Español > autoadulación: 1 sentido > nombre 1, communicationSentido | speaking of yourself in superlatives. |
Sinónimos | autobombo, farde, jactancia |
Específico | alarde, jactancia, vanagloria | extravagant self-praise |
baladronada, bravata, bravuconería, fanfarronada, fanfarronería, pavoneo | An instance of boastful talk |
bravata, fanfarronada, rhodomontade | vain and empty boasting |
petulancia, presunción | The act of putting forth your own opinions in a boastful or inconsiderate manner that implies you feel superior to others |
General | acto de habla | The use of language to perform some act |
Inglés | boast, boasting, self-praise, jactitation |
Catalán | autoadulació, autobombo, jactància |
Verbos | alardear, bravear, dragonear, fachendear, fanfarronear, farolear, gallardear, gloriarse, jactarse, ostentar, presumir, ufanarse, vanagloriarse | show off |