Sentido | A tall perennial woody plant having a main trunk and branches forming a distinct elevated crown; includes both gymnosperms and angiosperms. |
Sinónimo | arbol |
Miembro de | bosque, bosques, floresta, selva | The trees and other plants in a large densely wooded area |
Partes | copa | The upper branches and leaves of a tree or other plant |
tocón | The base part of a tree that remains standing after the tree has been felled |
tronco | The main stem of a tree |
Específico | Chloroxylon swietenia, satín | East Indian tree with valuable hard lustrous yellowish wood |
Elaeocarpus grandis | Australian tree having hard white timber and glossy green leaves with white flowers followed by one-seeded glossy blue fruit |
Melia azederach | Tree of northern India and China having purple blossoms and small inedible yellow fruits |
Sophora sinensis | handsome roundheaded deciduous tree having compound dark green leaves and profuse panicles of fragrant creamy-white flowers |
aalii, chirca | A small Hawaiian tree with hard dark wood |
abedul, betula | Any betulaceous tree or shrub of the genus Betula having a thin peeling bark |
acacia | Any of various spiny trees or shrubs of the genus Acacia |
albizia, albizzia | Any of numerous trees of the genus Albizia |
algarrobo | Any of various hardwood trees of the family Leguminosae |
aliso | north temperate shrubs or trees having toothed leaves and conelike fruit |
almez, ramón, tala | Any of various trees of the genus Celtis having inconspicuous flowers and small berrylike fruits |
andelmin, angelim | Any of several tropical American trees of the genus Andira |
arere, obechi, samba, triplochiton scleroxcylon | large west African tree having large palmately lobed leaves and axillary cymose panicles of small white flowers and one-winged seeds |
avellanero, avellano | Australian tree grown especially for ornament and its fine-grained wood and bearing edible nuts |
bonsai, bonsái | A dwarfed ornamental tree or shrub grown in a tray or shallow pot |
cabrahigo | A West Indies clusia having fig-shaped fruit |
caesalpinia coriaria | small thornless tree or shrub of tropical America whose seed pods are a source of tannin |
café, cafeto | Any of several small trees and shrubs native to the tropical Old World yielding coffee beans |
calaba, calophyllum longifolium, maria, Maria, santa maria | Valuable timber tree of Panama |
calabura, silkwood | A fast-growing tropical American evergreen having white flowers and white fleshy edible fruit |
camachile, huamachil | Common thorny tropical American tree having terminal racemes of yellow flowers followed by sickle-shaped or circinate edible pods and yielding good timber and a yellow dye and mucilaginous gum |
caoba | Any of various tropical timber trees of the family Meliaceae especially the genus Swietinia valued for their hard yellowish- to reddish-brown wood that is readily worked and takes a high polish |
carpe, carpinus | Any of several trees or shrubs of the genus Carpinus |
castaña, castaño | Any of several attractive deciduous trees yellow-brown in autumn |
casuarina | Any of various trees and shrubs of the genus Casuarina having jointed stems and whorls of scalelike leaves |
cañafístola, cañafístula | Any of various trees or shrubs of the genus Cassia having pinnately compound leaves and usually yellow flowers followed by long seedpods |
chaulmugra | East Indian tree with oily seeds yield chaulmoogra oil used to treat leprosy |
chicot, Gymnocladus dioica | handsome tree of central and eastern North America having large bipinnate leaves and green-white flowers followed by large woody brown pods whose seeds are used as a coffee substitute |
chinchona, quino | Any of several trees of the genus Cinchona |
clusia | An aromatic tree of the genus Clusia having large white or yellow or pink flowers |
cocobolo, dalbergia retusa, granadillo | A valuable timber tree of tropical South America |
conacaste | Tropical South American tree having a wide-spreading crown of bipinnate leaves and coiled ear-shaped fruits |
conessi, kurchi | Tropical Asian tree with hard white wood and bark formerly used as a remedy for dysentery and diarrhea |
dak, dhak, palas | East Indian tree bearing a profusion of intense vermilion velvet-textured blooms and yielding a yellow dye |
dhava, dhawa | An Indian tree of the family Combretaceae that is a source of timber and gum |
dita | evergreen tree of eastern Asia and Philippines having large leathery leaves and small green-white flowers in compact cymes |
erythrina | Any of various shrubs or shrubby trees of the genus Erythrina having trifoliate leaves and racemes of scarlet to coral red flowers and black seeds |
fagus, haya | Any of several large deciduous trees with rounded spreading crowns and smooth grey bark and small sweet edible triangular nuts enclosed in burs |
fresno | Any of various deciduous pinnate-leaved ornamental or timber trees of the genus Fraxinus |
frijolillo, frijolito | shrub or small tree having pinnate leaves poisonous to livestock and dense racemes of intensely fragrant blue flowers and red beans |
gliricidia | Any of several small deciduous trees valued for their dark wood and dense racemes of nectar-rich pink flowers grown in great profusion on arching branches |
granadillo | West Indian tree yielding a fine grade of green ebony |
güira, jícaro | Tropical American evergreen that produces large round gourds |
higuera | Any moraceous tree of the tropical genus Ficus |
houhere, lacebark | small tree or shrub of New Zealand having a profusion of axillary clusters of honey-scented paper-white flowers and whose bark is used for cordage |
idesia | deciduous roundheaded Asiatic tree widely grown in mild climates as an ornamental for its heart-shaped leaves and fragrant yellow-green flowers followed by hanging clusters of fleshy orange-red berries |
inga | Any tree or shrub of the genus Inga having pinnate leaves and showy usually white flowers |
jaboncillo | A tree of the genus Sapindus whose fruit is rich in saponin |
kiaat | deciduous South African tree having large odd-pinnate leaves and profuse fragrant orange-yellow flowers |
langsat, langset | East Indian tree bearing an edible yellow berry |
lentisco del Perú, molle, pimentero falso, turbinto | small Peruvian evergreen with broad rounded head and slender pendant branches with attractive clusters of greenish flowers followed by clusters of rose-pink fruits |
margosa, nim | large semi-evergreen tree of the East Indies |
mayeng | Indian tree having fragrant nocturnal white flowers and yielding a reddish wood used for planking |
millettia | Any of several tropical trees or shrubs yielding showy streaked dark reddish or chocolate-colored wood |
msasa | small shrubby African tree having compound leaves and racemes of small fragrant green flowers |
olmo | Any of various trees of the genus Ulmus |
opepe | large African forest / forest tree yielding a strong hard yellow to golden brown lumber |
padauk, padouk | Tree native to southeastern Asia having reddish wood with a mottled or striped black grain |
palisandro | Any of those hardwood trees of the genus Dalbergia that yield rosewood--valuable cabinet woods of a dark red or purplish color streaked and variegated with black |
palma, palmera | Any plant of the family Palmae having an unbranched trunk crowned by large pinnate or palmate leaves |
palo verde | densely branched spiny tree of southwestern United States having showy yellow flowers and blue-green bark |
pandanus | Any of various Old World tropical palmlike trees having huge prop roots and edible conelike fruits and leaves like pineapple leaves |
pimpollo, plantón | young / young tree |
platan, plátano | Any of several trees of the genus Platanus having thin pale bark that scales off in small plates and lobed leaves and ball-shaped heads of fruits |
roble | A deciduous tree of the genus Quercus |
sapote, zapote | A tropical hardwood tree yielding balata gum and heavy red timber |
sauce | Any of numerous deciduous trees and shrubs of the genus Salix |
simal | East Indian silk cotton tree yielding fibers inferior to kapok |
sissu | East Indian tree whose leaves are used for fodder |
souari | large South American evergreen tree trifoliate leaves and drupes with nutlike seeds used as food and a source of cooking oil |
sándalo | Parasitic tree of Indonesia and Malaysia having fragrant close-grained yellowish heartwood with insect repelling properties and used, e.g., for making chests |
teca | tall East Indian timber tree now planted in western Africa and tropical America for its hard durable wood |
tilo | Any of various deciduous trees of the genus Tilia with heart-shaped leaves and drooping cymose clusters of yellowish often fragrant flowers |
tipu | semi-evergreen South American tree with odd-pinnate leaves and golden yellow flowers cultivated as an ornamental |
trifoliata | small fast-growing spiny deciduous Chinese orange tree bearing sweetly scented flowers and decorative but inedible fruit |
árbol angiospermo | Any tree having seeds and ovules contained in the ovary |
árbol gimnospermo, gimnospermo | Any tree of the division Gymnospermophyta |
árbol gomero | Any of various trees of the genera ... / genera Eucalyptus or Liquidambar or Nyssa that are sources of gum |
ébano | Tropical tree of southern Asia having hard dark-colored heartwood used in cabinetwork / cabinetwork |
General | planta leñosa | A plant having hard lignified tissues or woody parts especially stems |
Substancias | albura, sámago | newly formed outer wood lying between the cambium and the heartwood of a tree or woody plant |
duramen | The older inactive central wood of a tree or woody plant |
Inglés | tree |
Catalán | arbre |
Adjetivo | arbórieo | Of or relating to or formed by trees |
Verbos | enarbolar | chase an animal up a tree |