HyperDic: mamífers

Català > 2 sentits de la paraula mamífers:
NOManimalmamífersa genus of mammals
animalmamífersa family of mammals
Català > mamífers: 2 sentits > nom 1, animal
SentitA genus of mammals.
Membre deCraniata, Craniat, Vertebrata, Vertebratfishes
EspecíficAustralopithecus, genus australopithecusExtinct genus of African hominid
Camell, camelus, Camelus, genus camelustype genus of the Camelidae
Castor, castor, genus castortype genus of the Castoridae
Coala, genus phascolarctos, phascolarctos, Phascolarctoskoalas
Dama, dama, genus damafallow deer
Driopitec, dryopithecus, Dryopithecus, genus dryopithecusgenus of Old World hominoids
Gasela, gazella, Gazella, genus gazellatypical gazelles
Geneta, genetta, genus genettagenets
abrocoma, genus abrocomaabrocomes
acinonyx, genus acinonyxcheetahs
acrobates, Acrobates, genus acrobatesA genus of Phalangeridae
adenota, genus adenota(African antelopes) puku
aepyceros, Aepyceros, genus aepyceros, Impala(African antelopes) impalas
ailuropoda, Ailuropoda, genus ailuropodaOnly the giant panda
ailurus, Ailurus, genus ailuruslesser pandas
alcelaphus, genus alcelaphus(African antelopes) hartebeests
alces, Alces, genus alcesElk or moose
algeripithecus, genus algeripithecusAn extinct genus of Hominoidea
alopex, genus alopexArctic foxes
alouatta, Alouatta, genus alouattahowler monkeys
ammotragus, Ammotragus, genus ammotragusgenus of wild sheep
antidorcas, genus antidorcasspringboks
antilocapra, Antilocapra, genus antilocapratype and sole genus of the Antilocapridae comprising one species
antilope, Antilope, genus antilopeblackbucks
antrozous, Antrozous, genus antrozousA genus of Vespertilionidae
aotus, genus aotusdouroucoulis
aplodontia, Aplodontia, genus aplodontiatype genus of the Aplodontiidae
apodemus, genus apodemusOld World field mice
archidiskidon, genus archidiskidonA genus of Elephantidae
arctictis, genus arctictisbinturongs
arctocebus, genus arctocebusA genus of Lorisidae
arctocephalus, Arctocephalus, genus arctocephalusfur seals
arctonyx, genus arctonyxA genus of Mustelidae
arvicola, genus arvicolaIn some classifications considered synonymous with Microtus
ateles, genus atelesspider monkeys
atherurus, genus atherurusA genus of Hystricidae
avahi, genus avahiA genus of Indriidae
babyrousa, Babyrousa, genus babyrousaA genus of Suidae
baiomys, genus baiomyspygmy mice
balaena, Balaena, genus balaenatype genus of the Balaenidae
balaenoptera, Balaenoptera, genus balaenopteratype genus of the Balaenopteridae
bassariscus, genus bassariscuscacomistles
bathyergus, genus bathyergusmole rats
bettongia, Bettongia, genus bettongiajerboa kangaroo
bibos, genus biboswild ox
blarina, Blarina, genus blarinashrews
bos, Bos, genus boswild and domestic cattle
boselaphus, Boselaphus, genus boselaphus(Indian antelopes) nilgais
bradypus, Bradypus, genus bradypustype genus of the Bradypodidae
bubalus, Bubalus, genus bubalus, tribe bubalusIn some classification systems included in genus Bos
budorcas, Budorcas, genus budorcasgnu goats
burmeisteria, genus burmeisteriaA genus of Dasypodidae
cacajao, genus cacajaouakaris
caenolestes, Caenolestes, genus caenolestestype genus of the family Caenolestidae
callicebus, genus callicebustitis
callithrix, Callithrix, genus callithrixtype genus of the Callithricidae
callorhinus, genus callorhinusfur seals
canis, Canis, genus canistype genus of the Canidae
capra, genus capragoats
capreolus, Capreolus, genus capreolusroe deer
capricornis, genus capricornisserows
castoroides, Castoroides, genus castoroidesExtinct beavers of the Pleistocene
cavia, Cavia, genus caviatype genus of the Caviidae
cebuella, genus cebuellapygmy marmosets
cebus, genus cebustype genus of the Cebidae
ceratotherium, Ceratotherium, genus ceratotheriumAfrican genus
cercocebus, genus cercocebusmangabeys
cercopithecus, genus cercopithecustype genus of the Cercopithecidae
cervus, Cervus, genus cervusThe type genus of the Cervidae
charronia, genus charroniaA genus of Mustelidae
chlamyphorus, Chlamyphorus, genus chlamyphoruspichiciago
choeronycteris, Choeronycteris, genus choeronycterisA genus of Phyllostomatidae
choloepus, genus choloepusA genus of Megalonychidae consisting of the two-toed sloth
chrysochloris, Chrysochloris, genus chrysochloristype genus of the Chrysochloridae
citellus, genus citellus, genus spermophilus, spermophilustypical ground squirrels
clethrionomys, genus clethrionomysA genus of Cricetidae
condylura, Condylura, genus condylurastar-nosed moles
conepatus, genus conepatusA genus of Mustelidae
conilurus, genus conilurusjerboa rats
connochaetes, Connochaetes, genus connochaetes(African antelopes) gnus
cricetus, genus cricetustype genus of the Cricetidae
crocuta, genus crocutaA genus of Hyaenidae
cryptotis, Cryptotis, genus cryptotisleast shrews
cuniculus, genus cuniculuspacas
cuon, cyon, genus cuon, genus cyonAsiatic wild dog
cyclopes, genus cyclopesOnly the silky anteater
cynocephalus, Cynocephalus, genus cynocephalustype genus of the family Cynocephalidae
cynomys, genus cynomysprairie dogs
cynopterus, Cynopterus, genus cynopterusA genus of Megachiroptera
cystophora, genus cystophorahooded seals
damaliscus, Damaliscus, genus damaliscus(African antelopes) sassabies
dasyprocta, genus dasyproctatype genus of the Dasyproctidae
dasypus, Dasypus, genus dasypustype genus of the Dasypodidae
dasyurus, Dasyurus, genus dasyurustype genus of the family Dasyuridae
daubentonia, genus daubentoniatype genus
delphinapterus, Delphinapterus, genus delphinapteruswhite whale
delphinus, genus delphinustype genus of the Delphinidae
dendrolagus, Dendrolagus, genus dendrolagustree wallabies
desmodus, genus desmodustype genus of the Desmodontidae
diceros, Diceros, genus dicerosMost common species in Africa
dicrostonyx, genus dicrostonyxpied lemmings
didelphis, Didelphis, genus didelphistype genus of the family Didelphidae
diphylla, genus diphyllavampire bats
dipodomys, genus dipodomyskangaroo rats
dipus, genus dipustype genus of the Dipodidae
dolichotis, genus dolichotismaras
dusicyon, genus dusicyoncrab-eating dog
eira, genus eiraA genus of Mustelidae
elaphurus, Elaphurus, genus elaphurusA genus of Cervidae
elephas, Elephas, genus elephastype genus of the family Elephantidae
eliomys, genus eliomyslerots
enhydra, genus enhydrasea otters
eptesicus, Eptesicus, genus eptesicusA genus of Vespertilionidae
equus, genus equustype genus of the Equidae
erethizon, genus erethizonA genus of Erethizontidae
erignathus, genus erignathusbearded seals
erinaceus, Erinaceus, genus erinaceustype genus of the family Erinaceidae
erythrocebus, genus erythrocebuspatas
eschrichtius, Eschrichtius, genus eschrichtiustype and sole genus of the Eschrichtiidae
euarctos, genus euarctosAmerican black bears
euderma, genus eudermaA genus of Vespertilionidae
eumetopias, genus eumetopiassea lions
eumops, Eumops, genus eumopsmastiff bats
euphractus, Euphractus, genus euphractusA genus of Dasypodidae
eutamias, genus eutamiaschipmunks of western America and Asia
felis, genus felistype genus of the Felidae
genus addaxgenus of antelopes of northern African deserts
genus aegyptopithecusA genus of Hominoidea
genus anoaA genus of mammals of the family Bovidae
genus bisonsometimes considered a subgenus of genus Bos
genus cabassoussolely the tatouay
genus chinchillatype genus of the Chinchillidae
genus colobusA genus of Cercopithecidae
genus dugongtype genus of the Dugongidae comprising only the dugongs
genus galagobush babies
genus galictisAlternative name for the genus Grison
genus geomys, geomystype genus of the Geomyidae
genus gerbillus, gerbillus, Gerbillustype genus of the Gerbillinae
genus giraffa, Girafa, giraffatype genus of the Giraffidae
genus glaucomys, glaucomysNew World flying squirrels
genus glis, glistype genus of the Gliridae
genus globicephala, globicephala, Globicephalapilot whales
genus gomphotherium, gomphotheriumtype genus of the Gomphotheriidae
genus gorillagorillas
genus grampusgrampus
genus grisonA genus of Mustelidae
genus gulo, gulo, GuloA genus of Mustelidae
genus hemigalus, hemigalusbanded palm civets
genus herpestes, herpestesmongooses
genus heterocephalus, heterocephalus, Heterocephalussand rats
genus hippopotamustype genus of the Hippopotamidae
genus hipposideros, hipposideros, HipposiderosHorseshoe bats
genus hippotragus, hippotragus, Hippotragussable antelopes
genus homotype genus of the family Hominidae
genus hyaenatype genus of the Hyaenidae
genus hydrochoerus, hydrochoerus, HydrochoerusA genus of Hydrochoeridae
genus hydrodamalis, hydrodamalis, HydrodamalisA genus of the family Dugongidae comprising only Steller's sea cow
genus hydromys, hydromyswater rats
genus hyemoschus, Hiemosc, hyemoschus, Hyemoschuswater chevrotains
genus hylobates, hylobates, Hylobatesgibbons
genus hyperoodon, hyperoodon, Hyperoodonbottle-nosed whales
genus hypsiprymnodon, hypsiprymnodon, Hypsiprymnodonmusk kangaroos
genus hyracotherium, hyracotheriumExtinct horse genus
genus ictonyx, ictonyxA genus of Mustelidae
genus indritype genus of the Indriidae
genus jaculus, jaculusjerboas
genus kenyapithecus, Kenyapitec, kenyapithecusExtinct primate having powerful chewing muscles along with large molars and small incisors
genus kobus, kobus(African antelopes) waterbucks
genus kogia, kogiapygmy sperm whales
genus lagidium, lagidiumA genus of Chinchillidae
genus lagorchestes, lagorchestes, Lagorchesteshare wallabies
genus lagostomus, lagostomusviscachas
genus lagothrix, lagothrixwoolly monkeys
genus lama, lamallamas
genus lasiurus, lasiurusA genus of Vespertilionidae
genus lemurtype genus of the Lemuridae
genus leontideus, genus leontocebus, leontocebustamarins
genus lepus, lepus, Lepustype genus of the Leporidae
genus liomys, liomyspocket mice
genus litocranius, litocraniusantelopes of eastern Africa
genus loristype genus of the Lorisidae
genus loxodonta, loxodonta, LoxodontaA genus of Elephantidae
genus lufengpithecus, Lufengpitec, lufengpithecus, LufengpithecusA genus of Hominidae
genus lutra, lutra, LutraIn some classifications considered a genus of the subfamily Lutrinae
genus lycaeon, lycaeonAfrican hunting dog
genus lynxlynxes
genus macaca, macacamacaques
genus macropus, macropus, Macropustype genus of the family Macropodidae
genus macrotis, macrotis, MacrotisA genus of Peramelidae
genus macrotusleafnose bats
genus mammut, genus mastodon, mammut, MammutExtinct type genus of the Mammutidae
genus mammuthus, mammuthus, MammuthusExtinct genus
genus mandrillus, mandrillus, Mandrillusbaboons
genus manis, manistype genus of the Manidae
genus marmotamarmots
genus martes, Marta, martesmartens
genus mazama, mazama, Mazamabrockets
genus megaderma, megaderma, Megadermatype genus of the Megadermatidae
genus megaptera, megaptera, Megapterahumpback whales
genus megatherium, Megateri, megatherium, Megatheriumtype genus of the Megatheriidae
genus meles, meles, MelesIn some classifications
genus mellivora, mellivoraratels
genus melogale, melogaleA genus of Mustelidae
genus melursus, melursussloth bears
genus mephitis, mephitisIn some classifications
genus meriones, merionesA genus of Cricetidae
genus mesocricetus, mesocricetusgolden hamsters
genus mesohippusA genus of Equidae
genus microdipodops, microdipodopskangaroo mice
genus micromyx, micromyxOld World harvest mice
genus microtus, microtusvoles of the northern hemisphere
genus mirounga, miroungaelephant seals
genus monodon, monodon, Monodontype genus of the Monodontidae
genus moschus, moschusmusk deer
genus muntiacus, muntiacusmuntjacs
genus mus, mus, MUStype genus of the Muridae
genus muscardinus, muscardinusA genus of Gliridae
genus mustela, mustela, Mustelatype genus of the family Mustelidae
genus mylodontype genus of the Mylodontidae
genus myocastor, myocastor, MyocastorA genus of Capromyidae
genus myopus, myopusA genus of Cricetidae
genus myotis, myotis, Myotislargest and most widely distributed genus of bats
genus myrmecobius, myrmecobius, Myrmecobiusbanded anteater
genus myrmecophaga, myrmecophaga, Myrmecophagatype genus of the Myrmecophagidae
genus naemorhedus, naemorhedusgorals
genus nasalis, nasalisproboscis monkeys
genus nasua, nasua, Nasuacoatis
genus neofiber, neofiberround-tailed muskrat
genus neomys, neomys, NeomysA genus of Soricidae
genus neotoma, neotomapackrats
genus nesokia, nesokiabandicoot rats
genus neurotrichus, neurotrichus, Neurotrichusshrew moles
genus nimravus, nimravus, Nimravusfalse sabertoothed tigers
genus notomys, notomysjerboa rats
genus notoryctus, notoryctustype genus of the family Notoryctidae
genus nyctereutes, nyctereutes, Nyctereutesraccoon dogs
genus nycticebus, nycticebusA genus of Lorisidae
genus nyctimene, nyctimene, NyctimeneEast Indian fruit bats
genus ochotona, ochotona, Ochotona, Ochotonidaetype genus of the Ochotonidae
genus odobenus, odobenus, Odobenustype genus of the Odobenidae
genus odocoileus, odocoileus, OdocoileusNorth American deer
genus okapia, okapia, Okapiaokapis
genus ondatra, ondatra, Ondatramuskrats
genus onychogalea, onychogalea, OnychogaleaA genus of Macropodidae
genus onychomys, onychomysgrasshopper mice
genus orcinus, orcinus, Orcinuskiller whales
genus oreamnos, oreamnos, Oreamnosmountain goats
genus ornithorhynchus, ornithorhynchus, Ornithorhynchus, Ornitorinctype genus of the family Ornithorhynchidae
genus orycteropus, orycteropus, Orycteropuscoextensive with the family Orycteropodidae
genus oryctolagus, oryctolagusOld World rabbits
genus oryx(African antelopes) oryxes
genus oryzomys, oryzomysrice rats
genus otaria, otariatype genus of the Otariidae
genus ouranopithecus, ouranopithecusA genus of Hominidae
genus ovibos, ovibos, OvibosConsisting of the musk-ox
genus ovis, Oví, ovisSheep
genus pagophilus, pagophilus, Pagophilusharp seals
genus panthera, panthera, Pantheralions
genus papio, papio, Papiobaboons
genus paradoxurus, paradoxurus, Paradoxuruspalm civets
genus parascalops, parascalopsbrewer's moles
genus pecari, genus tayassu, tayassu, Tayassutype genus of the Tayassuidae
genus perodicticus, perodicticusA genus of Lorisidae
genus perognathus, perognathuspocket mice
genus peromyscus, peromyscus, PeromyscusNew World wood mice
genus petaurista, petauristaVery large Asiatic flying squirrels
genus petaurus, Petaure, petaurus, PetaurusA genus of Phalangeridae
genus petrogale, petrogale, Petrogalerock wallabies
genus phacochoerus, phacochoeruswarthogs
genus phalangertype genus of the family Phalangeridae
genus phascogale, phascogale, Phascogalepouched mice
genus phenacomysNorth American voles
genus phoca, phoca, Phocatype genus of the Phocidae
genus phyllostomus, phyllostomus, Phyllostomustype genus of the family Phyllostomatidae
genus physeter, physeter, Physetertype genus of the Physeteridae
genus pipistrellus, pipistrellus, Pipistrellusnearly cosmopolitan genus of very small bats
genus pithecia, pitheciasakis
genus pitymys, pitymyspine mice
genus plecotus, plecotusA genus of Vespertilionidae
genus plesianthropus, plesianthropusformer name for the genus Australopithecus
genus poecilogale, poecilogalemuishonds
genus pongo, Orangutan, pongotype genus of the family Pongidae
genus potamogaletype genus of the family Potamogalidae
genus potorous, potorouspotoroos
genus potos, potosA genus of Procyonidae
genus presbytes, mammal semnopithecus, presbyteslangurs
genus priodontes, priodontes, Priodontessolely the giant armadillo
genus procavia, procavia, Procaviatype genus of the Procaviidae
genus proconsulgenus of extinct primitive African primates of the Miocene epoch
genus procyon, procyonThe type genus of the family Procyonidae
genus proteles, protelesaardwolf
genus protohippusA genus of Equidae
genus pseudoryx, pseudoryxspecies of large cow-like mammals of Vietnam discovered by scientists in 1992
genus pteropus, pteropusA genus of Megachiroptera
genus ptilocercus, ptilocercus, Ptilocercuspentails
genus rangifer, rangiferreindeer or caribou
genus raphicerus, raphicerus(African antelopes) steenboks
genus rattus, rattus, RattusCommon house rats
genus reithrodontomys, reithrodontomysNew World harvest mice
genus rhinocerostype genus of the Rhinocerotidae
genus rhinonicteris, Rhinonicteris aurantia, rhinonicteris, Rhinonicterisorange horseshoe bats
genus rupicapra, rupicapra, Rupicaprachamois
genus saiga(Eurasian antelopes) saigas
genus saimiri, saimiri, Saimirisquirrel monkeys
genus sarcophilus, sarcophilus, SarcophilusTasmanian devil
genus sciurus, sciurustype genus of the Sciuridae
genus selenarctos, selenarctosAsiatic black bears
genus sigmodon, sigmodonAmerican cotton rats
genus sivapithecusExtinct primates
genus smiledon, smiledonsaber-toothed tigers
genus sorex, sorex, Sorextype genus of the family Soricidae
genus spalax, spalaxtype genus of the Spalacidae
genus spilogale, spilogaleA genus of Mustelidae
genus stictomys, stictomysmountain pacas
genus strepsiceros, genus tragelaphus, strepsiceros, tragelaphus(African antelopes) kudus
genus suricata, Suricata, suricatameerkats
genus sus, sustype genus of the Suidae
genus sylvilagus, sylvilagus, SylvilagusNorth American rabbits
genus symphalangus, symphalangusUsed in some classifications for the siamangs
genus synaptomys, synaptomysbog lemmings
genus synercus, synercusCape buffalo
genus tachyglossus, tachyglossus, Tachyglossustype genus of the family Tachyglossidae
genus tadarida, tadarida, Tadaridafreetail bats
genus tamandualesser anteater
genus tamias, tamiaschipmunks of eastern North America
genus tamiasciurus, tamiasciurusAmerican red squirrels
genus tapirus, tapirus, Tapirustype genus of the Tapiridae
genus tarsius, tarsius, Tarsiustype and sole genus of the family Tarsiidae
genus taurotragus, taurotragus, Taurotragus(African antelopes) elands
genus taxidea, taxideaIn some classifications considered a genus of subfamily Melinae
genus tenrectype genus of the family Tenrecidae
genus thalarctos, thalarctospolar bears
genus thomomys, thomomyswestern pocket gophers
genus thylacinus, thylacinus, ThylacinusTasmanian wolf
genus thylogale, Thylogale, thylogalepademelons
genus tolypeutes, tolypeutes, TolypeutesA genus of Dasypodidae
genus tragulus, tragulus, Tragulustype genus of the Tragulidae
genus trichecus, trichechus, Trichechustype and sole genus of the Trichechidae
genus trichosurus, trichosurusA genus of Phalangeridae
genus trichys, trichysA genus of Hystricidae
genus tupaia, tupaiaThe type genus of the Tupaia
genus tursiops, tursiopsA genus of Delphinidae
genus uintatherium, Uintateri, uintatherium, Uintatheriumtype genus of the Uintatheriidae
genus urocyon, urocyon, Urocyongrey foxes
genus uropsilus, uropsilusshrew moles
genus ursus, ursus, Ursustype genus of Ursidae
genus vespertilio, vespertilioA genus of Vespertilionidae
genus vicugna, vicugna, VicugnaA genus of Camelidae
genus viverra, viverra, Viverratype genus of the family Viverridae
genus viverricula, viverriculaA genus of Viverridae
genus vulpes, vulpes, Vulpesfoxes
genus zaglossus, zaglossus, ZaglossusA genus of Tachyglossidae
genus zalophus, zalophus, Zalophussea lions
genus zapus, zapustype genus of the Zapodidae
gènere pan, panchimpanzees
Generalgènere, genus(biology) taxonomic group containing one or more species
Anglèsmammal genus
Català > mamífers: 2 sentits > nom 2, animal
SentitA family of mammals.
Membre deCraniata, Craniat, Vertebrata, Vertebratfishes
EspecíficAntilocapridae, Antilocàprid, antilocàpridsComprising only the pronghorns
Balaenidae, balènidsright whales
Balaenopteridae, balenoptèridsrorquals
Bathyergidaemole rats
Bovidae, bòvidstrue antelopes
Bovinae, bovinsTerm not used technically
BradypodidaeA family of edentates comprising the true sloths
Caenolestidaesmall marsupials of southern South America
Camelidae, Camèlid, camélidos, camèlidscamels and llamas and vicunas
Canidae, Cànid, cànidsdogs
Castoridae, Castòrid, castòridsbeavers
Cebidae, cèbidsAll the New World monkeys except marmosets and tamarins
Cervidae, cèrvidsdeer
Chinchillidaesmall bushy-tailed South American burrowing rodents
Chrysochloridaegolden moles
Cricetidae, Cricètid, cricètidsMostly small New World rodents including New World mice and lemmings and voles and hamsters
Càvid, càvids, CaviidaeA family of Hystricomorpha
Dasiúrid, dasiúrids, Dasyuridaedasyures
Dasyproctidaeagoutis and pacas
Dugòngid, dugòngidsA family of mammals of order Sirenia including dugongs and Steller's sea cow
Equidae, èquidshorses
ErethizontidaeNew World arboreal porcupines
Erinaceidae, erinacèidstrue hedgehogs
EschrichtiidaeComprising only the grey whales
Esciúrid, esciúrids, SciuridaeA mammal family of true squirrels including
Falangèrid, falangèrids, Phalangeridaephalangers
Felidae, fèlidscats
GeomyidaeNorth American pocket gophers
Giraffidae, Giràfid, giràfidsgiraffes
Gliridaedormice and other Old World forms
Heteromyidaesmall New World burrowing mouselike rodents with fur-lined cheek pouches and hind limbs and tail adapted to leaping
Hipopotàmid, hipopotàmids, Hippopotamidaehippopotami
Hominidae, Homínid, homínidsmodern man and extinct immediate ancestors of man
Lemuridae, lemúridstypical lemurs
Leporidae, Lepòrid, lepòridshares and rabbits
Lorisidae, Lorísid, lorísidsslow-moving omnivorous nocturnal primates of tropical Asia
Lutrinaesubdivision not used in some classifications
Macropodidae, Macropòdid, macropòdidskangaroos
MegadermatidaeOld World false vampire bats
Molossidaemastiff bats
Muridae, Múrid, múridsoriginally / originally Old World rats now distributed worldwide / worldwide
MuroideaA superfamily of rodents essentially equal to the suborder Myomorpha but with the Dipodidae excluded
Mustelidae, Mustèlid, mustèlidsWeasels
MyrmecophagidaeNew World anteaters
Notoryctidaepouched moles
Ochotonidae, ocotònidspikas and extinct forms
Odobenidae, odobènidswalruses and extinct forms
Ornitorínquid, ornitorínquidsplatypus
Peramelidae, peramèlidsbandicoots
PhyllostomidaeNew World leaf-nosed bats
Platanistidae, platanístidsriver dolphins
Pongidae, pòngidsusually considered as comprising orangutans
Prociònid, prociònids, Procyonidaeraccoons
RhinolophidaeOld World leaf-nosed bats
Tachyglossidae, taquiglòssidsEchidnas
Tapiridae, tapíridstapirs and extinct related forms
Tenrecidae, tenrècidstenrecs and extinct related forms
Tragulidae, Tragúlid, tragúlidschevrotains
Trichechidae, triquènidsComprising only the manatees
UintatheriidaeAn extinct family of Dinocerata
Ursidae, úrsidsbears and extinct related forms
Vespertilionidae, Vespertiliònid, vespertiliònidsThe majority of common bats of temperate regions of the world
Viverridae, vivèrrids, Viverrígenets
Ziphiidaebeaked whales
aplodòntidsmountain beavers
cercopitècids, Cercopithecidae(Old World monkeys) guenon
cinocèfalsA family of Dermoptera
daubèntonids, DaubentoniidaeComprising solely the aye-aye
delfínids, Delphinidaedolphins
didèlfids, Didelphidaeopossums
espalàcidsmole rats
fisetèridssperm whales
fòcids, Phocidaeearless seals
histrícids, HystricidaeOld World porcupines
hiènids, Hyaenidaehyenas
mastodontsExtinct family
otàrids, Otariidaeeared seals
platirrins, Platyrrhini(New World monkeys) capuchin
procàvids, ProcaviidaeIncludes all recent members of the order Hyracoidea
sids, Suidaepigs
tàrsids, Tarsiidaecoextensive with the genus Tarsius
índrids, IndriidaeA family of Lemuroidea
Generalfamília, familiar(biology) a taxonomic group containing one or more genera
Anglèsmammal family

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