ADJETIVO | all | inconsciente | not conscious |
all | inconsciente, desprevenido, ignorante | (often followed by 'of') not aware / aware | |
all | inconsciente, descuidado, despistado, despreocupado, olvidadizo, torpe | not mindful or attentive | |
all | inconsciente, ajeno, ciego, ignorante | (followed by 'to' or 'of') lacking conscious awareness of | |
all | inconsciente | concerning mental functioning that is not represented in consciousness | |
all | inconsciente | (often followed by 'of') not knowing or expecting | |
all | inconsciente | lacking a conscience | |
all | inconsciente, involuntario | not done with purpose or intent | |
all | inconsciente, involuntario | without conscious volition | |
NOMBRE | cognition | inconsciente, inconsciencia | that part of the mind wherein psychic activity takes place of which the person is unaware |
Sentido | not conscious; lacking awareness and the capacity for sensory perception as if asleep or dead. | |
Específico | aturdido | knocked unconscious by a heavy blow |
comatoso | In a state of deep and usually prolonged unconsciousness | |
inconsciente | Concerning mental functioning that is not represented in consciousness | |
insensible | unresponsive to stimulation | |
semicomatoso | In a state of partial coma | |
subconsciente | Just below the level of consciousness | |
También | desprevenido, ignorante, inconsciente | (often followed by 'of') not aware / aware |
dormido | In a state of sleep | |
insensible | Incapable of physical sensation | |
involuntario | not subject to the control of the will | |
Contrario | consciente | knowing / knowing and perceiving |
Inglés | unconscious | |
Nombres | inconsciencia | A state lacking normal awareness of the self or environment |
Adverbios | inconscientemente | Without awareness / awareness |
Sentido | (often followed by 'of') not aware / aware. | |
Sinónimos | desprevenido, ignorante | |
Cualidad de | conciencia, conocimiento | Having knowledge of |
Específico | ajeno, ciego, ignorante, inconsciente | (followed by 'to' or 'of') lacking conscious awareness of |
inconsciente | (often followed by 'of') not knowing or expecting | |
También | dormido | In a state of sleep |
inconsciente | not conscious | |
insensible | Incapable of physical sensation | |
involuntario | not aware or knowing | |
Contrario | consciente | (sometimes followed by 'of') having or showing knowledge or understanding or realization or perception |
Inglés | unaware, incognizant | |
Catalán | ignorant, inconscient | |
Nombres | desconocimiento, ignorancia | unconsciousness resulting from lack of knowledge or attention |
Sentido | not mindful or attentive. | |
Sinónimos | descuidado, despistado, despreocupado, olvidadizo, torpe | |
Específico | amnésico | Suffering from a partial loss of memory |
También | desatento | showing a lack of attention or care |
desmemoriado, olvidadizo | (of memory) deficient in retentiveness or range | |
Contrario | atento, consciente, considerado, cuidadoso | bearing in mind |
Inglés | unmindful, forgetful, mindless | |
Nombres | imprudencia, inadvertencia, insensatez, irreflexión, irresponsabilidad | The trait of forgetting or ignoring your responsibilities |
mala memoria, olvido | unawareness caused by neglectful or heedless failure to remember | |
Adverbios | inconscientemente | In a forgetful manner |
Sentido | (followed by 'to' or 'of') lacking conscious awareness of. | |
Sinónimos | ajeno, ciego, ignorante | |
General | desprevenido, ignorante, inconsciente | (often followed by 'of') not aware / aware |
Inglés | oblivious, unmindful | |
Catalán | aliè, cec, ignorant, inconscient | |
Nombres | imprudencia, inadvertencia, insensatez, irreflexión, irresponsabilidad | The trait of forgetting or ignoring your responsibilities |
inconsciencia, olvido | Total forgetfulness |
Sentido | Concerning mental functioning that is not represented in consciousness. | |
General | inconsciente | not conscious |
Inglés | nonconscious |
Sentido | (often followed by 'of') not knowing or expecting; not thinking likely. | |
General | desprevenido, ignorante, inconsciente | (often followed by 'of') not aware / aware |
Inglés | unsuspecting | |
Catalán | inconscient | |
Adverbios | insospechadamente | Without suspicions |
Sentido | lacking a conscience. | |
Inglés | conscienceless, unconscionable |
Sentido | not done with purpose or intent. | |
Sinónimo | involuntario | |
General | inintencionado, involuntario | not deliberate |
Inglés | unintentional, unplanned, unwitting | |
Adverbios | accidentalmente, involuntariamente, sin querer | Without intention |
inadvertidamente, inconscientemente, involuntariamente, sin querer | Without knowledge or intention |
Sentido | Without conscious volition. | |
Sinónimo | involuntario | |
General | involuntario | not subject to the control of the will |
Inglés | unconscious | |
Catalán | inconscient |
Sentido | That part of the mind wherein psychic activity takes place of which the person is unaware. | |
Sinónimo | inconsciencia | |
Partes | id | (psychoanalysis) primitive instincts and energies underlying all psychic activity |
superego, superyo, superyó | (psychoanalysis) that part of the unconscious mind that acts as a conscience | |
General | cabeza, cerebro, mente, nous, psique | That which is responsible for one's thoughts and feelings |
Inglés | unconscious mind, unconscious | |
Catalán | inconsciència, inconscient |
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