Meaning | wild or uncultivated flowering plant. |
Synonym | wildflower |
Narrower | Arnica montana | herb of pasture and open woodland throughout most of Europe and western Asia having orange-yellow daisylike flower heads that when dried are used as a stimulant and to treat bruises and swellings |
Davidson's penstemon, Penstemon davidsonii | mat-forming plant with blue and lavender flowers clustered on short erect stems |
Indian paintbrush, painted cup | Any of various plants of the genus Castilleja having dense spikes of hooded flowers with brightly colored bracts |
Indian pipe, waxflower, Monotropa uniflora | small waxy white or pinkish-white saprophytic woodland plant having scalelike leaves and a nodding flower |
Jones' penstemon, Penstemon dolius | Low plant with light blue and violet flowers in short clusters near tips of stems |
Mojave aster, Machaeranthera tortifoloia | wild aster having greyish leafy stems and flower heads with narrow pale lavender or violet rays |
Parry's penstemon, Penstemon parryi | Erect stems with pinkish-lavender flowers in long interrupted clusters |
Platte River penstemon, Penstemon cyananthus | Erect plant with blue-violet flowers in rings near tips of stems |
Rydberg's penstemon, Penstemon rydbergii | plant with whorls of small dark blue-violet flowers |
Whipple's penstemon, Penstemon whippleanus | wine and lavender to purple and black flowers in several clusters on the upper half of leafy stems |
alpine gold, alpine hulsea, Hulsea algida | Low tufted plant having hairy stems each topped by a flower head with short narrow yellow rays |
arrowleaf groundsel, Senecio triangularis | perennial with sharply toothed triangular leaves on leafy stems bearing a cluster of yellow flower heads |
balloon flower, scented penstemon, Penstemon palmeri | fragrant puffed-up white to reddish-pink flowers in long narrow clusters on erect stems |
bitterroot, Lewisia rediviva | showy succulent ground-hugging plant of Rocky Mountains regions having deep to pale pink flowers and fleshy farinaceous roots |
blackfoot daisy, Melampodium leucanthum | bushy subshrub having flower heads that resemble asters with broad white rays |
blazing star, button snakeroot, gayfeather, gay-feather, snakeroot | Any of various North American plants of the genus Liatris having racemes or panicles of small discoid flower heads |
blue-eyed Mary, Collinsia verna | eastern United States plant with whorls of blue-and-white flowers |
brittlebush, brittle bush, incienso, Encelia farinosa | fragrant rounded shrub of southwestern United States and adjacent Mexico having brittle stems and small crowded blue-green leaves and yellow flowers |
butterweed, ragwort, Senecio glabellus | American ragwort with yellow flowers |
cascade penstemon, Penstemon serrulatus | whorls of deep blue to dark purple flowers at tips of erect leafy stems |
coast boykinia, Boykinia elata, Boykinia occidentalis | plant with leaves mostly at the base and openly branched clusters of small white flowers |
common madia, common tarweed, Madia elegans | California annual having red-brown spots near the base of its yellow flower rays |
coneflower | A wildflower of the genus Ratibida |
desert sunflower, Gerea canescens | Slender hairy plant with few leaves and golden-yellow flower heads |
dwarf hulsea, Hulsea nana | Similar to but smaller than alpine hulsea |
edelweiss, Leontopodium alpinum | alpine perennial plant native to Europe having leaves covered with whitish down and small flower heads held in stars / stars of glistening whitish bracts |
engelmannia | Common erect hairy perennial of plains and prairies of southern and central United States having flowers that resemble sunflowers |
false alumroot, fringe cups, Tellima grandiflora | plant growing in clumps with mostly basal leaves and cream-colored or pale pink fringed flowers in several long racemes |
false chamomile | Any of various autumn-flowering perennials having white or pink to purple flowers that resemble asters |
false miterwort, false mitrewort, Tiarella unifoliata | plant with tiny white flowers hanging in loose clusters on leafy stems |
flame flower, flame-flower, flameflower, Talinum aurantiacum | plant with fleshy roots and erect stems with narrow succulent leaves and one reddish-orange flower in each upper leaf axil |
fleabane | Any of several North American plants of the genus Erigeron having daisylike flowers |
fringed grass of Parnassus, Parnassia fimbriata | bog plant with broadly heart-shaped basal leaves and cream-colored or white saucer-shaped flowers with fringed petals |
gaillardia | Any plant of western America of the genus Gaillardia having hairy leaves and long-stalked flowers in hot vibrant colors from golden yellow and copper to rich burgundy |
golden-beard penstemon, Penstemon barbatus | plant of southwestern United States having long open clusters of scarlet flowers with yellow hairs on lower lip |
golden aster | Any of several shrubby herbs or subshrubs of the genus Chrysopsis having bright golden-yellow flower heads that resemble asters |
goldenbush | A plant of the genus Haplopappus |
goldenrod | Any of numerous chiefly summer-blooming and fall-blooming North American plants especially of the genus Solidago |
goldfields, Lasthenia chrysostoma | small slender woolly annual with very narrow opposite leaves and branches bearing solitary golden-yellow flower heads |
hairy golden aster, prairie golden aster, Heterotheca villosa, Chrysopsis villosa | hairy perennial with yellow flower heads in branched clusters |
hawk's-beard, hawk's-beards | Any of various plants of the genus Crepis having loose heads of yellow flowers on top of a long branched leafy stem |
hawkbit | Any of various common wildflowers of the genus Leontodon |
heartleaf arnica, Arnica cordifolia | wildflower with heart-shaped leaves and broad yellow flower heads |
heliopsis, oxeye | Any North American shrubby perennial herb of the genus Heliopsis having large yellow daisylike flowers |
hot-rock penstemon, Penstemon deustus | stems in clumps with cream-colored flowers |
kitten-tails | A plant of the genus Besseya having fluffy spikes of flowers |
leatherleaf saxifrage, Leptarrhena pyrolifolia | plant with basal leathery elliptic leaves and erect leafless flower stalks each bearing a dense roundish cluster of tiny white flowers |
maiden blue-eyed Mary, Collinsia parviflora | small widely branching western plant with tiny blue-and-white flowers |
meadow rue | Any of various herbs of the genus Thalictrum |
meadow salsify, goatsbeard, shepherd's clock, Tragopogon pratensis | weedy European annual with yellow flowers |
mountain pride, Penstemon newberryi | mat-forming plant with deep pink flowers on short erect leafy stems |
mule's ears, Wyethia amplexicaulis | balsamic-resinous herb with clumps of lanceolate leaves and stout leafy stems ending in large deep yellow flowers on long stalks |
narrow-leaf penstemon, Penstemon linarioides | plant having small narrow leaves and blue-violet flowers in long open clusters |
nodding groundsel, Senecio bigelovii | plant with erect leafy stems bearing clusters of rayless yellow flower heads on bent individual stalks |
north island edelweiss, Leucogenes leontopodium | perennial herb closely resembling European edelweiss |
northern dune tansy, Tanacetum douglasii | lightly hairy rhizomatous perennial having aromatic feathery leaves and stems bearing open clusters of small buttonlike yellow flowers |
old man of the mountain, alpine sunflower, Tetraneuris grandiflora, Hymenoxys grandiflora | whitish hairy plant with featherlike leaves and a few stout stems each bearing an especially handsome solitary large yellow flower head |
oxeye | Eurasian perennial herbs having daisylike flowers with yellow rays and dark centers |
pasqueflower, pasque flower | Any plant of the genus Pulsatilla |
pinesap, false beachdrops, Monotropa hypopithys | fleshy tawny or reddish saprophytic herb resembling the Indian pipe and growing in woodland humus of eastern North America |
prairie gentian, tulip gentian, bluebell, Eustoma grandiflorum | One of the most handsome prairie wildflowers having large erect bell-shaped bluish flowers |
prairie star, Lithophragma parviflorum | plant with mostly basal leaves and slender open racemes of white or pale pink flowers |
purple chinese houses, innocense, Collinsia bicolor, Collinsia heterophylla | white and lavender to pale-blue flowers grow in perfect rings of widely spaced bands around the stems forming a kind of pagoda |
pussy-paw, pussy-paws, pussy's-paw, Spraguea umbellatum, Calyptridium umbellatum | pink clusters of densely packed flowers on prostrate stems resemble upturned pads of cats' feet |
red maids, redmaids, Calandrinia ciliata | succulent carpet-forming plant having small brilliant reddish-pink flowers |
rock penstemon, cliff penstemon, Penstemon rupicola | One of the West's most beautiful wildflowers |
sagebrush buttercup, Ranunculus glaberrimus | small early-flowering buttercup with shiny yellow flowers of western North America |
sand verbena | Any of various plants of the genus Abronia of western North America and Mexico having flowers resembling verbena |
scarlet bugler, Penstemon centranthifolius | plant with bright red tubular flowers in long narrow clusters near tips of erect stems |
shrubby penstemon, lowbush penstemon, Penstemon fruticosus | Low bushy plant with large showy pale lavender or blue-violet flowers in narrow clusters at ends of stems |
siskiyou lewisia, Lewisia cotyledon | evergreen perennial having a dense basal rosette of long spatula-shaped leaves and panicles of pink or white-and-red-striped or pink-purple flowers |
snow plant, Sarcodes sanguinea | A fleshy bright red saprophytic plant of the mountains of western North America that appears in early spring while snow is on the ground |
stemless golden weed, Stenotus acaulis, Haplopappus acaulis | dark green erect herb of northwestern United States and southwestern Canada having stiff leaves in dense tufts and yellow flower heads |
stemless hymenoxys, Tetraneuris acaulis, Hymenoxys acaulis | perennial having tufted basal leaves and short leafless stalks each bearing a solitary yellow flower head |
sticky aster, Machaeranthera bigelovii | wild aster having leafy stems and flower heads with narrow bright reddish-lavender or purple rays |
sunray, Enceliopsis nudicaulis | herb having a basal cluster of grey-green leaves and leafless stalks each with a solitary broad yellow flower head |
tahoka daisy, tansy leaf aster, Machaeranthera tanacetifolia | wild aster with fernlike leaves and flower heads with very narrow bright purple rays |
trailing four o'clock, trailing windmills, Allionia incarnata | Trailing plant having crowded clusters of 3 brilliant deep pink flowers resembling a single flower blooming near the ground |
white-rayed mule's ears, Wyethia helianthoides | herb with basal leaves and leafy hairy stems bearing solitary flower heads with white or pale cream-colored rays |
wild carrot, Queen Anne's lace, Daucus carota | A widely naturalized Eurasian herb with finely cut foliage and white compound umbels of small white or yellowish flowers and thin yellowish roots |
woolly daisy, dwarf daisy, Antheropeas wallacei, Eriophyllum wallacei | tiny grey woolly tufted annual with small golden-yellow flower heads |
woolly sunflower | Any plant of the genus Eriophyllum |
yellow salsify, Tragopogon dubius | European perennial naturalized throughout United States having hollow stems with a few long narrow tapered leaves and each bearing a solitary pale yellow flower |
Broader | angiosperm, flowering plant | plants having seeds in a closed ovary |
wilding | A wild uncultivated plant (especially a wild apple or crabapple tree) |
Spanish | flor salvaje, flor silvestre |
Catalan | flor salvatge, flor silvestre |