Sentido | A person who manifests devotion to a deity. |
Casos | Eddy, Mary Baker Eddy, Mary Morse Baker Eddy | founder of Christian Science in 1866 (1821-1910) |
Fox, George Fox | English religious leader who founded the Society of Friends (1624-1691) |
Específico | adorador, creyente | A person who has religious faith |
asceta | someone who practices self denial as a spiritual discipline / discipline |
budista | One who follows the teachings of Buddha |
correligionario | someone having the same religion as another person |
creyente practicante, feligresa, feligrés | A religious person who goes to church regularly |
cristiana, cristiano | A religious person who believes Jesus is the Christ and who is a member of a Christian denomination |
célibe | An unmarried person who has taken a religious vow of chastity |
hinduista, Hindu, hindú | A person who adheres to Hinduism |
islámico, mahometano, moro, Muslim, musulmán | A believer in or follower of Islam |
líder religioso | leader of a religious order |
misionario, misionera, misionero | someone sent on a mission / mission--especially a religious or charitable mission to a foreign country |
observador del Sabbath, sabatario | One who observes Saturday as the Sabbath (as in Judaism) |
oración, rezador, suplicante | someone who prays to God |
parsi | A member of a monotheistic sect of Zoroastrian origin |
penitente | (Roman Catholic Church) a person who repents for wrongdoing (a Roman Catholic may be admitted to penance under the direction of a confessor) |
profeta, profetisa | someone who speaks by divine inspiration |
religioso | A member of a religious order who is bound by vows of poverty and chastity and obedience |
sacrificador, sacrificante | A religious person who offers up a sacrifice |
triteísta | someone (not an orthodox Christian) who believes that the Father and Son and Holy Ghost are three separate gods |
ungidor | One who anoints as a religious ceremony |
General | alguien, alguno, alma, humano, individuo, mortal, persona, ser humano, ser | A human being |
Contrario | persona no religiosa | A person who does not manifest devotion to a deity |
Inglés | religious person |
Catalán | persona religiosa |