Sentido | The people or companies engaged in a particular kind of commercial enterprise. |
Categoría | industria | The organized action of making of goods and services for sale |
Específico | aviación | The operation of aircraft to provide transportation / transportation |
banca, sector bancario, sistema bancario | banks collectively |
espectáculo, industria del espectáculo | Those involved in providing entertainment |
industria armamentística | An industry that manufacturers weapons of war |
industria automovilística | The manufacturers of automobiles considered collectively |
industria cinematográfica | The entertainment industries involved in producing / producing and distributing movies |
industria de la construcción | An industry that builds housing |
industria de la moda, moda | makers and sellers of fashionable clothing |
industria de servicios | An industry that provides services rather than tangible objects |
industria del acero, industria siderúrgica, siderurgia | The industry that makes steel and steel products |
industria del aluminio | manufacturers / manufacturers of aluminum considered as a group |
industria del carbón | The producers / producers of coal considered collectively |
industria del juguete | An industry that manufactures and sells toys for children |
industria del plástico | An industry that manufactures plastic articles |
industria del transporte | An industry that provides transportation for commercial products |
industria en desarrollo | An industry that is growing rapidly |
industria informática | The manufacturers of computers considered collectively |
industria naviera | An industry that builds ships |
industria petrolera | An industry that produces and delivers oil and oil products |
industria química | The manufacturers of chemicals considered collectively |
industria tabaquera | An industry that manufactures and sells products containing tobacco |
industria zapatera | An industry that manufactures and sells shoes |
mercado bursátil, mercado de valores, mercado | The securities markets in the aggregate |
General | empresa comercial | An enterprise connected with commerce |
Inglés | industry |
Catalán | indústria |
Nombres | industrial | someone who manages or has significant financial interest in an industrial enterprise |