Sentido | Solid homogeneous inorganic substances occurring in nature having a definite chemical composition. |
Sinónimo | minerales |
Específico | aljez, yeso | A common white or colorless mineral (hydrated calcium sulphate) used to make cements and plasters / plasters (especially plaster of Paris) |
alquitrán mineral | A thick black tar intermediate between petroleum and asphalt |
ambligonita | A white or grey mineral consisting of lithium aluminum phosphate |
anfíbol | A mineral or mineral variety belonging to the amphibole group |
antimonita, estibina | A soft grey mineral |
apatita, apatito | A common complex mineral consisting of calcium fluoride phosphate or calcium chloride phosphate |
aragonita, aragonito | A mineral form of crystalline calcium carbonate |
arcilla roja | clay whose redness results from iron oxide |
argentita, argirosa | A valuable silver ore consisting of silver sulfide (Ag2S) |
arsenopirita, mispiquel, mispíquel | A silver-white or grey ore of arsenic |
asfalto | A dark bituminous substance found in natural beds and as residue from petroleum distillation |
augita | dark-green to black glassy mineral of the pyroxene group containing large amounts of aluminum and iron and magnesium |
baddeleyita | A mineral consisting of zirconium oxide |
baritina | A white or colorless mineral (BaSO4) |
bastnaesite, bastnasita | A yellow-to-brown mineral that is a source of rare earth elements |
bauxita | A clay-like mineral |
berilio, berilo | The chief source of beryllium |
blenda, esfalerita | An ore that is the chief source of zinc |
borax, bórax, borraj | An ore of boron consisting of hydrated sodium borate |
bornita | A mineral consisting of sulfides of copper and iron that is found in copper deposits |
cainita | A white mineral consisting of magnesium sulphate and potassium chloride |
calamina, hemimorfita | A white mineral |
calcopirita | A yellow copper ore (CuFeS2) made up of copper and iron sulfide |
calcosina | A heavy grey mineral that is an ore of copper |
caolinita | A mineral consisting of aluminum silicate |
carnalita | A white or reddish mineral consisting of hydrous chlorides / chlorides of potassium and magnesium |
casiterita | A hard heavy dark mineral that is the chief source of tin |
celestita | A mineral consisting of strontium sulphate |
ceolita, zeolita | Any of a family of glassy minerals analogous to feldspar containing hydrated aluminum silicates of calcium or sodium or potassium |
cerusita | A mineral consisting of lead carbonate that is an important source of lead |
cianita | A grey or greenish-blue mineral consisting of aluminum silicate in crystalline form |
cinabrio | A heavy reddish mineral consisting of mercuric sulfide |
circón, silicato de circonio, zircón | A common mineral occurring in small crystals |
clorita | A generally green or black mineral |
cobaltita | A rare silvery-white mineral |
cola de pescado, mica | Any of various minerals consisting of hydrous silicates of aluminum or potassium etc. that crystallize in forms that allow perfect cleavage into very thin leaves |
color tierra | A colored mineral used as a pigment |
coltan, columbita-tantalita | A valuable black mineral combining niobite and tantalite |
columbita, niobite | A black mineral that is an ore of niobium and tantalum |
cordierita | A blue mineral of magnesium and iron and aluminum and silicon and oxygen |
corindón, corundom | Very hard mineral used as an abrasive |
criolita | A white mineral consisting of fluorides of aluminum and sodium |
crisoberilo | A rare hard yellow green mineral consisting of beryllium aluminate in crystal form |
cristobalita | A white mineral consisting of silica |
cromita | A brownish-black mineral |
cuarzo | A hard glossy mineral consisting of silicon dioxide in crystal form |
cuprita | A mineral consisting of cuprous oxide that is a source of copper |
dolomita | A light colored mineral consisting of calcium magnesium carbonate |
eritrina | A reddish mineral consisting of hydrated cobalt arsenate in monoclinic crystalline form and used in coloring glass |
esmeril | A hard grey-black mineral consisting of corundum and either hematite or magnetite |
espato | Any of various nonmetallic minerals (calcite or feldspar) that are light in color and transparent or translucent and cleavable |
espinela | A hard glassy mineral consisting of an oxide of magnesium and aluminum |
espodumena, spodumene | A pyroxene mineral consisting of lithium aluminum silicate |
estroncianita | A mineral consisting of strontium carbonate |
fergusonita | A dark mineral consisting of oxides of yttrium and erbium and tantalum and other minerals |
fluorita | A soft mineral (calcium fluoride) that is fluorescent in ultraviolet light |
gadolinita | A mineral that is a source of rare earths |
galena | Soft blue-grey mineral |
garnierita | A green mineral consisting of hydrated nickel magnesium silicate |
germanita | A rare reddish-grey mineral consisting of a copper iron germanium sulfide |
gibbsita | white crystalline mineral consisting of aluminum hydroxide |
glauconita | A green mineral consisting of hydrated silicate of potassium or iron or magnesium or aluminum |
granate | Any of a group of hard glassy minerals (silicates of various metals) used as gemstones and as an abrasive |
greenockita, sulfuro de cadmio | ore of cadmium |
halita, sal de roca, sal gema | naturally occurring crystalline sodium chloride |
hausmannita | A mineral consisting of manganese tetroxide |
ilmenita | A weakly magnetic black mineral found in metamorphic and plutonic rocks |
iridosmine, osmiridio | A hard and corrosion resistant mineral that is a natural alloy of osmium and iridium (usually containing small amounts of rhodium and platinum) |
jadeíta | A hard green mineral consisting of sodium aluminum silicate in monoclinic crystalline form |
kernita | A light soft mineral consisting of hydrated sodium borate in crystalline form |
kieserita | A white mineral consisting of hydrous magnesium sulfate often found in salt mines |
langbeinita | A mineral consisting of potassium magnesium double sulphate |
magnesia, óxido de magnesio, periclasa | A white solid mineral that occurs naturally as periclase |
magnesita | A white mineral consisting of magnesium carbonate |
malaquita | A green or blue mineral used as an ore of copper and for making ornamental objects |
manganita | A black mineral consisting of basic manganese oxide |
mena, mineral | A mineral that contains metal that is valuable enough to be mined |
millerita | A yellow mineral consisting of nickel sulfide |
molibdenita | A mineral resembling graphite that is valued as the chief source of molybdenum and its compounds |
monacita | A reddish-brown mineral containing rare earth metals |
nefelina, nephelite | A whitish mineral consisting of sodium aluminum silicate or potassium aluminum silicate in crystalline form |
nitrocalcite | The mineral form of calcium nitrate |
olivenite | Rare green to black mineral consisting of hydrated copper arsenate that is found in copper deposits |
olivino | A mineral consisting of magnesium iron silicate |
oropimente | A yellow mineral occurring in conjunction with realgar |
ozocerita | A waxy mineral that is a mixture of hydrocarbons and occurs in association with petroleum |
pentlandita | A mineral (iron and nickel sulphide) that is the chief ore of nickel |
pirita | A common mineral (iron disulfide) that has a pale yellow color |
pirita magnética, pirrotina, pyrrhotine | A brownish iron sulfide mineral (FeS) having weak magnetic properties |
pirofilita | A white or greenish aluminum silicate mineral (resembles talc) |
pirolusita | A mineral consisting of manganese dioxide |
piromorfita | A mineral consisting of lead chloride / chloride and phosphate |
piroxeno | Any of a group of crystalline silicate mineral common in igneous and metamorphic rocks |
polucita | A rare mineral that is an important source of cesium |
psilomelana, psilomelane | A mineral consisting of hydrated basic oxide of manganese and barium |
rejalgar | A rare soft orange mineral consisting of arsenic sulphide |
rodocrosita | A mineral consisting of manganese carbonate |
rodonita | A pink or red mineral consisting of crystalline manganese silicate |
rutilo | A mineral consisting of titanium dioxide in crystalline form |
samarskita | A complex black mineral occurring in pegmatites |
scheelita | A mineral used as an ore of tungsten |
sepiolita | A white clayey / clayey mineral |
silvanita | A silver-white mineral consisting of silver gold telluride |
silvina, silvita | A mineral consisting of native potassium chloride |
smaltite | A grey mineral consisting of cobalt arsenide and nickel |
sodalita | A vitreous mineral consisting of sodium aluminum silicate and sodium chloride in crystalline form |
talco | A fine grained mineral having a soft soapy feel and consisting of hydrated magnesium silicate |
tantalita | A mineral consisting of tantalum oxide of iron and manganese that occurs with niobite or in coarse granite |
topacio | A mineral (fluosilicate of aluminum) that occurs in crystals of various colors and is used as a gemstone |
torita | A radioactive mineral consisting of thorium silicate |
tridimita | A mineral form of silica |
turmalina | A mineral that is a complex borosilicate and hydroxide of aluminum containing iron and magnesium and calcium and lithium and sodium |
turquesa | A blue to grey green mineral consisting of copper aluminum phosphate |
vanadinita | A mineral consisting of chloride / chloride and vanadate of lead |
vermiculita | Any of a group of yellow or brown hydrous silicate minerals having a micaceous structure |
vesuvianita | A green or yellow or brown mineral consisting of a hydrated silicate |
wolframita | A mineral consisting of iron and manganese tungstate in crystalline form |
wollastonita | A white or greyish mineral typically found in metamorphic limestone |
wulfenita | A yellow to orange or brown mineral used as a molybdenum ore |
wurtzita | A brownish-black mineral consisting of zinc sulfide |
xenotima | A brown-to-yellow mineral that is a phosphate of yttrium in crystalline form |
zafirina | A rare light blue or green mineral |
zinkenita | A steel grey metallic mineral (a sulphide of lead and antimony) |
ópalo | A translucent mineral consisting of hydrated silica of variable color |
General | cosa, cosas, material, materia | The tangible / tangible substance that goes into the makeup of a physical object |
Substancia de | piedra, roca, rocas | material consisting of the aggregate of minerals like those making up the Earth's crust |
Inglés | mineral |
Catalán | mineral |
Adjetivo | mineral | relating to minerals |