HyperDic: inconsciente

Español > 10 sentidos de la palabra inconsciente:
ADJETIVOallinconscientenot conscious
allinconsciente, desprevenido, ignorante(often followed by 'of') not aware / aware
allinconsciente, descuidado, despistado, despreocupado, olvidadizo, torpenot mindful or attentive
allinconsciente, ajeno, ciego, ignorante(followed by 'to' or 'of') lacking conscious awareness of
allinconscienteconcerning mental functioning that is not represented in consciousness
allinconsciente(often followed by 'of') not knowing or expecting
allinconscientelacking a conscience
allinconsciente, involuntarionot done with purpose or intent
allinconsciente, involuntariowithout conscious volition
NOMBREcognitioninconsciente, inconscienciathat part of the mind wherein psychic activity takes place of which the person is unaware
Español > inconsciente: 10 sentidos > adjetivo 1
Sentidonot conscious; lacking awareness and the capacity for sensory perception as if asleep or dead.
Específicoaturdidoknocked unconscious by a heavy blow
comatosoIn a state of deep and usually prolonged unconsciousness
inconscienteConcerning mental functioning that is not represented in consciousness
insensibleunresponsive to stimulation
semicomatosoIn a state of partial coma
subconscienteJust below the level of consciousness
Tambiéndesprevenido, ignorante, inconsciente(often followed by 'of') not aware / aware
dormidoIn a state of sleep
insensibleIncapable of physical sensation
involuntarionot subject to the control of the will
Contrarioconscienteknowing / knowing and perceiving
NombresinconscienciaA state lacking normal awareness of the self or environment
AdverbiosinconscientementeWithout awareness / awareness
Español > inconsciente: 10 sentidos > adjetivo 2
Sentido(often followed by 'of') not aware / aware.
Sinónimosdesprevenido, ignorante
Cualidad deconciencia, conocimientoHaving knowledge of
Específicoajeno, ciego, ignorante, inconsciente(followed by 'to' or 'of') lacking conscious awareness of
inconsciente(often followed by 'of') not knowing or expecting
TambiéndormidoIn a state of sleep
inconscientenot conscious
insensibleIncapable of physical sensation
involuntarionot aware or knowing
Contrarioconsciente(sometimes followed by 'of') having or showing knowledge or understanding or realization or perception
Inglésunaware, incognizant
Catalánignorant, inconscient
Nombresdesconocimiento, ignoranciaunconsciousness resulting from lack of knowledge or attention
Español > inconsciente: 10 sentidos > adjetivo 3
Sentidonot mindful or attentive.
Sinónimosdescuidado, despistado, despreocupado, olvidadizo, torpe
EspecíficoamnésicoSuffering from a partial loss of memory
Tambiéndesatentoshowing a lack of attention or care
desmemoriado, olvidadizo(of memory) deficient in retentiveness or range
Contrarioatento, consciente, considerado, cuidadosobearing in mind
Inglésunmindful, forgetful, mindless
Nombresimprudencia, inadvertencia, insensatez, irreflexión, irresponsabilidadThe trait of forgetting or ignoring your responsibilities
mala memoria, olvidounawareness caused by neglectful or heedless failure to remember
AdverbiosinconscientementeIn a forgetful manner
Español > inconsciente: 10 sentidos > adjetivo 4
Sentido(followed by 'to' or 'of') lacking conscious awareness of.
Sinónimosajeno, ciego, ignorante
Generaldesprevenido, ignorante, inconsciente(often followed by 'of') not aware / aware
Inglésoblivious, unmindful
Catalánaliè, cec, ignorant, inconscient
Nombresimprudencia, inadvertencia, insensatez, irreflexión, irresponsabilidadThe trait of forgetting or ignoring your responsibilities
inconsciencia, olvidoTotal forgetfulness
Español > inconsciente: 10 sentidos > adjetivo 5
SentidoConcerning mental functioning that is not represented in consciousness.
Generalinconscientenot conscious
Español > inconsciente: 10 sentidos > adjetivo 6
Sentido(often followed by 'of') not knowing or expecting; not thinking likely.
Generaldesprevenido, ignorante, inconsciente(often followed by 'of') not aware / aware
AdverbiosinsospechadamenteWithout suspicions
Español > inconsciente: 10 sentidos > adjetivo 7
Sentidolacking a conscience.
Inglésconscienceless, unconscionable
Español > inconsciente: 10 sentidos > adjetivo 8
Sentidonot done with purpose or intent.
Generalinintencionado, involuntarionot deliberate
Inglésunintentional, unplanned, unwitting
Adverbiosaccidentalmente, involuntariamente, sin quererWithout intention
inadvertidamente, inconscientemente, involuntariamente, sin quererWithout knowledge or intention
Español > inconsciente: 10 sentidos > adjetivo 9
SentidoWithout conscious volition.
Generalinvoluntarionot subject to the control of the will
Español > inconsciente: 10 sentidos > nombre 1, cognition
SentidoThat part of the mind wherein psychic activity takes place of which the person is unaware.
Partesid(psychoanalysis) primitive instincts and energies underlying all psychic activity
superego, superyo, superyó(psychoanalysis) that part of the unconscious mind that acts as a conscience
Generalcabeza, cerebro, mente, nous, psiqueThat which is responsible for one's thoughts and feelings
Inglésunconscious mind, unconscious
Cataláninconsciència, inconscient

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