Sentit | A genus of reptiles. |
Sinònim | gènere de rèptils |
Membre de | Craniata, Craniat, Vertebrata, Vertebrat | fishes |
Específic | Basilisc, basiliscus, genus basiliscus | A reptile genus of Iguanidae |
Seismosaurus | genus of large herbivorous dinosaurs of Cretaceous found in western North America |
acanthophis, Acanthophis, genus acanthophis | Australian elapid snakes |
agkistrodon, ancistrodon, genus agkistrodon, genus ancistrodon | copperheads |
amblyrhynchus, genus amblyrhynchus, Iguana marina | marine iguanas |
amphisbaena, amphisbaenia, genus amphisbaena, genus amphisbaenia | type genus of the Amphisbaenidae |
anguis, genus anguis | type genus of the Anguidae |
anolis, Anolis, genus anolis | New World chameleons |
apatosaurus, genus apatosaurus, genus brontosaurus | large quadrupedal herbivorous dinosaurs with very long neck and tail |
arizona, genus arizona | glossy snake |
aspidelaps, genus aspidelaps | African coral snakes |
aspis, genus aspis, genus cerastes | horned vipers |
bitis, Bitis, genus bitis | A genus of Viperidae |
bothrops, genus bothrops | fer-de-lance |
bungarus, Bungarus, genus bungarus | kraits |
calliophis, callophis, genus calliophis, genus callophis | Asian coral snakes |
callisaurus, genus callisaurus | zebra-tailed lizard |
caretta, genus caretta | loggerhead turtles |
carphophis, genus carphophis | thunder snake |
chamaeleo, Chamaeleo, genus chamaeleo, genus chamaeleon | type genus of the Chamaeleontidae |
charina, genus charina | boas of western North America |
chelonia, Chelonia, genus chelonia, quelonis | green turtles |
chelydra, genus chelydra | snapping turtles |
chilomeniscus, genus chilomeniscus | sand snakes |
chlamydosaurus, Chlamydosaurus, genus chlamydosaurus | frilled lizards |
chlorophis, genus chlorophis | African green snakes |
chronoperates, genus chronoperates | A reptile genus of Therapsida |
chrysemys, genus chrysemys | painted turtles |
cnemidophorus, genus cnemidophorus | whiptails |
coleonyx, genus coleonyx | banded geckos |
coluber, genus coluber | racers |
cordylidae, family cordylidae | small family of spiny ovoviviparous African lizards |
cordylus, genus cordylus | type genus of the Cordylidae |
crocodilus, crocodylus, Crocodylus, genus crocodilus, genus crocodylus | type genus of the Crocodylidae |
crotalus, genus crotalus | large rattlesnakes |
crotaphytus, genus crotaphytus | collared lizards |
demochelys, genus dermochelys | type genus of the Dermochelyidae |
dendraspis, dendroaspis, genus dendraspis, genus dendroaspis | mambas |
denisonia, genus denisonia | copperheads |
diadophis, genus diadophis | A genus of reptiles of the family Colubridae including ringneck snakes |
dipsosaurus, genus dipsosaurus | desert iguanas |
draco, genus draco | A reptile genus known as flying dragons or flying lizards |
drymarchon, genus drymarchon | A genus of Colubridae |
elaphe, Elaphe, genus elaphe | North American rat snakes |
eretmochelys, genus eretmochelys | hawksbills |
eumeces, Eumeces, genus eumeces | New World skinks |
eunectes, genus eunectes | anacondas |
exaeretodon, genus exaeretodon | A genus of reptiles of the division Cynodontia |
gambelia, genus gambelia | leopard lizards |
gavialis, genus gavialis | type genus of the Gavialidae |
genus agama | type genus of the Agamidae |
genus alligator | type genus of the Alligatoridae |
genus caiman | caimans |
genus ceratosaurus | Primitive saurischian carnivorous dinosaurs |
genus compsognathus | A reptile genus of Theropoda |
genus deinonychus | Advanced bipedal carnivorous dinosaur |
genus dimetrodon | A reptile genus of Pelycosauria |
genus diplodocus | A reptile genus of the suborder Sauropoda |
genus edaphosaurus | type genus of the Edaphosauridae |
genus eoraptor | Primitive theropod found in Argentina |
genus geochelone, geochelone | giant tortoises |
genus gerrhonotus, gerrhonotus, Gerrhonotus | alligator lizards |
genus gopherus, gopherus | gopher tortoises |
genus haldea, haldea | ground snakes |
genus heloderma, heloderma, Helodermàtid | type genus of the Helodermatidae |
genus hemachatus, hemachatus | ringhals |
genus herrerasaurus | Primitive theropod found in Argentina |
genus heterodon, heterodon | A genus of small colubrid snakes containing the North American hognose snakes |
genus holbrookia, holbrookia | earless lizards |
genus hypsiglena, hypsiglena | night snakes |
genus ichthyosaurus | type genus of the Ichthyosauridae |
genus iguana | type genus of the Iguanidae |
genus iguanodon | type genus of the Iguanodontidae |
genus ischigualastia, Ischigualastia jenseni, ischigualastia, Ischigualastia | Early reptile found in Argentina |
genus kinosternon, kinosternon | type genus of the Kinosternidae |
genus lacerta, lacerta | type genus of the Lacertidae |
genus lampropeltis, lampropeltis | king snakes and milk snakes |
genus lanthanotus, lanthanotus | One species |
genus lepidochelys, lepidochelys | ridleys |
genus leptotyphlops, leptotyphlops | blind snakes of Asia and Africa and Americas |
genus lichanura, lichanura | boas of western North America |
genus macroclemys, macroclemys | Includes the alligator snapping turtle |
genus malaclemys, malaclemys | American terrapins |
genus masticophis, masticophis | whip snakes |
genus megalosaurus | type genus of the Megalosauridae |
genus micruroides, Micruroides euryxanthus, micruroides | coral snakes |
genus micrurus, micrurus | coral snakes |
genus moloch | genus of Australian desert lizard |
genus mononychus | authorities disagree over whether to classify the genus as bird or dinosaur |
genus naja, naja | cobras |
genus natrix, natrix, Natrix | water snakes |
genus nerodia, nerodia | North American water snakes |
genus notechis, notechis | tiger snakes |
genus nothosaurus | A genus of Nothosauria |
genus opheodrys, opheodrys | North American green snakes |
genus ophiophagus, ophiophagus | king cobra |
genus ophisaurus, ophisaurus | glass lizards |
genus oxybelis, oxybelis | vine snakes |
genus oxyuranus, oxyuranus | taipans |
genus phrynosoma, phrynosoma | horned lizards |
genus phyllorhynchus, phyllorhynchus | leaf-nosed snakes |
genus pisanosaurus, pisanosaurus | Primitive ornithischian dinosaur found in Argentina |
genus pituophis, pituophis | bull snakes |
genus plesiosaurus | A reptile genus of suborder Plesiosauria |
genus potamophis, potamophis | ground snakes |
genus proterochampsa, proterochampsa | Early archosaurian carnivore |
genus pseudechis, pseudechis, Pseudechis | venomous Australian blacksnakes |
genus pseudemys, pseudemys | sliders |
genus pterodactylus, Pterodàctil, pterodactylus, Pterodactylus | A reptile genus of Pterodactylidae |
genus ptyas, ptyas | Asian rat snakes |
genus ptychozoon, ptychozoon | flying geckos |
genus pygopus, pygopus | type genus of the Pygopodidae |
genus python | Old World boas |
genus rhynchoelaps, rhynchoelaps | Australian coral snakes |
genus sauromalus, sauromalus | chuckwallas |
genus saurosuchus, saurosuchus, Saurosuchus | Early archosaurian carnivore |
genus sceloporus, sceloporus | spiny lizards |
genus scincella, scincella | A reptile genus of Scincidae |
genus scincus, scincus | type genus of Scincidae |
genus sistrurus, sistrurus, Sistrurus | pygmy rattlesnakes |
genus sonora, Sonora | ground snakes |
genus sphenodon, sphenodon, Sphenodon | coextensive with the order Rhynchocephalia |
genus stenopterygius | A reptile genus of Ichthyosauridae |
genus sternotherus, sternotherus | musk turtles |
genus storeria, storeria | A genus of Colubridae |
genus tantilla, tantilla | black-headed snakes |
genus terrapene, terrapene | box turtles |
genus testudo, testudo | type genus of the Testudinidae |
genus thamnophis, thamnophis | garter snakes |
genus titanosaurus, Titanosaure, titanosaurus, Titanosaurus | genus of herbivorous dinosaurs flourishing during the Cretaceous in South America |
genus tomistoma, tomistoma | A genus of Malayan crocodiles |
genus trachodon | A reptile genus of the suborder Euronithopoda |
genus triceratops | genus of herbivorous horned dinosaurs |
genus trimorphodon, trimorphodon | lyre snakes |
genus trionyx, trionyx | type genus of the Trionychidae |
genus tropidoclonion, tropidoclonion | lined snakes |
genus tupinambis, tupinambis, Tupinambis | tejus |
genus tyrannosaurus | Includes a single species |
genus uma, uma | fringe-toed lizard |
genus urosaurus, urosaurus | A reptile genus of Iguanidae |
genus uta, uta | A reptile genus of Iguanidae |
genus utahraptor | Advanced bipedal carnivorous dinosaur |
genus varanus, Varànid, varanus, Varanus | type and sole extant genus of the Varanidae |
genus vipera, vipera, Vipera | type genus of the Viperidae |
genus xenosaurus, xenosaurus | type and sole genus of Xenosauridae |
genus xerobates, xerobates | possible new genus for desert and Texas tortoises based on recent research |
General | gènere, genus | (biology) taxonomic group containing one or more species |
Anglès | reptile genus |
Espanyol | reptiles |