NOM | location | parc, zona verda | a piece of open land for recreational use in an urban area |
location | parc, parc natural, reserva | a large area of land preserved in its natural state as public property | |
location | parc, aparcament, pàrquing | a lot where cars are parked | |
artifact | parc, corralito, parc infantil | a portable enclosure in which babies may be left to play |
Sentit | A piece of open land for recreational use in an urban area. | |
Sinònim | zona verda | |
Espècimens | Central Park | A large park in Manhattan |
Part de | àrea urbana, casc urbà, nucli urbà | A geographical area constituting a city or town |
Específic | parc d'atraccions, parc temàtic | A commercially operated park with stalls and shows for amusement |
General | parcel·la, parcel, terreny | An extended area of land |
Anglès | park, commons, common, green | |
Espanyol | común, parque, zona verde | |
Adjectius | comú | Belonging to or participated in by a community as a whole |
Sentit | A large area of land preserved in its natural state as public property. | |
Sinònims | parc natural, reserva | |
Específic | parc nacional | A tract of land declared / declared by the national government to be public property |
General | parcel·la, parcel, terreny | An extended area of land |
Anglès | park, parkland | |
Espanyol | parque, parque natural, reserva |
Sentit | A lot where cars are parked. | |
Sinònims | aparcament, pàrquing | |
General | lot, solar | A parcel of land having fixed boundaries |
Anglès | parking lot, car park, park, parking area | |
Espanyol | aparcadero, aparcamiento, estacionamiento, parking, parqueadero, parque, parqueo | |
Verbs | aparcar, estacionar | place temporarily |
aparcar, estacionar | maneuver a vehicle into a parking space |
Sentit | A portable enclosure in which babies may be left to play. | |
Sinònims | corralito, parc infantil | |
General | clos, recinte | A structure consisting of an area that has been enclosed / enclosed for some purpose |
Anglès | playpen, pen | |
Espanyol | corralito, parque, parque para bebés |
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