Català > equipar: 1 sentit > verb 1, possessionSentit | Provide with (something) usually for a specific purpose. |
Específic | aparellar, ormejar | equip with sails or masts |
armar | put into commission |
blindar, cuirassar | equip with armor |
collar | Furnish with a collar / collar / collar |
invertir, investir | Furnish with power or authority |
mecanitzar, motoritzar | equip with armed and armored motor vehicles |
reparar | fit out again |
General | abastir, aportar, dotar, facilitar, prestar, proporcionar, proveir, subministrar | Give something useful or necessary to |
Anglès | equip, fit, fit out, outfit |
Espanyol | equipar |
Noms | abillament, guarniment | A set of clothing (with accessories) |
armament, equipament | The act of equiping with weapons in preparation for war |
confeccionador, confeccionista | someone who sells men's clothes |
equipament, equip, utillatge | An instrumentality needed for an undertaking or to perform a service |
material bèl·lic | equipment and supplies of a military force |