Meaning | someone who deliberately behaves in such a way as to attract attention. |
Synonym | exhibitionist |
Narrower | grandstander | someone who performs with an eye to the applause from spectators in the grandstand |
hotdog, hot dog | someone who performs dangerous stunts to attract attention to himself |
poseur, poser | A person who habitually pretends to be something he is not |
Broader | egotist, egoist, swellhead | A conceited and self-centered person |
Spanish | chulapo, chulapón, chuleta, chulo, compadre, exhibicionista, fachenda, fachendista, fachendoso, fafarechero, fardón, farolero, figurón, papelón, pinturero, principote, vacilón |
Catalan | faroner, fatxenda, fatxender, parencer |
Verbs | show off | display proudly |