaz, bravo, impávida, impávido, impertérrita, impertérrito, intrépida, intrépido, valeroso, valiente | invulnerable to fear or intimidation | |
all | imperturbable, fláccido, fresco, tranquilo | marked by calm self-control (especially in trying / trying circumstances) | |
all | imperturbable | not shrinking from danger / danger | |
all | imperturbable, impertérrito | free from emotional agitation or nervous tension | |
all | imperturbable | showing no visible emotion | |
all | imperturbable, impasible, impertérrito | not influenced or affected |
Sentido | Having or revealing little emotion or sensibility; not easily aroused or excited. | |
Sinónimos | estólido, flemático, frío, impasible, inalterable | |
General | impasible | unsusceptible to or destitute of or showing no emotion |
Inglés | impassive, stolid | |
Catalán | fred, impertorbable, inalterable | |
Nombres | apatía, flema, impasibilidad, impasividad, impavidez, imperturbabilidad, indiferencia | apathy demonstrated by an absence of emotional reactions |
asceticismo, ascetismo, estoicismo, impertubabilidad | An indifference to pleasure or pain |
Sentido | not easily perturbed or excited or upset; marked by extreme / extreme calm and composure. | |
Sinónimo | tranquilo | |
General | serena, sereno, sosegado | serenely self-possessed and free from agitation / agitation especially in times of stress |
Inglés | imperturbable, unflappable | |
Catalán | impertorbable | |
Nombres | cachaza, flema, frialdad, imperturbabilidad, sangre fría | calm and unruffled self-assurance |
Sentido | invulnerable to fear or intimidation. | |
Sinónimos | atrevida, atrevido, audaz, bravo, impávida, impávido, impertérrita, impertérrito, intrépida, intrépido, valeroso, valiente | |
General | atrevido, audaz, intrépido, osado | fearless and daring |
Inglés | audacious, brave, dauntless, fearless, hardy, intrepid, unfearing | |
Catalán | audaç, coratjós, impàvid, intrèpid, valent, valerós | |
Nombres | audacia, osadía, temeridad | fearless daring |
bravura, intrepidez | The trait of feeling no fear | |
bravura, coraje, valentía, valor | Feeling no fear | |
coraje, valentía, valor | A quality of spirit that enables you to face danger or pain without showing fear | |
impavidez, intrepidez, valentía | resolute courageousness | |
Adverbios | atrevidamente, audazmente, fuertemente, intrépidamente, osadamente, valientemente | Without fear |
Sentido | marked by calm self-control (especially in trying / trying circumstances); unemotional. | |
Sinónimos | fláccido, fresco, tranquilo | |
General | serena, sereno, sosegado | serenely self-possessed and free from agitation / agitation especially in times of stress |
Inglés | cool, coolheaded, nerveless | |
Nombres | frialdad, impasibilidad | fearless self-possession in the face of danger |
Adverbios | casualmente, despreocupadamente, frescamente, indiferentemente | In a composed and unconcerned manner |
Sentido | not shrinking from danger / danger. | |
General | impertérrito | oblivious of dangers or perils or calmly resolute in facing them |
Inglés | unblinking, unflinching, unintimidated, unshrinking | |
Catalán | impertorbable |
Sentido | Free from emotional agitation or nervous tension. | |
Sinónimo | impertérrito | |
General | serena, sereno, sosegado | serenely self-possessed and free from agitation / agitation especially in times of stress |
Inglés | unflurried, unflustered, unperturbed, unruffled | |
Catalán | impertèrrit, impertorable |
Sentido | showing no visible emotion. | |
General | impasible | unsusceptible to or destitute of or showing no emotion |
Inglés | unblinking |
Sentido | not influenced or affected. | |
Sinónimos | impasible, impertérrito | |
General | inafectado | Undergoing no change when acted upon |
Inglés | uninfluenced, unswayed, untouched | |
Catalán | impassible, impertèrrit, imperturbable |
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