Sentit | A purging medicine; stimulates / stimulates evacuation of the bowels. |
Sinònims | catàrtic, laxant |
Específic | laxant | A mild cathartic |
llet de magnèsia | purgative consisting of a milky white liquid suspension of magnesium hydroxide |
oli de ricí | A purgative extracted from the seed of the castor-oil plant |
sals angleses, sals d'Epson, sulfat de magnèsia | (used with a singular noun) hydrated magnesium sulfate used as a laxative |
àloe | A purgative made from the leaves of aloe |
General | fàrmac, medicament, medicina | (medicine) something that treats or prevents or alleviates the symptoms of disease |
Anglès | purgative, cathartic, physic, aperient |
Espanyol | catártico, depurativo, laxante, purgante |
Adjectius | purgant, purgatiu | strongly laxative |