Sentit | Unwilling to spend. |
Sinònims | avar, avariciós, garrepa, gasiu, mesquí, ranci, rata, ronyós, tacany |
Qualitat de | generositat | The trait of being willing / willing to give your money or time |
Específic | agarrat, avar, avariciós, garrepa, gasiu, mesquí, ranci, rata, ronyós, tacany | Unwilling to part with money |
escàs, ronyós, tinyós | petty or reluctant in giving or spending |
garrepa, mesquí, miserable, roí | (used of persons or behavior / behavior) characterized by or indicative of lack of generosity / generosity |
garrepa | Giving or spending with reluctance |
miserable, ronyós | excessively unwilling to spend |
També | egoista | concerned chiefly or only with yourself and your advantage to the exclusion of others |
Contrari | generós | willing to give and share unstintingly |
Anglès | stingy, ungenerous |
Espanyol | agarrado, avaricioso, avaro, cicatero, mezquino, rácano, rancio, rata, roñoso, tacaño |
Noms | garreperia, gasiveria, taquineria | A lack of generosity / generosity |