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Related WikiPedia: arthropod genus
English 1 sense of the expression arthropod genus:
NOUNanimalarthropod genusa genus of arthropods
Englisharthropod genus: 1 sense noun 1, animal
MeaningA genus of arthropods.
Member ofAnimalia, kingdom Animalia, animal kingdomtaxonomic kingdom comprising all living or extinct animals
NarrowerAcanthoscelides, genus AcanthoscelidesA genus of Bruchidae
Acherontia, genus Acherontiadeath's-head moth
Acheta, genus AchetaCommon house and field crickets
Actias, genus Actiasluna moths
Adalia, genus Adaliagenus of ladybugs
Adelges, genus Adelgestype genus of the Adelgidae
Aedes, genus Aedesyellow-fever mosquitos
Aleyrodes, genus Aleyrodestype genus of the Aleyrodidae
Alsophila, genus Alsophilageometrid moths
Amphibolips, genus Amphibolipscynipid gall wasps, especially causing oak-apple galls
Anabrus, genus AnabrusA genus of Tettigoniidae
Anagasta, genus Anagastamoth whose larvae are flour moths
Anasa, genus Anasasquash bugs
Andricus, genus Andricuscynipid gall wasps, chiefly affecting oaks
Anomala, genus Anomalagenus of beetles whose grubs feed mainly on roots of plants
Anopheles, genus Anophelesmalaria mosquitoes
Antheraea, genus Antheraealarge moths whose larvae produce silk of high quality
Anthidium, genus Anthidiumpotter bees
Anthonomus, genus Anthonomusweevils destructive of cultivated plants
Apatura, genus Apaturalarge Old World butterflies
Aphis, genus Aphistype genus of the Aphididae
Aphrophora, genus AphrophoraA genus of Cercopidae
Apis, genus Apistype genus of the Apidae
Aranea, genus Aranea, Araneus, genus AraneusA genus of orb-weaving spiders including common garden spiders and barn spiders
Argiope, genus ArgiopeThe type genus of Argiopidae
Argynnis, genus Argynnisfritillaries
Argyrotaenia, genus Argyrotaeniaorange tortrix
Arilus, genus ArilusA genus of Reduviidae
Armadillidium, genus Armadillidiumtype genus of the Armadillidiidae
Artemia, genus Artemia, Chirocephalus, genus Chirocephalusfairy shrimp
Aspidiotus, genus AspidiotusA genus of Diaspididae
Astacus, genus Astacustype genus of the family Astacidae
Atticus, genus Atticusatlas moth
Automeris, genus Automerisio moth
Balanus, genus Balanustype genus of the family Balanidae
Bemisia, genus Bemisiasweet-potato whitefly
Blaberus, genus Blaberusgiant cockroaches
Blatta, genus Blattatype genus of the Blattidae
Blattella, genus Blattellasmall cockroaches
Blissus, genus Blissuschinch bugs
Bombus, genus Bombusbumblebees
Bombyx, genus Bombyxtype genus of the Bombycidae
Brachinus, genus Brachinusbombardier beetles
Bruchus, genus Bruchustype genus of the Bruchidae
Cadra, genus CadraA genus of Pyralidae
Callimorpha, genus Callimorphacinnabar moths
Callinectes, genus CallinectesNew World blue crabs
Calliphora, genus Calliphoratype genus of the Calliphoridae
Cambarus, genus CambarusA genus of Astacidae
Camponotus, genus Camponotuscarpenter ants
Cancer, genus Cancertype genus of the family Cancridae
Caprella, genus Caprellaskeleton shrimp
Carpocapsa, genus Carpocapsacodling moths
Catacala, genus Catacalamoths whose larvae are cutworms
Cerapteryx, genus Cerapteryxantler moths
Ceratitis, genus CeratitisMediterranean fruit flies
Ceratopogon, genus Ceratopogontype genus of the Ceratopogonidae
Cetonia, genus CetoniaA genus of Cetoniidae
Chalcis, genus Chalcistype genus of the Chalcididae
Chelifer, genus CheliferA genus of Chelonethida
Chironomus, genus Chironomustype genus of the Chironomidae
Chorizagrotis, genus Chorizagrotismoths whose larvae are army cutworms
Cimex, genus Cimextype genus of the Cimicidae
Corixa, genus Corixatype genus of the Corixidae
Corydalus, genus Corydalus, Corydalis, genus Corydalistype genus of the Corydalidae
Crangon, genus Crangontype genus of the family Crangonidae
Cryptocercus, genus Cryptocercuscockroaches
Cryptotermes, genus Cryptotermesgenus of dry wood termites
Ctenocephalides, genus CtenocephalidesAn arthropod genus of fleas
Culex, genus Culextype genus of the Culicidae
Cuterebra, genus Cuterebratype genus of the Cuterebridae
Cyamus, genus Cyamuswhale lice
Cynips, genus Cynipstype genus of the Cynipidae
Dactylopius, genus Dactylopiustype genus of the Dactylopiidae
Danaus, genus Danaustype genus of the Danaidae
Dendroctonus, genus Dendroctonusgenus of small bark beetles destructive especially to mature conifers
Dermacentor, genus Dermacentorvectors of important diseases of man and animals
Dermatobia, genus Dermatobialarvae live under the skin of domestic mammals and humans
Dialeurodes, genus DialeurodesA genus of Aleyrodidae
Dysdercus, genus DysdercusA genus of slender long-legged bugs that feed on the developing seeds of cotton and stain it
Eacles, genus Eaclesimperial moths
Echidnophaga, genus EchidnophagaA genus of Siphonaptera
Ephestia, genus Ephestiasmall moths whose larvae spin silken tunnels and feed on stored food products
Epilachna, genus Epilachnagenus of ladybugs native to Mexico and Central America
Eriosoma, genus Eriosomawoolly aphids
Eumenes, genus Eumenesmason wasps
Euproctis, genus EuproctisA genus of Lymantriidae
Fenusa, genus-Fenusabirch leaf miner
Forficula, genus Forficulatype genus of Forficulidae
Formica, genus Formicatype genus of the Formicidae
Frankliniella, genus Frankliniellatobacco thrips
Galleria, genus GalleriaA genus of Pyralidae
Gasterophilus, genus Gasterophilustype genus of the Gasterophilidae
Gelechia, genus Gelechiatype genus of the Gelechiidae
Geophilus, genus Geophilustype genus of the Geophilidae
Gerris, genus Gerristype genus of the Gerrididae
Haematobia, genus HaematobiaEuropean genus of bloodsucking flies
Heliothis, genus HeliothisA genus of Noctuidae
Hippobosca, genus Hippoboscatype genus of the Hippoboscidae
Hippodamia, genus Hippodamiagenus of ladybugs
Homarus, genus Homarustype genus of the family Homaridae
Homona, genus Homonatea tortrix
Hyalophora, genus HyalophoraAmerican silkworm moth
Hyphantria, genus Hyphantriafall webworms
Hypoderma, genus HypodermaIn some classifications considered the type genus of the family Hypodermatidae
Inachis, genus InachisA genus of Nymphalidae
Ixodes, genus Ixodestype genus of the family Ixodidae
Kalotermes, genus Kalotermestype genus of Kalotermitidae
Lasiocampa, genus Lasiocampatype genus of the Lasiocampidae
Latrodectus, genus Latrodectusvenomous spiders
Lepas, genus Lepastype genus of the family Lepadidae
Lepisma, genus Lepismatype genus of the Lepismatidae
Leptinotarsa, genus LeptinotarsaColorado potato beetles
Leptoglossus, genus Leptoglossusleaf-footed bugs
Limenitis, genus Limenitismainly dark northern butterflies with white wing bars
Limulus, genus Limulustype genus of the family Limulidae
Liposcelis, genus LiposcelisA genus of Psocidae
Locusta, genus LocustaA genus of Acrididae
Loxostege, genus Loxostegegarden webworms
Lucilia, genus Luciliagreenbottle flies
Lycaena, genus Lycaenatype genus of the Lycaenidae
Lycosa, genus Lycosatype genus of the family Lycosidae
Lygus, genus Lygusplant-sucking bugs / bugs
Lymantria, genus Lymantriatype genus of the Lymantriidae
Macrocheira, genus Macrocheiragiant crabs of Japan
Macrodactylus, genus MacrodactylusA genus of Melolonthidae
Magicicada, genus Magicicadaseventeen-year locust
Maja, genus Maja, Maia, genus Maiatype genus of the Majidae
Malacosoma, genus Malacosomatent caterpillars
Manduca, genus Manducamoths whose larvae are tobacco hornworms or tomato hornworms
Mastigoproctus, genus Mastigoproctusgiant whip scorpions
Mastotermes, genus MastotermesPrimitive genus of termites
Mayetiola, genus MayetiolaA genus of Cecidomyidae
Megachile, genus Megachiletype genus of the Megachilidae
Melanoplus, genus MelanoplusNew World migratory locusts and common American grasshoppers
Melolontha, genus MelolonthaA genus of Melolonthidae
Melophagus, genus MelophagusAn arthropod genus of wingless flies including the sheep ked
Menippe, genus Menippestone crabs
Menopon, genus Menoponchicken lice
Microcentrum, genus Microcentrumkatydids
Monochamus, genus Monochamussawyer beetles
Monomorium, genus MonomoriumA genus of Formicidae
Musca, genus Muscatype genus of the Muscidae
Myrmecia, genus Myrmeciabulldog ants
Myrmeleon, genus Myrmeleontype genus of the Myrmeleontidae
Mysis, genus Mysistype genus of the family Mysidae
Nepa, genus Nepatype genus of the Nepidae
Nephrops, genus NephropsA genus of Nephropsidae
Noctua, genus Noctuatype genus of the Noctuidae
Notonecta, genus Notonectatype genus of the Notonectidae
Nymphalis, genus Nymphalistype genus of the Nymphalidae
Oecanthus, genus Oecanthustree crickets
Oestrus, genus Oestrustype genus of the Oestridae
Oniscus, genus Oniscustype genus of the Oniscidae
Orchestia, genus Orchestiatype genus of the family Orchestiidae
Ovalipes, genus OvalipesA genus of Portunidae
Pagurus, genus Pagurustype genus of the family Paguridae
Palaemon, genus Palaemontype genus of the family Palaemonidae
Paleacrita, genus Paleacritageometrid moths
Palinurus, genus Palinurustype genus of the family Palinuridae
Panonychus, genus PanonychusA genus of Tetranychidae
Paralithodes, genus ParalithodesA genus of Lithodidae
Pediculus, genus Pediculustype genus of Pediculidae
Peneus, genus Peneustype genus of the family Peneidae
Peripatopsis, genus Peripatopsistype genus of Peripatopsidae
Periplaneta, genus Periplanetacosmopolitan genus of large cockroaches
Phalangium, genus Phalangiumtype genus of the family Phalangiidae
Philaenus, genus PhilaenusA genus of Cercopidae
Philophylla, genus Philophyllaleaf miners
Phlebotomus, genus Phlebotomussmall bloodsucking sand flies that resemble moths
Phthirius, genus Phthirius, Phthirus, genus Phthirustrue lice
Phthorimaea, genus Phthorimaeapotato moths
Phyllium, genus Phylliumtype genus of the Phyllidae
Phylloxera, genus Phylloxeratype genus of the Phylloxeridae
Pieris, genus Pieristype genus of the Pieridae
Pineus, genus PineusA genus of Adelgidae
Pinnotheres, genus Pinnotherestype genus of the family Pinnotheridae
Planococcus, genus PlanococcusA genus of Pseudococcidae
Plicatoperipatus, genus PlicatoperipatusA genus of Peripatidae
Poecilocapsus, genus PoecilocapsusA genus of Miridae
Polistes, genus PolistesA genus of Vespidae
Polyergus, genus PolyergusAmazon ants
Polygonia, genus Polygoniacomma butterflies
Popillia, genus PopilliaA genus of Scarabaeidae
Porcellio, genus PorcellioOld World genus of isopod crustaceans
Portunus, genus Portunustype genus of the family Portunidae
Praunus, genus PraunusA genus of Mysidae
Prociphilus, genus ProciphilusA genus of Aphididae
Pseudaletia, genus Pseudaletiamoths whose larvae are armyworms / armyworms
Pseudococcus, genus Pseudococcustype genus of the Pseudococcidae
Psithyrus, genus PsithyrusA large bee that resembles the bumblebee but lacks pollen-collecting apparatus and a worker caste
Pulex, genus Pulextype genus of the Pulicidae
Pyralis, genus Pyralistype genus of the Pyralidae
Pyrausta, genus Pyraustamoths whose larvae are corn borers
Pyrophorus, genus PyrophorusTropical click beetles
Ranatra, genus Ranatraelongate very slender water scorpions
Reticulitermes, genus ReticulitermesIncludes species highly destructive to structures and living trees
Rhagoletis, genus RhagoletisA genus of Trypetidae
Rodolia, genus Rodolia, genus Vedaliagenus of Australian ladybugs
Samia, genus Samiasilkworm moths
Sarcophaga, genus Sarcophagaflesh flies
Sarcoptes, genus Sarcoptestype genus of the family Sarcoptidae
Saturnia, genus Saturniatype genus of the Saturniidae
Sceliphron, genus Sceliphronmud daubers
Scolytus, genus Scolytustype genus of the Scolytidae comprising numerous small bark beetles
Scutigera, genus ScutigeraA genus of Scutigeridae
Scutigerella, genus Scutigerellagarden centipedes
Sialis, genus Sialistype genus of the Sialidae
Simulium, genus Simuliumtype genus of the Simuliidae
Sitophylus, genus SitophylusA genus of Bruchidae
Sitotroga, genus Sitotrogagrain moths
Solenopsis, genus Solenopsisfire ants
Sphecius, genus Spheciuslarge solitary wasps
Spodoptera, genus Spodopteramoths whose larvae are armyworms / armyworms / armyworms
Spyeria, genus Spyeriafritillaries
Stenopelmatus, genus Stenopelmatussand crickets
Strymon, genus Strymonlarge and widely distributed genus of hairstreak butterflies
Tachypleus, genus TachypleusA genus of Limulidae
Termes, genus Termestype genus of the Termitidae
Thermobia, genus ThermobiaA genus of Lepismatidae
Tibicen, genus Tibicenharvest flies
Tinea, genus Tineatype genus of the Tineidae
Tineola, genus Tineolawebbing clothes moths
Trialeurodes, genus TrialeurodesA genus of Aleyrodidae
Triatoma, genus Triatomaconenoses
Tribolium, genus Triboliumflour beetles
Trichophaga, genus Trichophagacarpet moths
Triops, genus Triopstype genus of the family Triopidae
Trogium, genus TrogiumA genus of Psocidae
Trombicula, genus Trombiculatype genus of the family Trombiculidae
Tunga, genus TungaA genus of Siphonaptera
Uca, genus Ucafiddler crabs
Vanessa, genus Vanessapainted beauty and red admiral
Vespa, genus Vespatype genus of the Vespidae
Vespula, genus Vespulasometimes considered a subgenus of Vespa
Xylocopa, genus Xylocopacarpenter bees
genus AndrenaA solitary burrowing short-tongued bee
genus Architeuthisgiant squid
genus Calosomagenus of large predaceous ground beetles that feed on injurious caterpillars
genus Cicadatype genus of the Cicadidae
genus Coccustype genus of the Coccidae
genus Cyclopscopepod water fleas
genus Daphniawater fleas
genus DiapheromeraA genus of Phasmidae
genus DrosophilaA genus of Drosophilidae
genus Glossinatype genus of the Glossinidae
genus Mantistype genus of the Mantidae
genus Peripatustype genus of Peripatidae
genus Scarabaeustype genus of the Scarabaeidae
genus Sciaratype genus of the Sciaridae
genus Squillatype genus of the family Squillidae
genus Thripstype genus of the Thripidae
genus Tortrixtype genus of the Tortricidae
nomia, genus NomiaA genus of bee
Broadergenus(biology) taxonomic group containing one or more species

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