Sentit | Having an unpleasant sound. |
Específic | aspre, rauc, rogallós, ronc | Deep and harsh sounding as if from shouting / shouting or illness or emotion |
aspre, raspós, rugós | unpleasantly harsh or grating in sound |
cloquejant | like the cackles or squawks a hen makes especially after laying an egg |
discordant | making or causing a harsh and irritating sound |
estrident | unpleasantly loud and harsh |
grinyolant, xerricant | like the discordant ringing of nonmusical metallic objects striking together |
gutural | like the sounds of frogs and crows |
També | escandalós, sorollós | Full of or characterized by loud and nonmusical sounds |
Contrari | eufònic | Having a pleasant sound |
Anglès | cacophonous, cacophonic |
Espanyol | cacofónico |
Noms | brogit, clamor, estrèpid, estridència, estridor, fragor | A loud harsh or strident noise |
cacofonia, soroll | Loud confusing / confusing disagreeable sounds |