Català > risc: 2 sentits > nom 1, stateSentit | A source of danger; a possibility of incurring loss or misfortune. |
Sinònim | perill |
Específic | espasa de Dàmocles | A constant and imminent peril |
risc moral | (economics) the lack of any incentive to guard against a risk when you are protected against it (as by insurance) |
General | perill | A cause of pain or injury or loss |
Anglès | hazard, jeopardy, peril, risk, endangerment |
Espanyol | peligro, riesgo |
Adjectius | arriscat, perillós, temerari | fraught with danger |
perillós | Involving risk or danger |
Verbs | amenaçar, arriscar, posar en perill | pose a threat to |
arriscar, comprometre, exposar | put in a dangerous, disadvantageous, or difficult position |
arriscar | Take a risk in the hope of a favorable outcome |
arriscar, aventurar | put at risk |
arriscar | expose to a chance of loss or damage |