Català > suavitzant: 1 sentit > nom 1, substanceSentit | A substance added to another to make it less hard. |
Específic | condicionador | A substance used in washing / washing (clothing or hair) to make things softer |
descalcificador, desenduridor | A substance (such as sodium chloride) that lessens the hardness of water by replacing calcium and magnesium ions with sodium ions and so gives the water more efficient sudsing power |
plastificant | A substance added to plastics or other materials to make them more pliable |
General | producte químic, substància química | Material produced by or used in a reaction involving changes in atoms or molecules |
Anglès | softener |
Espanyol | suavizador, suavizante |
Verbs | ablanir, amorosir, assuavir, entendrir, estovar, reblanir, suavitzar, temperar | make soft or softer |