Sentit | The quality of lacking refinement and good taste. |
Sinònim | inelegància |
Específic | altisonància, ampul·lositat, aparatositat, grandiloqüència, ostentació, pompositat | lack of elegance as a consequence of being pompous and puffed up with vanity |
aspror, rudesa | An unpolished unrefined quality |
barroeria, grolleria, grosseria, indelicadesa, ordinariesa, raunch, tosquedat, vulgaritat | The quality of lacking taste and refinement |
fador, insipidesa, sonsada, sonsesa | inelegance indicated by a lack of good taste |
General | qualitat | An essential and distinguishing attribute of something or someone |
Contrari | elegància | A refined quality of gracefulness and good taste |
Anglès | inelegance |
Espanyol | deslucimiento, inelegancia |