Español > africano: 2 sentidos > nombre 1, person Sentido | A native or inhabitant of Africa. |
Sinónimo | africana |
Específico | Basotho | A member of a subgroup of people who inhabit Lesotho |
Ewe | A member of a people living in southern Benin and Togo and southeastern Ghana |
Swazi | A member of a southeast African people living in Swaziland and adjacent areas |
algeriano, argelina, argelino | A native or inhabitant of Algeria |
angoleña, angoleño | A native or inhabitant of Angola |
bantú | A member of any of a large number of linguistically related peoples of Central and South Africa |
beninés | A native or inhabitant of Benin |
bereber | A member of an indigenous people of northern Africa |
burundés | A native or inhabitant of Burundi |
camerunesa, camerunés | A native or inhabitant of Cameroon |
chadiano | A native or inhabitant of Chad |
chewa | A member of the Bantu-speaking people of Malawi and eastern Zambia and northern Zimbabwe |
congoleña, congoleño, congolesa, congolés | A native or inhabitant of the Republic of the Congo |
egipciaco, egipcíaco, egipciano, egipcio | A native or inhabitant of Egypt |
etíope | A native or inhabitant of Ethiopia |
fula, Fula, fulani, Fulbe | A member of a pastoral and nomadic people of western Africa |
gabonés | A native or inhabitant of Gabon |
gambiana, gambiano | A native or inhabitant of Gambia |
ghanés | A native or inhabitant of Ghana |
guineana, guineano | A native or inhabitant of Guinea |
keniano | A native or inhabitant of Kenya |
liberiano | A native or inhabitant of Liberia |
libia, libio | A native or inhabitant of Libya |
madagascareño, malgache | A native or inhabitant of Madagascar |
malauí, malawiano | A native or inhabitant of Malawi |
maliense, malinés | A native or inhabitant of Mali |
marroquí, marroquin | A native or inhabitant of Morocco |
mauritana, mauritano | A native or inhabitant of Mauritania |
mozambicano, mozambiqueña, mozambiqueño | A native or inhabitant of Mozambique |
namibiano, namibio | A native or inhabitant of Namibia |
nigeriana, nigeriano | A native or inhabitant of Nigeria |
ruandés | A native or inhabitant of Rwanda |
senegalés | A native or inhabitant of Senegal |
somalí | A member of a tall dark (mostly Muslim) people inhabiting Somalia |
sudafricano | A native or inhabitant of South Africa |
sudanés | A native or inhabitant of Sudan |
tanzano | A native or inhabitant of Tanzania |
togolesa, togolés | A native or inhabitant of Togo |
tuareg | A member of a nomadic Berber people of the Sahara |
tunecí, tunecina, tunecino | A native or inhabitant of Tunisia |
ugandesa, ugandés | A native or inhabitant of Uganda |
yibutiano | A native or inhabitant of Djibouti / Djibouti |
zaireño | A native or inhabitant of Zaire |
zambiano | A native or inhabitant of Zambia |
zimbabuense, zimbabuo, zimbabwense | A native or inhabitant of Zimbabwe |
General | alguien, alguno, alma, humano, individuo, mortal, persona, ser humano, ser | A human being |
Inglés | African |
Catalán | africà, africana |
Adjetivo | africano | Of or relating to the nations of Africa or their peoples |