Sentido | In a natural state; not tamed or domesticated or cultivated / cultivated. |
Sinónimos | indomado, montaraz, salvaje |
Cualidad de | estado salvaje, fiereza | An intractably barbarous or uncultivated state of nature |
Específico | asilvestrado, bravo, ferino, feroz, fiero, salvaje | wild and menacing |
indoméstico | not domesticated |
indómito, intacto | not subdued or trained for service or use |
También | incurable, intratable | not tractable |
Contrario | dócil, domesticado, manso | Brought from wildness into a domesticated state |
Inglés | wild, untamed |
Catalán | salvatge |
Nombres | desierto, naturaleza, yermo | A wild and uninhabited area left in its natural condition |
estado natural, estado salvaje, naturaleza, tierra virgen | A wild primitive state untouched by civilization |