Español > arteria: 3 sentidos > nombre 1, bodySentido | A blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to the body. |
Sinónimo | vaso sanguíneo arterial |
Específico | aorta | The large trunk artery that carries blood from the left ventricle of the heart to branch arteries |
arteria alveolar | A branch of the maxillary artery that supplies the alveolar process |
arteria angular | The terminal branch of the facial artery |
arteria apendicular, arteria appendicularis | The branch of the ileocolic artery that supplies the vermiform appendix |
arteria arqueada | curved artery in the foot |
arteria ascendente | The branch of the ileocolic artery that supplies the ascending colon |
arteria auditiva interna, arteria laberíntica | An artery that is a branch of the basilar artery that supplies the labyrinth |
arteria auricular | artery that supplies blood to the ear |
arteria axilar | The part of the main artery of the arm that lies in the armpit and is continuous with the subclavian artery above and the brachial artery below |
arteria basilar | An unpaired artery |
arteria braquial | The main artery of the upper arm |
arteria bronquial | arteries that accompany the bronchioles |
arteria bucal | A branch of the maxillary artery that supplies blood to the buccinator muscle and the cheek |
arteria bulbi penis | A branch of the internal pudendal artery of males that supplies the bulb of the penis |
arteria bulbi vestibuli | A branch of the internal pudendal artery in females that supplies the bulb of the vestibule |
arteria capilar, arteriola | One of the small thin-walled arteries that end in capillaries |
arteria carótida, carótida | Either of two major arteries of the neck and head |
arteria celiaca, arteria celíaca, tronco celíaco | An artery that originates from the abdominal aorta just below the diaphragm and branches into the left gastric artery and the common hepatic artery and the splenic artery |
arteria central de la retina | A branch of the ophthalmic artery |
arteria cerebelosa | An artery that supplies the cerebellum |
arteria cerebral | Any of the arteries supplying blood to the cerebral cortex |
arteria cervical | An artery that supplies the muscles of the neck |
arteria ciliar | One of several arteries supplying the choroid coat of the eye |
arteria circunfleja | Any of several paired curving arteries |
arteria comunicante, arterias comunicantes | Any of three arteries in the brain that make up the circle of Willis |
arteria coroidea | An artery that supplies the choroid plexus |
arteria coronaria | The artery that branches from the aorta to supply blood to the heart |
arteria cística | A branch of the hepatic artery |
arteria cólica | arteries that supply blood to the colon |
arteria digital | arteries in the hand and foot that supply the fingers and toes |
arteria epigástrica | One of three arteries supplying the anterior walls of the abdomen |
arteria esplénica, arteria lienal | An artery that originates from the celiac trunk and supplies blood to the spleen |
arteria etmoidal | A branch of the ophthalmic artery supplying structures in and around the nasal capsule |
arteria femoral | The chief artery of the thigh |
arteria glútea | Branches of the internal iliac artery that supply the hip joint and gluteal region |
arteria gástrica | The arteries that supply the walls of the stomach |
arteria hepática | arteries that supply the liver |
arteria ileocecal, arteria ileocolica, arteria ileocólica | An artery that originates from the superior mesenteric artery and supplies the terminal part of the ileum and the cecum and the vermiform appendix and the ascending colon |
arteria iliolumbar | An artery that originates in the internal iliac artery and supplies the pelvic muscles and bones |
arteria ilíaca | One of the large arteries supplying blood to the pelvis and legs |
arteria infraorbitaria | An artery that originates from the maxillary artery and supplies structures below the orbit (from lower eyelid to upper lip) |
arteria innominada | A large artery arising from the arch of the aorta and divides into the right subclavian artery and the right common carotid artery |
arteria intercostal | Several arteries and supplying the intercostal spaces of the rib cage |
arteria intestinal | Branch of the superior mesenteric artery that supplies the ileum |
arteria intestinal | An artery that is a branch of the superior mesenteric artery that supplies the jejunum |
arteria labial | An artery that is a branch of the facial artery that supplies the lips of the mouth |
arteria lacrimal | An artery that originates from the ophthalmic artery and supplies the lacrimal gland and rectal eye muscles and the upper eyelid and the forehead |
arteria laríngea | Either of two arteries that supply blood to the larynx |
arteria lingual | An artery originating from the external carotid artery and supplying the under side of the tongue |
arteria lumbar | One of four or five pairs of arteries that originate in the abdominal aorta and supply the lumbar vertebrae and the back muscles and abdominal wall |
arteria maxilar | Either of two arteries branching from the external carotid artery and supplying structure of the face |
arteria meningea, arteria meníngea | Any of three arteries supplying the meninges of the brain and neighboring structures |
arteria mesentérica | One of two branches of the aorta that pass between the two layers of the mesentery to the intestines |
arteria metacarpiana | dorsal and palmar arteries of the hand |
arteria metatarsiana | dorsal and plantar arteries to the metatarsal region of the foot |
arteria musculophrenica | An artery that supplies the abdomen and intercostal muscles |
arteria nutricia, arteria nutriente | An artery that supplies the medullary cavity of the long bone |
arteria oftálmica, arteria ophthalmica | A branch of the internal carotid artery that supplies the eye and neighboring structures |
arteria ovárica | The artery that branches from the aorta and supplies blood to the ovaries |
arteria paladial, arteria palatal | One of several arteries supplying the face |
arteria pancreática | A branch of the splenic artery that supplies the pancreas |
arteria perineal | A branch of the internal pudendal artery that supplies superficial structures of the perineum |
arteria poplitea, arteria poplítea | A continuation of the femoral artery that branches to supply the legs and feet |
arteria pudenda | arteries supplying the external genital organs of humans |
arteria pulmonalis, arteria pulmonar | One of two arteries (branches of the pulmonary trunk) that carry venous blood from the heart to the lungs |
arteria radial | Branch of the brachial artery beginning below the elbow and extending down the forearm around the wrist and into the palm |
arteria rectal | One of the arteries supplying the rectal area |
arteria renal | An artery originating from the abdominal aorta and supplying the kidneys and adrenal glands and ureters |
arteria subclavia | Either of two arteries that supply blood to the neck and arms |
arteria testicularis, arteria testicular | A branch of the aorta supplying the testicles |
arteria uterina | A branch of the internal iliac artery that supplies the uterus and the upper part of the vagina |
arteria vaginal | A branch of the internal iliac that provides blood for the vagina and the base of the bladder and the rectum |
arteria vertebral | The first branch of the subclavian artery |
polígono de Willis | A ring of arteries at the base of the brain |
General | vaso sanguíneo | A vessel in which blood circulates |
Inglés | artery, arteria, arterial blood vessel |
Catalán | artèria |
Adjetivo | arterial | Of or involving or contained in the arteries |
arteriovenoso | Connecting an artery to a vein |