Sentido | A member of the clergy and a spiritual leader of the Christian Church. |
Sinónimos | clérigo, eclesiástico, pastor, reverendo |
Casos | Charles Wesley | English clergyman and brother of John Wesley who wrote many hymns (1707-1788) |
Donne, John Donne | English clergyman and metaphysical poet celebrated as a preacher (1572-1631) |
Henry Ward Beecher | United States clergyman who was a leader for the abolition of slavery (1813-1887) |
John Keble | English clergyman who (with John Henry Newman and Edward Pusey) founded the Oxford movement (1792-1866) |
John Wesley, Wesley | English clergyman and founder of Methodism (1703-1791) |
King, Martin Luther King jr, Martin Luther King Jr., Martin Luther King | United States charismatic civil rights leader and Baptist minister who campaigned against the segregation / segregation of Blacks (1929-1968) |
Roger Williams | English clergyman and colonist who was expelled from Massachusetts for criticizing Puritanism |
Miembro de | clerecía, clero, iglesia | In Christianity, clergymen collectively (as distinguished from the laity) |
Específico | acólito, misario | someone who assists a priest / priest or minister in a liturgical service |
arcediano, archidiácono | (Anglican Church) an ecclesiastical dignitary usually ranking just below a bishop |
capellán, cura, mosén, párroco, pastor, presbítero, reverendo, sacerdote | A clergyman in Christian churches who has the authority to perform or administer various religious rites |
capellán, párroco | A clergyman ministering to some institution |
clérigo, eclesiástico | A clergyman or other person in religious orders |
cura, ministro, párroco, pastor, rector, vicario | A person authorized to conduct religious worship |
diácono | A cleric ranking just below a priest in Christian churches |
domine, dominus | A clergyman |
lector | someone who reads the lessons in a church service |
oficiante | A clergyman who officiates at a religious ... / religious ceremony or service |
ordenando | A person being ordained |
ordinario | A clergyman appointed to prepare condemned prisoners for death |
ostiario, ostiarius | The lowest of the minor Holy Orders in the unreformed Western Church but now suppressed by the Roman Catholic Church |
pastor | A clergyman who watches over a group of people |
postulador | (Roman Catholic Church) someone who proposes or pleads for a candidate for beatification or canonization |
predicador, sermoniser | someone whose occupation is preaching the gospel |
subdiácono | A clergyman an order below deacon |
vicario | (Church of England) a clergyman appointed to act as priest of a parish |
vicario | (Episcopal Church) a clergyman in charge of a chapel |
General | clérigo, líder espiritual | A leader in religious or sacred affairs |
Contrario | laica, laico, lego, profano, secular, seglar | someone who is not a clergyman or a professional person |
Inglés | clergyman, reverend, man of the cloth |
Catalán | clergue, pastor, reverend |