Meaning | A federation in northeastern Europe and northern Asia; formerly Soviet Russia; since 1991 an independent state. |
Synonym | Russian Federation |
Instances | Asian Russia | The Russia that is part of Asia |
Instance of | country, state, land | The territory occupied by a nation |
Member of | Commonwealth of Independent States, CIS | An alliance made up of states that had been Soviet Socialist Republics in the Soviet Union prior to its dissolution in Dec 1991 |
Part of | Eurasia | The land mass formed by the continents of Europe and Asia |
Parts | Amur, Amur River, Heilong Jiang, Heilong | An Asian river between China and Russia |
Astrakhan | A city in southwestern Russia on the delta of the Volga River |
Chechnya, Chechenia, Chechen Republic | An autonomous republic in southwestern Russia in the northern Caucasus Mountains bordering on Georgia |
Chelyabinsk | A city in the Asian part of Russia |
Cherepovets | A city of east central Russia to the north of Moscow |
Dnieper, Dnieper River | A river that rises in Russia near Smolensk and flowing south through Belarus and Ukraine to empty into the Black Sea |
Don, Don River | A European river in southwestern Russia |
European Russia | The part of Russia that is part of Europe |
Grozny, Groznyy | The capital of Chechnya in southwestern Russia |
Kaluga | A city of central Russia to the south of Moscow |
Karelia | A region in Finland and Russia between the Gulf of Finland and the White Sea |
Kazan | An industrial city in the European part of Russia |
Khabarovsk | An administrative territory in Russia on the eastern coast of Siberia |
Kola Peninsula | A peninsula in northwestern Russia projecting eastward between the Barents Sea and the White Sea |
Kursk | A city of southwestern Russia |
Lake Ilmen, Ilmen | A lake in northwestern Russia |
Lake Ladoga, Ladoga | A lake in northwestern Russia to the north of St. Petersburg |
Lake Onega, Onega | lake in northwestern Russia near the border with Finland |
Moscow, capital of the Russian Federation, Russian capital | A city of central European Russia |
Murmansk | A port city in northwestern Russia on the Kola Peninsula |
Nalchik | A city in southwestern Russia in a valley of the Caucasus Mountains |
Neva, Neva River | A river in northwestern Russia flowing generally west into the Gulf of Finland |
Nizhnyi Novgorod, Nizhni Novgorod, Gorki, Gorky, Gorkiy | An industrial city in the European part of Russia |
Novaya Zemlya, Nova Zembla | Two islands in the Arctic Ocean belonging to Russia |
Novgorod | A city in northwestern Russia on the Volkhov River |
Novosibirsk | A city in the Asian part of Russia on the Ob river |
Omsk | A city in the Asian part of Russia |
Perm, Molotov | A city in the European part of Russia |
Rostov, Rostov on Don, Rostov na Donu | A seaport on the Don River near the Sea of Azov in the European part of Russia |
Saratov | An industrial city in the European part of Russia |
Siberia | A vast Asian region of Russia |
Smolensk | A city in western Russia on the Dnieper River |
St. Petersburg, Leningrad, Peterburg, Petrograd, Saint Petersburg | A city in the European part of Russia |
Tien Shan, Tyan Shan | A major mountain range of central Asia |
Ufa | A city in the European part of Russia |
Urals, Ural Mountains | A mountain range in western Russia extending from the Arctic to the Caspian Sea |
Vetluga, Vetluga River | A river in central Russia |
Vladivostok | A seaport in the Asian part of Russia |
Volga, Volga River | A Russian river |
Volgograd, Stalingrad, Tsaritsyn | A city in the European part of Russia on the Volga |
Volkhov, Volkhov River | A river in northwestern Russia flowing generally north into Lake Ladoga |
Region of | Foreign Intelligence Service, Sluzhba Vneshney Razvedki, SVR | Russia's intelligence service responsible / responsible for foreign / foreign operations, intelligence-gathering and analysis, and the exchange of intelligence information |
Spanish | Federación Rusa, Rusia, Russia |
Catalan | Rusia, Rússia |
Adjectives | Russian | of or pertaining to or characteristic of Russia or its people or culture or language |