HyperDic: awkwardness

English > 5 senses of the word awkwardness:
NOUNcognitionawkwardness, clumsiness, ineptness, ineptitude, maladroitness, slownessunskillfulness resulting from a lack of training
attributeawkwardness, nuisance valuethe quality of an embarrassing situation
attributeawkwardness, clumsinessthe carriage of someone whose movements and posture are ungainly or inelegant
attributeawkwardness, clumsiness, gracelessness, stiffnessthe inelegance of someone stiff and unrelaxed (as by embarrassment / embarrassment)
attributeawkwardness, cumbersomeness, unwieldinesstrouble in carrying or managing caused by bulk or shape
awkwardness > pronunciation
Rhymesabacus ... zealous: 1164 rhymes with ahs...
English > awkwardness: 5 senses > noun 1, cognition
Meaningunskillfulness resulting from a lack of training.
Synonymsclumsiness, ineptness, ineptitude, maladroitness, slowness
Narrowerrustinessineptitude or awkwardness as a consequence of age or lack of practice
BroaderunskillfulnessA lack of cognitive skill
Spanishdesmaña, ineptitud, torpeza
Adjectivesawkwardlacking grace or skill in manner or movement or performance
awkwardnot elegant or graceful in expression
English > awkwardness: 5 senses > noun 2, attribute
MeaningThe quality of an embarrassing situation.
Example"he sensed the awkwardness of his proposal"
Synonymnuisance value
BroaderdisadvantageThe quality of having an inferior or less favorable position
Spanishincomodidad, inconveniencia, molestia, torpeza
Catalanincomoditat, inconveniència, molèstia
Adjectivesawkwardhard to deal with
English > awkwardness: 5 senses > noun 3, attribute
MeaningThe carriage of someone whose movements and posture are ungainly or inelegant.
Narrowergawkiness, ungainlinessThe carriage of someone whose movements and posture are extremely ungainly and inelegant
gracelessness, ungracefulnessAn unpleasant lack of grace in carriage or form or movement or expression
stiffnessThe property of moving with pain or difficulty
Broadercarriage, bearing, posturecharacteristic way of bearing one's body
Oppositegracefulnessbeautiful carriage
English > awkwardness: 5 senses > noun 4, attribute
MeaningThe inelegance of someone stiff and unrelaxed (as by embarrassment / embarrassment).
Synonymsclumsiness, gracelessness, stiffness
Narrowerrusticity, gaucherieThe quality of being rustic / rustic or gauche
woodennessThe quality of being wooden and awkward
BroaderineleganceThe quality of lacking refinement and good taste
Spanishchambonada, desgarbo, desmaña, torpeza
Adjectivesawkwardsocially uncomfortable
English > awkwardness: 5 senses > noun 5, attribute
MeaningTrouble in carrying or managing caused by bulk or shape.
Synonymscumbersomeness, unwieldiness
Broadertroublesomeness, inconvenience, worrimentA difficulty that causes anxiety
Adjectivesawkwarddifficult to handle or manage especially because of shape

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